Mark Lyle takes 10 taco challenge lead reports that Mark “The Human Vacuum” Lyle has submitted a video of himself performing their 10 soft taco challenge in 4:23, almost halving The Masked Muncher’s time of 8:05.

Comments (21)


  1. KevinRoss said

    January 11, 2007 @ 11:28 pm

    I thought he did a good job. He was really making an effort, whereas the masked eater didn’t seem to be pushing it very hard.

  2. compliant said

    January 12, 2007 @ 2:22 am

    duh, he’s the human vacuum for a reason.

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    January 12, 2007 @ 1:18 pm

    MHV did do a terrific job and raised the bar for those that follow. Mark’s definitely one of the better eaters, regardless of affiliation.

  4. beautifulbrian said

    January 12, 2007 @ 2:23 pm

    Hate to burst his bubble but the zocalo soft shell chicken taco contest in 2004 Sonya ate 48 of almost the exact same size in 11min followed by Hardy 38 Booker’s 37 Janus 33 Crazy Legs 32 and myself 31 . Even adam da bomb finished in the very high teens For the hasbeen eater that people claim to think i am . In 3 min i had around 15 of them down. i thought it was very decent number.

  5. HUMANVACUUM said (Registered November 16, 2006)

    January 12, 2007 @ 5:00 pm

    I did see that on the records page of the IFOCE website and I knew a comment was coming.

    I am going to post a video of a “wet” run. I figured her # at 4.36 per minute, so 10 tacos in less than 2:17 would make me legit correct? Let me know if my figure is wrong. Should I even knock off some time for cleaning up my mess and clearing my mouth? If so that would take it down even more. I was also running out of water (my fault entirely but never practiced so I didn’t know how much water to have on hand), so that is at least 30 seconds added to it. The way I figure it those two factors alone cost me AT LEAST a minute. So that is 3:23 MINIMUM. There is NO WAY you could post a better “Picnic Style” time than that unless you cheat somehow. 15 in 3 minutes!! PLEASE SPARE ME!!!

    I will give them a “wet” run and post it just to show everyone exactly what you DON’T know. You have absolutely NO CLUE how fast I am when I can wet the food. NO CLUE!!!!!!

    I get called a hater by you and all you do is lash out at ANYTHING non IFOCE related. STFU!!!!!! What is your problem with me other than I am an AICE member. Quit yanking my chain and stirring up shit! That is the last time I am going to ask/say it politely. Gain some maturity and quit playing the 5th grade games BB. Just keep in mind that our paths WILL cross someday and I am not the type that gets disrespected and forgets about it. I am not a hard person to get along with but I am not the guy you want to piss off. The decision is yours. We either get along (or at least tolerate each other) or we don’t.

    good eats


  6. HUMANVACUUM said (Registered November 16, 2006)

    January 12, 2007 @ 5:03 pm

    OH YEAH! Thanks for the Kudos Rhonda, Kross and compliant. I appreciate it.


  7. Mega Munch said

    January 12, 2007 @ 6:03 pm


  8. beautifulbrian said

    January 12, 2007 @ 6:53 pm

    Ive taken on guys much bigger than you in my day and i dont mean eating. You want to get it on so be it and i know you are not referring to eating which is fine with me. When you were in diapers i was throwing out so called badasses in clubs and bars who came at me with all the clint eastwood lines etc etc. You have no idea half of what ive been through so dont assume that you are going to kick my ass and ride out into the sunset. Many have told me to ignore remarks like this but this one deserves a response. I havent gotten my ass kicked in years. We can arrange whatever you want. Like i mentioned in past posts you or your leader will come after me thinking im easy pickins but you are smart enough to avoid people 6′ 6 400 plus pounds. You are very sadly mistaken if you even think that you take a swing or attempt to take a swing at me without severev retaliation. Tough guy Lyle I dont instigate fights but ive never backed down from one in my life.

  9. HUMANVACUUM said (Registered November 16, 2006)

    January 12, 2007 @ 7:05 pm

    HOLY S**T YOU SHOULD SEE WHAT I JUST DID BB!!!!!!!! I don’t feel a need to post the video publicly but I will forward it to you if you want. If I post it I feel that I will be doing nothing more than bashing you even further. That is not how I am. I will forward it to you, no more bashing and the issue of eating talent should be out of your system.

    Gjoe……Do you have his email address? Forward it to me if you would please. Thanks!

  10. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    January 12, 2007 @ 8:28 pm


    Your video of the 10 taco challenge is pretty good when you consider you barely drank any water. I figured if you were drinking more you would have been alot faster. Was there some rule prohibitting you from drinking more?
    This whole picnic style thing is Bu!!sh$%. Why guys choose to handicap themselves is beyond me. Whats next behind the back pie eating contests? The only way to eat competitively is the no holds barred get it down as fast as you can style (dunking, crushing, smashing wash it down style).It sounds like from your last posts that you can do that. Vacuum you are too talented for those guys look at them during your next contest. If you want to compete in your sport correctly move up to the big leagues. You’ll have to pay your own way there but you won’t be paid in coupons or free budlight but the competition will be real and the checks if you win place or show will be real.

