Memphis Krystal qualifier: Eater X 53, Locust 51

Mid South Fair, Memphis TN

1st Tim Janus, 53
2nd Rich LeFevre, 51
3rd Seaver Miller, 41
4th Arturo Rios, 36

The current wildcards with two contests left are Rich, Seaver, Arturo and Crazy Legs.

The webcam quality was by far the best I have seen. Good job to the Krystal people improving its quality.

updated 10/2 Full results are available

The liveblog follows the jump

4:01 The introductions have started.

4:13 The camera is tightly focused on the center. I can see Arturo Rios, Seaver Miller, Rich LeFevre and Tim Janus.

4:22 The contest starts

4:23 1 minute mark Tim 10, Rich 9

4:24 2 minute mark Tim 19, Rich 17 Seaver & Arturo are keeping pace

4:25 3 minute Tim 28, Rich 23

4:26 halfway Tim 33,RIch 29, Rios might be in 2nd or 3rd place

4:27 5 minutes Tim 39, Rich 35

4:28 6 minutes Tim 44, Rich 40

4:29 7 minutes Tim 48, Rich 45

4:30 preliminary final Tim 53, Rich 51. There is a 1 minute chewing period

4:32 final top 4

1st Tim Janus, 53
2nd Rich LeFevre, 51
3rd Seaver Miller, 41
4th Arturo Rios, 36

Comments (2)


  1. Brazen said (Registered August 3, 2006)

    October 1, 2006 @ 4:34 pm

    A fantastic competition and great webcam coverage. Many congratulations to Tim, a very close competition by Rich and top work by Seaver and Arturo. Well done all round chaps!

  2. Liz said

    October 2, 2006 @ 3:36 pm

    Such tight competitions! You guys are really delivering edge-of-your-seat entertainment.

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