More 2011 poll choices: rookies & eating challengers
Lists of the current choices for the end of year polls for rookies and eating challengers are available after the jump. Please suggest others you think should be added in the contests.
Male eating challenger of 2011
“Furious” Pete Czerwinski
Eric “Silo” Dahl
Johnnie Excel
Naader Reda
Randy Santel
Matt Stonie
Female eating challenger of 2011
Meredith Boxberger
Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco
Aubrey Koehn
Stephanie Torres
Male rookie of 2011
Eric “Silo” Dahl
Ben Do
Andrew “The Bear” Kogutkiewicz
Kevin “LA Beast”
Clay Lutrell
Marcos Owens
Juan Rodriguez
Female Rookie of 2011
Mary Bowers, only woman in West Coast Hot Dog Eating Championship
Meredith Boxberger
Miranda Cardona (defeated Randy Harrison in a burrito eating contest)
Helen Tan, top female amateur in CP biggest eater
People cannot be in the rookie of the year poll more than once. The are no clear rules for eligibility besides that. The 2010 rookie choices:
Male Rookie of 2010
David Brunelli
Scott Bickel
Sean Brockert
Johnnie Excel
Gary Klucken
Andrew Kossuth
Mike Longo
Adrian Morgan
Aaron Osthof
Randy Santel
Matt Stonie
Female Rookie of 2010
Jessica “Queen of Cuisineâ€
Michele “Cardboard Shellâ€
Larell Marie Mele
Besty “Femme EatAll†Soderlund
Maria “The Incredible Sulkâ€
Dena Sutton
Stephanie Torres
Stephanie Wu
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 30, 2011 @ 1:18 pm
For Male Rookie of 2011, what about Ng Chin Sheng, who won the men’s division for Singapore locals during the VP Biggest Eater finals in Oct (
I’m not sure if he is considered a rookie or not, but this is the first time I’ve seen his name.
Naader Reda said
December 30, 2011 @ 1:25 pm
I’m curious if there are enough pair-candidates to offer a team of the year choice. I realize that outside of team pizza challenges, there really aren’t too many team events in CE. That could be a direction for growth of the game in 2012.
tiger wings said (Registered March 15, 2010)
December 30, 2011 @ 2:31 pm
I know I have been in 2 team contest myself . Sounds like another category .
juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)
December 30, 2011 @ 2:35 pm
That would be a great idea for CE
juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)
December 30, 2011 @ 2:51 pm
When will voting open for remaining categories
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
December 30, 2011 @ 4:20 pm
I hope my anti Seiken comments keep me from a nomination.
Anonymous said
December 30, 2011 @ 6:18 pm
Nah, you wouldn’t have been considered anyway.
Naader Reda said
December 30, 2011 @ 7:13 pm
I’ve done three team pizza challenges successfully with Matt Cohen in 2011. I’d like to work toward establishing more varied challenges/contests that involve teams or relay elements.
Matt participated in the Vermonster eating contest in San Diego that WAS a team event, but because of the date and time couldn’t find partners and he ended up participating alone. Cohen still beat out 2 four-man teams singe handedly and finished in 2nd place. LOL.
Matt Cohen said (Registered April 12, 2010)
December 31, 2011 @ 2:40 pm
I would like to nominate my self as a candidate in the “challengers” category. I know the others listed in this category are far more skilled than me, although I dont do very much self promotion I’am a very active CE. In 2011 I’ve done 26 other challenges besides team challenges. I didn’t finish them all the first time 1even took me 4 tries before I completed it! The first challenge I ever did was the broken yolks “iron man omelette” (november 2010) I have yet to finish it but I will be giving it my 3 try here in a couple weeks! MY NAME IS MATT”SWEET TOOTH” COHEN and I AM A COMPETITVE EATER!!! bring it 2012!! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL…..
Christine Kitchenmaster said
January 16, 2012 @ 12:26 am
Dear All,
Thank You, I would like to be considered a candidate for the Rookie of the Year, 2011, in the Women’s catagory,. There are several beautiful women, and many great feats ahead . . . . I am a indeed a newcomer, yet have been a long-time admirer of the sport and have long dreamed of joining you one day. That day come last year, when I officially met up with the beautiful Stephanie Torres, Adrian Morgan, Rich “The Locust” LeFevre, Sean Gordon, his dad, and many others. Since then, I have had the am privilege to have eaten along side, and with, Matt Stonie, Wells, Conti, and Brian the “Big Sexy” Beard, who generously coached me from his plate, and met the great Cardbpard Shell and Sonya Thomas !!!
I am the Rookie of the Rookiest !!! Looking forward to this year, and You are all AWESOME !!! Go Big Eaters !!! . . .
Best to You,