  11. KevinRoss said

    January 12, 2007 @ 9:43 pm

    I for one would like to see the “wet run” video posted. Not because of the feud you guys are having, but just because it is an interesting case study to see the time difference by utilizing two different techniques. Obviously it’s up to you, but I think it would be interesting.

  12. Mills Lane said

    January 12, 2007 @ 11:09 pm

    Let’s get it on! When the jugular is severed jus keep the blood in the ring and not on me.

  13. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    January 12, 2007 @ 11:30 pm


    You are awesome! Don’t worry about the haters. Can’t wait for your website to be up again.
    Hey, how did Ohio State do in the championship game?

    Later Gator!

  14. HUMANVACUUM said (Registered November 16, 2006)

    January 13, 2007 @ 3:44 am

    Hey all. Sorry for all of the chaos! I don’t want to be misunderstood out here. I don’t know where or how Brian ever thought I was threatening to fight him. If my comment about us crossing paths was interpreted that way then I was misunderstood. I was just informing him that I didn’t plan on being “nicey nice” when I met him. In a previous post it was eluded to that AICE guys talk smack on here but are then nice in person. If it escalates to more it will be on his end.

    I have no grievance with anyone/thing on this site except for the AICE bashing. I WILL stick up for my people. No exceptions, but understand my tone isn’t nearly as bad as it may seem. I am not standing on my chair screaming and yelling about ANYTHING. I made good comments about the Rocky Bologna thing because I honestly feel it is a funny concept. I had let all previous commentary between us go and then he starts everything again by posting the comment about my taco time. Am I the bad guy if all I am doing is defending myself? Isn’t that called self defense if someone attacks you and you beat them down? I will not allow myself to argue with him any longer.

    Brian has a lengthy email in his inbox that I hope he reads completely. The email explains my side of how I interpret what he says and how I feel about the retarded shit going on between the two of us. He has no reason to shut down his website. I have NO clue what he thinks I will do to his site. I have been to his sight a couple of times and think it is good for CE. The only complaint I have is my eyes start crossing after a while and I feel like I am going to have a siezure reading bitsandpieces. I am not programmed for vengence like that anyhow. The “wet” run video will only be forwarded or uploaded if that is what Brian wants. He bashed me about my time and I wanted to prove a point. As far as I am concerned that is between he and I.

    Yeates……that was funny. I mean it IS! It hurts to hear but the “later gator” made me lol. That is what happens when ego gets the better of someone. I was pretty disappointed in the lack of game plan on Coach Tressel’s part. BTW humble pie tastes REALLY REALLY bad and burns coming out. lol

    Bubba…..I would rather stuff the food in any way I can vs picnic style. That is the AICE sell point. Not everyone out there wants to see food being dunked and water flying every where. Believe me when I compete outside of AICE I do whatever the rules will allow. I didn’t do it for the video because the masked muncher didn’t and his was the best time. I wanted to eat them the way he did to make it an even playing field. Can you imagine the bashing I would have gotten for beating him by dunking them? I don’t think I could have taken THAT much abuse.


  15. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    January 13, 2007 @ 9:41 am

    You should post the video on You tube. Food that easily falls apart like taco’s don’t lend themselves to being dunked but drinking extra water would be a good idea. I may try 10 Taco’s and post the video on you tube. Were these Taco Bell soft Tacos? I don’t want to have any part in the video competition but this whole thing of speed eating tacos is something I like.

  16. Luther said

    January 13, 2007 @ 11:40 am

    Mark you have nothing to be sorry about in my opinion, as disrepected as my opinion may be on eatfeats. You merely talked about your feat with tacos and brian has to slam it. Thats just wrong. It shouldnt be like that. I honestly think Brian loves cmpetitive eating and does a lot for it. But he wants attention. Thats why he took his site down.

  17. Anonymous said

    January 13, 2007 @ 10:43 pm

    the vacuum just messaged me on utube and said his “wet” taco run will be up soon. he said he cut the time by more than half. i cant wait to see it. i tried to see it but it isnt there yet.

  18. HUMANVACUUM said (Registered November 16, 2006)

    January 13, 2007 @ 11:06 pm

    To anyone that is interested,

    The “wet” taco video is ready for viewing. Here is the link:

    My time is twice as good as the original dry run.

    good eats!


  19. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    January 14, 2007 @ 12:28 am

    Amazing! The music made the video even better. Great job! Just kidding about Ohio State. Out here in Arizona, we root for Ohio State since they are here in bowl games frequently. I just want everyone to get along. CE is about fun. Cheers!

  20. Luther said

    January 14, 2007 @ 4:20 am

    Well Wet Vac, you should aspire to the big leagues. Surely, you can defeat a girl like little sonya thomas. If you can’t , don;t try because that would be degrading.

  21. Anonymous said

    January 15, 2007 @ 12:15 am

    big leagues? looks like he showed aice does have eaters that are good. it would be fun to see him and her eat. she eats alot. i dont think he can eat that much but maybe he can.

  22. Alejandro said (Comment pending approval)

    March 11, 2021 @ 2:32 pm

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