Link Buffet: July 9, 2008

Comments (15)


  1. Furious Pete said

    July 9, 2008 @ 10:00 am

    Pete Zerwinski? wtf? Is it that hard to add a ‘C’ to the front? Eh whatever. lol.

  2. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    July 9, 2008 @ 10:04 am

    I guess they don’t like Zanadians. 😉

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    July 9, 2008 @ 10:28 am

    I suspect, and can understand if Eater X and Pat B might have been a bit ticked off or confused that Juliet and Sonya, respectively, were inside of them, closer to the center. I can understand the logic, however, in that those two certainly deserve ample recognition in a pastime almost totally dominated by men.

    Examining the IFOCE top 50, the guys out-number the gals 25-1. These two females represent 4 % of all the eaters, but out-eat 80 % of all the eaters, and they’re the two smallest, by far. That speaks loudly and helps put their abilities in perspective.

    This marketing angle needs to be exploited in a big way. To not do so is a tremendous opportunity cost.

  4. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2008 @ 1:54 pm

    Whatever, Rhonda.

    Pat and Eater X ate enough to stand next to Joey and Kobayashi. Eaters are always arranged by their qualifiying totals. Juliet shouldn’t have even been inside of Hall or Rich or Bob. Somebody screwed things up. Hopefully it won’t happen again.

  5. Rhonda Evans said

    July 9, 2008 @ 2:13 pm

    It’s not so much what you or I want. It’s what the public wants– –what sells.

  6. Romeo said

    July 9, 2008 @ 3:08 pm

    I am here to tell everyone how amazing Juliet Lee is. It is my understanding that it was the IFOCE’s idea to put her in the very center of the front row, because they heard she ate 70 hot dogs in a practice run. Not only did she gracefully concede the center spots to Joey and Koby, she also held back as to not embarrass the top two. She holds back every contest. She is also a lock to win Rookie of the Year in 2009. She looks so young, she can’t be out of her 20s. She has it all.

  7. Mr Pink said

    July 9, 2008 @ 4:08 pm

    In this interview, Hickman clearly states that he was dunking the burgers. I thought AICE didnt allow ‘Food Drinking’? I’m confused.

  8. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2008 @ 4:10 pm

    You don’t know that it sells. Someone said that it sells and you have believed them. I think Pat has a bigger following than Juliet. I would bet my life on it. Ask Bronson Fan.

  9. Bubba said

    July 9, 2008 @ 5:15 pm

    If I was Janus, Hall or Rich I would be pissed.

  10. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2008 @ 5:26 pm

    In a contest, it’s probably the best idea to have in the center of the table in that one shot the contestants who have the best chance of excelling. I would rather watch the contenders.

  11. the boy king said

    July 9, 2008 @ 5:36 pm

    Umm… that wasn’t an AICE sanctioned contest, thusly dunking was allowed. Just b/c Ian competes in AICE events doesn’t mean all events Ian competes in are AICE events.

    Come on Mr. Pink you’re better than that.

  12. Anonymous said

    July 9, 2008 @ 6:37 pm

    They all are.

  13. PA eater said

    July 9, 2008 @ 11:20 pm

    Does anyone know how to get a list of PA contests and challenges

  14. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    July 9, 2008 @ 11:23 pm


  15. PA eater said

    July 9, 2008 @ 11:25 pm

    Does anyone know how to get a list of PA contests and challenges or where to find them

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