Link Buffet: September 3, 2008
- article about Bob Shoudt’s spaghetti chili victory. Bob does not think the Krystal record will be broken this year due to hotter weather at the finals
- Juliet Lee’s writenow page has been updated with a report on her weekend in Buffalo
- Beautiful Brian has some interviews with Buffalo Wing Festival competitors. The Brad Sciullo segment can be viewed on youtube. Video from the wing eating contest and Buffalo Buffet Bowl is also available
- Atlanta Krystal expected entrants include Pat Bertoletti, Tim “Gravy†Brown, Allen Goldstein and Eric “Steakbellie†Livingston. (Full Jacksonville results have yet to be posted)
- Ayden, NC collard eating contest Saturday. Last year’s men’s and women’s divisions were won by a mother & son pair.
Furious Pete said
September 3, 2008 @ 10:36 am
You mentally retarded Brad?
Carey said
September 3, 2008 @ 10:58 am
I spent a total of 20 hours with Pete, about a quarter of it was drinking, and even then he was still a really cool guy. I don’t see the person Brad is talking about in him. Aside from the comment about Brad’s training being dangerous, which it is, what else did Pete say about him? I think Pete mentioned beating him, but it wasn’t cocky at all.
Good analogy with the Hall of Justice. I have a better one. Brian compares the two leagues to MLB and AAA, so I would say that the IFOCE is the NY Mets, and Brad sits on the bench while Seiken is the bat boy. I would rather be in the starting lineup with the Reading Phillies.
Very interesting said
September 3, 2008 @ 12:29 pm
Carey says: Good analogy with the Hall of Justice. I have a better one. Brian compares the two leagues to MLB and AAA, so I would say that the IFOCE is the NY Mets, and Brad sits on the bench while Seiken is the bat boy. I would rather be in the starting lineup with the Reading Phillies.
Brad on the bench and Seiken as the bat boy is better than being a towel boy Carey which is the equiv of what you are
Anonymous said
September 3, 2008 @ 1:40 pm
Somebody take Brad, please!
Brad, start your own league.
radBa said
September 3, 2008 @ 2:17 pm
Who is Brad to call out anybody? He got his ass kicked at Bartolini’s, and he stunk up the joint in Buffalo too. If anything, he makes the IFOCE look bad by getting whupped by AICE.
anonymous said
September 3, 2008 @ 2:19 pm
Brad finished behind 2 amateurs in meatballs & TWENTY meatballs behind Furious Pete. Its interesting how IFOCE guys are now challenging AICE guys, instead of the other way around. $3,000. for 1st $1,500. for 2nd & $500. for 3rd may not be to Krystal levels, but it surpasses MANY IFOCE events & when you factor in sponsorship, certainly is NOT chump change.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
September 3, 2008 @ 2:47 pm
Clearly you spineless wimps are only inflaming talk about Furious Brad/Pete so that you dont have to speculate about whats going to go down in Atlanta this weekend. Gravy Brown ate my ‘Double-Double’ – Animal Style Burger when I got up to go to the bathrrom last October in a 3am post party feeding frenzy. He denied it but I’m pretty sure it was him. Seriously. or maybe Nerz.
I suspect Gravy might wimp out of the contest altogether mumbling something about a Hurricane or whatnot. If he dares show his ugly face in Atlanta, I’m giving him the worst Indian Burn you ever saw.
Thats how I roll, bitches.
Bubba said
September 3, 2008 @ 4:34 pm
It’s weird that all of these guys from out of town are coming to Atlanta and I can’t even get a seat! I guess that’s how it is. I was actually looking forward to meeting Steakbellie and Gravy but I can’t justify a trip to North Atlanta when my Kid is having a Soccer game and I’m not even in the contest. Good luck to all I’ll see you around.
Mega Munch said
September 3, 2008 @ 4:42 pm
That Sciullo video is the best CE trash talking I’ve ever seen. Period. Can’t wait to see the Furious Pete rebuttal.
I liked Seiken’s question about Arnie. It’s not leading at all!!
beautifulbrian said
September 3, 2008 @ 5:01 pm
It was Brad’s idea to do the interview regarding Pete. The other stuff about arnie i threw in for good measure because i cant stand him . I think everyone knows why and i shouldnt have to rehash on here. Brad is a good guy speaks his mind and i commend him for it. I would give Pete every opportunity to tell his side if he chose to do so but i assume he will either ignore it or put together his own youtube rebuttal without needing my services. The assholes that want to talk smack about me being a bat boy , . be my guest i could care less. I am here to entertain as the voice of the people and as a competitive eater and thats that. I dont believe in the theory of turning the other cheek because if you fail to get your two cents in, the other party will pounce on you every chance he gets.
anonymous said
September 3, 2008 @ 5:12 pm
And i thought Toro was a bad boy Brad puts him to shame!
Carey said
September 3, 2008 @ 5:45 pm
Good one,V.I. I like how you took what I said and basically said I was the same thing. Kinda like ‘I know you are but what am I’
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
September 4, 2008 @ 3:24 pm
I had hoped to finally meet/compete against you. I’m sad you wont be there, perhaps Larry or Super Paul will be there?
Sounds like a pretty tough table to compete at regardless! Maybe next year!
Money For Nothings said
September 4, 2008 @ 4:45 pm
My sources reveal that SPBBBMB will be there, along with the controversial PieGuy…so, Steakbellie, you will definetly beat someone – all eaters needing Best Dressed points need to be prepared!! My sources also reveal that SPBBBMB is contemplating ranking himself as the Best Dressed Eater – what a hoser!
Anonymous said
September 4, 2008 @ 6:52 pm
super who cares a f–k had best run if he shows his face
beautifulbrian said
September 4, 2008 @ 7:17 pm
Steakbellie will beat someone . Me. But im comin after Superpaul in atlanta and his quest for 25
Bubba said
September 4, 2008 @ 8:07 pm
Steakbellie with Pat in the House it will be tough. Just put up a huge number and a pull down the wildcard.
Anonymous said
September 4, 2008 @ 11:34 pm
Booba must be talking too much smack to be let into the competitions.
Bubba said
September 5, 2008 @ 5:33 am
Booba would probably have eaten 50.