More Gal Sone / Gyaruru videos
Gal Sone vs. Saori Nakayama in a recent Wednesday morning contest: Part 1, Part 2
Gyaruru appearance on “Music Fighter”: Performance, Interview Part 1, Interview Part 2
Amimi’s (Gyaruru member with glasses) dance lesson videos for the “Boom Boom Meccha Maccho” dance (7 parts)
Mega Munch said
July 12, 2007 @ 7:17 am
For the record, Carey secretly likes these videos (a little too much). He was using reverse psychology on you when he said he didn’t.
carey poehlmann said
July 12, 2007 @ 10:44 am
I am having trouble understanding how to get from the second to the third step in the second video. Please help, anyone?