Juliet wins Nashville qualifier after 3 way OT

The Krystal Square Off twitter reports that Juliet Lee won the Nashville qualifier after a 10 burger was held between her, Badlands Booker and Juris Shibayama. The official amount eaten in regulation time has not been posted yet.

IFOCE.com reports
that there was a lot of controversy over the results and possible new rules might be implemented:

Juliet Lee maintained a five second dunk throughout regulation but pre-chewed so aggressively the judges had difficulty determining her final count. Many fans and eaters alike questioned the outcome. Judges determined that the eat off should occur.

Major League Eating has announced it will hold an an impromptu conference call this evening to consider the adoption of a new rule to eliminate confusion in future contests.

update The official amount in regulation time is 51 burgers, which puts Juris Shibayama and Badlands Booker in the top 3 wild card positions.

update #2 BeautifulBrian.com has a contest report with full results
DNJ.com has a contest report

Comments (124)


  1. Jim Reeves said

    September 13, 2008 @ 5:50 pm

    How about this for a new rule: “If we see more than one bun in your cup or on your plate at the end of the contest, you’re disqualified. We can’t have our sponsors represented by people who are obviously trying to cheat the system.”

  2. Tonto said

    September 13, 2008 @ 5:51 pm

    Wait, so we know she won, but don’t know how many she ate? That makes no sense.

  3. Dr. Bigtime said

    September 13, 2008 @ 6:07 pm

    Read the twitter. Juris’s unofficial count is 55 in 8 minutes. That is what I got. Nasty Nate was next to me, and he can confirm. 55 was my goal, and however they want to score it, that’s what I got. I guess I’m going to Memphis.

  4. ridiculous said

    September 13, 2008 @ 6:39 pm

    This is total bullshit . Demand a recount. Bigtime won fair and square. Did you see how much fu– debris was on juliet lee plate? Jim Reeves gets screwed over because sponsors do not know how to deduct the proper debris. The hell with this shit ok

  5. Claire, a Krystal fan said

    September 13, 2008 @ 6:45 pm

    The world would be a better place if every human were more honest, not only with others, but with themselves as well. It all begins somewhere, why not with Krystal Burgers and competitive eating.

  6. The-Hungman said

    September 13, 2008 @ 6:55 pm

    Controversy, no way. If you do not want controversy you should of accepted the Hangman’s name for Nashville. He is the best and DO NOT FORGET IT. Just ask him. He never loses and never misses the correct number. Remember BOTB


  7. The-Hungman said

    September 13, 2008 @ 7:01 pm

    I’m confused. Wild Bill was there and there was still confusion. Gimme a break.

    I say again. If the Hangman was there, there would be no confusion. As a wrestler he learned to count to 3


  8. Bronson Fan said

    September 13, 2008 @ 8:46 pm

    Juliet is still HOT!!!!

  9. I call Bull Crap! said

    September 13, 2008 @ 9:28 pm

    A pal of mine sent me some pictures showing the crazy amount of debris on The “Cheatin” Juliet’s plate table and all around. Dr. Bigtime got screwed royal. I wish people wouldn’t put up with this crap from her. It’s like in Myrtle beach were she was pouring stuff on her and only eating 50% of her food. I hope you can live with yourself cheater.

  10. beautifulbrian said

    September 13, 2008 @ 9:34 pm

    Jim Reeves is the most honest CE in the sport today . If he has a gripe you know its a damn good one. I agree with him . If you cant eat clean you deserve a DQ or dont bother sitting at the table in the first place . I can just imagine how many eaters were declared victorious over the years when they certainly didnt deserve it

  11. Mercy o mercy said

    September 14, 2008 @ 12:47 am

    More IFOCE cheating? Not good for the sport at all. The lovely Juliet Lee is sobbing uncontrollably as we post

  12. Mercy o mercy said

    September 14, 2008 @ 12:47 am

    More IFOCE cheating? Not good for the sport at all. The lovely Juliet Lee is sobbing uncontrollably as we post

  13. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    September 14, 2008 @ 6:30 am

    Like nobody saw something like this coming? Debris seems to be a common issue at events…
    What is “pre-chewed so aggressively”?

  14. referee said

    September 14, 2008 @ 6:57 am

    Flag on the play. Call under review.

    Video and photos from Jacksonville show soggy half eaten buns oozing from between Sonyas fingers. Piles of debris on table, floor and all 3 trays. Total deductions -0-

    Nashville. Piles of similar debris surround Juliet. She claims 80. After massive deductions. Shes awarded 51

    Pigs at the zoo are not this messy.

