MLE moneywinners in 2013

A listing of people who won money in a MLE contest in 2013 according to the database follows:

$52,000 Joey “Jaws” Chestnut
$22,150 Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas
$18,400 Matt “Megatoad” Stonie
$16,750 Miki Sudo
$10,550 Tim “Eater X” Janus
$9,550 “Notorious” Bob Shoudt
$7,350 Adrian “The Rabbit” Morgan
$7,200 Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco
$5,950 “The Lovely” Juliet Lee
$2,000 Pat “Deep Dish” Bertoletti

$1,950 Crazy Legs Conti
$1,950 Erik “The Red” Denmark
$1,750 Meredith Boxberger
$1,700 Juan “more bite” Rodriguez
$1,525 Yasir Salem
$1,200 Jon Bello
$1,000 Larell Marie “The Real Deal” Mele
$850 Jeff “The Beast Man” Butler
$750 “Nasty” Nathan Biller
$725 Eric “Badlands” Booker
$725 Steve Hendry
$600 Brian “Dud Light” Dudzinski
$575 Marcos “The Monster” Owens
$500 Aaron “A-Train” Osthoff
$400 “Buffalo” Jim Reeves
$375 Sean “Flash” Gordon
$300 Josh Miller
$300 Alex “Moose” Perez
$300 Mark “the muncher” Williams
$300 Neil Sebree
$250 Ronnie “MegaByte” Hartman
$250 Andrew “The Bear” Kogutkiewicz
$200 Tony “Bam Bam” Martinez
$200 Damien Boykin
$200 Matthew Raible
$200 Brett Campbell
$200 Micah “Wing Kong” Collins
$200 “Big” Brian Subich
$200 William “Wild Bill” Myers
$200 corey fanguy
$150 Joe Noto
$150 Scott Thomas
$125 Pablo Martinez
$100 Bill Weller
$100 Rich “The Locust” LeFevre
$100 Matt Schuermann
$100 Jesse Kankula
$100 Mike Sylvester
$100 Michael Jenkins
$50 Bryan “Big Sexy” Beard
Val Bromann
Terri Reeves
Chiun “Jimmy” Peng
Greg Clement
Joe Smith-Cunnien
Steve “Pi Guy” Martin
Andrew Kim
Mia “Meatballz” Davekos
Tracy Goode
Pete Twiraga
Don Brown
Wade Pack
Matt S.
Carol Jones
Dennis Briantico
Lisa Murray
Jerry Fowler
Thom Beck
Melissa Vojtko
Ray Hernandez
Shanae White
Ben Do
Elizabeth “Maggie Kill’N Brawl” Vinson
Roland Alvarado
Tim Ryan
Kevin Sekulic
Tommy DeVito
Jimmy Doran
Jenny Bello
Nick Holeman
Benjamin Heritage
Craig “The Doctor” Evans
Juan “Cracker” Angel
Clint G
Dillon Elkind
Samuel Block
Christos Kyriasiz
Jessica Lawrence
Sam Brummer
Richard Widley
Sean “Wrecking Ball” Brockert
Tom “Goose” Gilbert
Dax “theGinger” Swanson
Tim “The Shark” Cope
Eric Hucke
Neslie Ricasa
Ted Mirgliotta
Dave Senst
Don Potts
Kevin “LA Beast” Strahle
Ryan Shams
Chris Kyriasis
Joao Paulo
Chris Erskine
Mike S.
Warren McFarland
“Raiders Fan”
Courtney Taylor
John “Ticket Wizard”
Stuart Angus
Drake Nelson
Tony Chacon
Phil “The Eater” Nagengast
“The Hangman” Bruce Pobanz
Matt Rowell
“Birthday girl”
Marco “Mongo” Marquez
Jeff Munson
Jacob Halicek
Basil Elamir
Mike Landrich
Matt Raley
Richard “Just Do It” Pruitt
“Beautiful” Brian Seiken
Mike Katz
Aida Martinez
Matthew Brady
Steve Meyers
Dan Mangiapane
Chrysilla Dimitrou
Robert Palmer
Victor Muallen
RJ “The Ralph” Frasca
Jesse O’Con
Andrew “Chicago Style” Skweres
Jennifer “The Wiener Slayer” Grabner
Christina Ginn
Taylor Coombs
Adam Friedrick
Rikki Olsen
Henry Victoria
Kendrick Stewart
Michael Stephenson
Nicole Anderson
Nana Takei
Megan Hartman
Aaron Fenster
Dee “Princess Pi-Anna” Martin
Jason Cook
Mark King
Laura Riehman
Molly Schuyler
Sean Mulcahey
Robert Mulhausen
Anthony Melchiorri
John Harding
Bill W.
Pete “PrettyBoy” Davekos
Bill Weil
Mark P
Craig “The Keg” Reed
Kyle Jamison
Prudence DiBenedetto
Lee Hantzsche
Tom “The Intern”
Mark Poland
Andrew Kossuth
“Rake & Herald”
Dierdre “Fractious Phoebe” Schofield
Mary “I Love ’em HOT!” Bowers
Ken K
Nick “The Recycler” Johnson
Tim “Obi-Wing-Kenobi” Cain
Jordan Rothman
Suzie “Firecracker”
Camisha Thomas
Jay Trautwein
David Sobleman
Brett Bernstein
Jessica Kopsic
Paul “BoneBreaker” Barlow, Jr.
Jeff Stark
Mitch Gillen
Forrest Askew
Ken “A.D.H.D” Douglas
Moose Haislop

Comments (2)


  1. anonymous said

    December 23, 2013 @ 12:38 pm

    Miki Sudo money earnings would have been much higher if she competed a full year. She made her MLE debut in April. Add 10g to her total because everyone knows she would have won Nathans

  2. Anonymous said

    December 23, 2013 @ 1:12 pm

    I’m one of everyone who is not convinced.

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