Link Buffet: May 12, 2008
- Beautiful Brian starts a “Bigger Bits” page
- Medical researcher Carl DeSelm wins Bar Louie’s national tater tot eating contest with 4.5 pounds in 6 minutes (video of another Bar Louie contest in which the winner ate almost 3 pounds)
- Youtube video from CBS about the Collegiate Nationals
- Ken Hoffman of the Houston Chronicle defends competitive eating in a reader mailbag
- Tampa Bay Rays Fan Fest video, include Hall Hunt’s eating contest
- $10,000 to enter pie eating contest?
- Mango eating contest in India
robert basler said
May 12, 2008 @ 1:34 pm
Hey, thanks for linking to my mango-eating blog posting. Send your readers my way anytime.
Bob Basler
The Critic said
May 12, 2008 @ 4:31 pm
Brian – how about a shorter Brian’s Bits?? This is like reading a novel…with seventeen million chapters…except much longer
I said
May 12, 2008 @ 4:44 pm
he can do whatever he wants.. it would be great if he spelled correctly and punctuated effectively but again he can do whatever he wants on HIS blog
Rhonda Evans said
May 13, 2008 @ 12:43 pm
At first I thought I read “Bigger Tits,” regarding Brian’s BB’s column. His Bits pages are almost “D-cupped” now as it is.
beautifulbrian said
May 13, 2008 @ 2:34 pm
Critic i will assume you are one of the lucky fans that purchased my cd or possibly one of the cheapskates that cries poverty which is why i more than likely gave you a complimentary copy at SC. A remote possibility might be that someone that bought it made a copy for you. Regardless i appreciate your review last week . I disagree with your opinion regarding my singing ability. For an old fart i think i can carry a tune just as good as anyone my age. As far as bigger bits. That’s just what it means.It’s for the fans that dont mind reading long and winding rants and that is exactly how it will remain. I said , please point out my spelling mistakes word for word and i will surely correct them . I believe most or all of the words were spelled correctly and you just enjoy being an pain in the ass or inadvertantly accuse me of being ignorant. I am on to your game but its cool with me. . Compared to some of the horrible grammar i have read on this site from former IFOCE members, i actually come off looking like a spelling genius.
The Critic said
May 13, 2008 @ 4:55 pm
I am always a fan of yours, BB, regardless of our differences on singing, blogging, eating, or whatever – you add flava to often wet and soggy flavaless competitions.