    Look at the video from Myrtle Beach in April. Badlands gets shafted again.

    Whats next? Super Paul and Hangman claiming 51? Maybe combined. Could be these two senior league cohorts thought someone asked their age?

  15. anonymous said

    September 14, 2008 @ 6:37 pm

    http://www.ifoce.com/news.php?action=detail&sn=630 I am sure with this new rule Juliet will have to join boones new league. This rule does not apply to crazy legs for even if they warn him he will never get DQ’d

  16. SuperPaul said

    September 14, 2008 @ 9:38 pm

    Actually, even without debris, I’m still age 52….I just look 51

  17. Anonymous said

    September 14, 2008 @ 9:48 pm

    MLE is blind to those who are pretty or can be a good prom item for them .Many a good eater has lost many contests to blind debree. Judges are friends of some eaters and also will turn the blind eye..

  18. anonymous fan said

    September 14, 2008 @ 11:53 pm

    I love Dr. Ego, but 55? Come on. More like 49 after his zamboni-like clean up of detritus.

  19. Rhonda Evans said

    September 15, 2008 @ 8:12 am

    I don’t watch all the eaters, all the time, nor do I see the ones I watch very often. But based on what I have seen since Krystal contests first started, unless the IFOCE takes specific, concrete, steps to curb things, it won’t be long before eaters start claiming they ate / start getting credit for “eating” 150 Krystals. I believe there are some eaters out there of varying talent levels who will not only push the rule envelope, they will go beyond until that behaviour is corrected.

    I said it before but I’ll reiterate. That 5-second rule made things worse. It gave eaters ideas, like, “Hey, I can drown this thing in water for 5 seconds, as opposed to just getting it wet and pulling it out!” “Damn! I’m all over it!” Also, since there’s no rule stipulating the temperature of the water/liquid you drown the burger in, I strongly suspect that the innovative eaters use water as hot as they can stand it. What comes out of that is, like Brian said, “mush! It’s like soup with bits and pieces of bread and burger. Then you have to cup your hands to eat the mush, so that at least a small portion goes into the mouth—-a small portion, like a third of what you started with.

    I don’t mean to pick on Juliet; everyone knows I’m very fond of her and she is very talented, but she represents what I’m talking about. Assuming that what Brian wrote about her claiming that she ate 80, I believe she did “go through” 80 Krystals. In reality, I suspect a bit more than half of those 80 actually went in her stomach. The rest likely either remained in the cup or fell on the table or on the ground between the time they left the boxes and finally arrived in her mouth. This is an example of how many eaters use the rules to get the most bang for their buck. It’s not the eaters’ fault, for the most part, it’s the rules that is the problem.

    What ever happened to eating a real, whole, complete Krystal burger? I vividly remember watching the first Krystal competition that Koby won with 69 Krystals. Though that number pales in comparison to the numbers the best eaters get credit for today, Koby ate 69 Krystal Burgers. I vividly remember examining his strategy, whereby he would quickly dunk the burger in water, just to wet it, and then immediately pull it out. He would then spin the burger in a circle as he took little quick bites before downing it. The point is that what was in his fingers as he ate was a Krystal Burger—-not mush that he had to cup his hands to hold.

    Sorry to be so long-winded, but this needed to be said.

  20. picnic rules said

    September 15, 2008 @ 9:34 am

    pick me

  21. beautifulbrian said

    September 15, 2008 @ 11:21 am

    You hear all kinds of advice when it comes to dunking. Some will tell you to wet the bun just enough to make the burger or dog moist enough to go down. Others will tell you to drain the liquid from the bun before you eat it. Who has time to think about this when you are racing against the clock? Dunking is essential and plays a huge part in increasing your totals but some take advantage of the liquid to an extent where it becomes more of a liability than an asset. When i competed in atlanta i tried to develop a rhythm of dunking and consuming the burger with one hand while the other hand has a dunked burger ready to repeat the process. It speeds up the pace but it makes it hard to control the amount of debris that enters the cup. The best dunking method in my opinion is the Krachie method of holding the cup in front of your face while dunking once or twice at a rapid pace. In the long run it all comes down to capacity similar to the song i recorded.It’s all about getting it down before your mind says thats enough! Juliet has the capacity so there is no need for her to try to rush things which makes a big mess and confuses the judges. Juliet was fortunate enough to consume a massive amount of burgers before she accumulated the “mush” . That is usually the case in most of her contests. I should be that lucky. When she learns to master that skill it will help her immensely.

  22. I said

    September 15, 2008 @ 11:36 am

    What does this mean: “pre-chewed so aggressively”

  23. The Nicknamer said

    September 15, 2008 @ 11:50 am

    Rhonda, You’re not allowed to talk. OJ, please publish this comment. It needs to be said.

    The problem isn’t the rules. The problem is Juliet. She has done this kind of thing over and over again, and with every contest, her lack of integrity increases. She was a slob at Broadway at the Beach, spilling half of her slushies down her shirt, and then raising her arms triumphantly, which had the effect of stopping the contest and confusing the judges to the point that she was declared the winner. The upshot: JULIET STOLE MONEY FROM BOOKER, WHO ATE CLEANLY AND FINISHED HIS MEAL SHORTLY THEREAFTER. (Is $500 “grand theft?” I think it is, in most locales usually. Congratulation, Felon!)

    In CT, at ribs, she left piles of meat in her cups and on the floor, failed to clear her mouth for over FIVE minutes, and continued to spit some of what was in her mouth into her cups so that it was neither eaten nor counted against her. The 2 giant pieces of meat (not a collection of miniscule splinters) at the feet that she refused to pick up were substantial enough that when weighed later, they represented more than the difference between her total and Booker’s total. So in effect, JULIET STOLE MONEY FROM BOOKER FOR THE SECOND TIME IN AS MANY CONTESTS.

    In Buffalo, Juliet did it again. In the Buffet Bowl, while Booker cleaned his wings to the bone (because Booker abides by the spirit of a first-to-finish contest: that one must actually finish his/her food), Juliet weakly removed a bite of meat from each one, dramatically threw the half-eaten bones back in her tray, and then raised her arms triumphantly, as she’d done at Broadway at the Beach, effectively confusing the referee and STEALING SECOND PLACE (AND $500) FROM BOOKER FOR THE THIRD TIME IN AS MANY CONTESTS. (Congratulations, Felon! That’s a second charge of grand theft. Remember: three strikes and you’re out in a lot of states.)

    And now we have Nashville, where, according every ranked eater present, Juliet set new standards for sloppiness and cheating, and in effect STOLE THE CONTEST FROM DR. BIGTIME AND BOOKER, the fourth time in as many contests that she has stolen a contest from another eater. (Juliet, should either Booker or Bigtime fail to make the table, where the value of a trip to the finals and last place prize exceed $500, you will have committed grand theft a third time and established yourself as a career criminal.)

    JULIET IS THE PROBLEM. THE IFOCE NEEDS TO DQ her or penalize her so harshly that she’s scared to leave a mess until she learns to eat with integrity and to stop stealing money and placements from other eaters.

    JULIET, STOP STEALING. You are a disgrace!

  24. The_Hungman said

    September 15, 2008 @ 11:51 am

    The REAL Hungman and his pet hamster Hungster are here so disregard the imposter of earlier.

    What we need to do is all take a look at the great Hangman and his “often imitated but never duplicated” technique of professional eating. This guy through the years has done more practice rounds of food then body slams and double suplexes. There will be a video out eventually for all to buy and with it comes a beautifully handcrafted replica Hangman belt complete with signature. As an added bonus for one of the first 50 buyers, you will receive an IFOCE sanctioned CE calculator/stat organizer with a picture of the Hangman on it. Now you too will be able to count CE stats just like Bruce.


  25. The Nicknamer said

    September 15, 2008 @ 11:57 am

    And let’s not forget what everyone knows about Juliet from the time she began her career at Three Brothers Pizza. She wouldn’t even follow the rules there. She hasn’t followed them in three attempts at that contest. Every year, she leaves two inches of good pizza (with the sauce and cheese) attached to the one-inch crust. Because the area of a circle increases exponentially the farther one travels from the center, she isn’t even eating half of a slice of pizza.

  26. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 15, 2008 @ 12:12 pm

    There needs to be a strong revision to the rules. All of the eaters have a natural style, some are clean, some are messy. Dunking can multiply this problem as it makes a mush of the food in the case of a krystal and of the bun in a hotdog.

    Having the eaters wait till the end to clean debris winds up leaving too many decisions for the judges. With one minute left some of the eaters are scrambling to avoid deductions and some are trying to stuff a few fresh ones in and hope for the best as far as deductions.

    Lets look at how this problem was addressed at pizza. Eaters were allowed to leave as much crust or debris as they wanted, but if they wanted to move to a second pie, they had to go back and clean every crumb from the first pie.

    We could apply that to Krystals, eat as fast and messy as you need to, but you are expected to eat EVERYTHING on that tray before you get a second or third or fourth tray.

    Also I think that as soon as a contest is over, Eaters MUST step 2 feet back from the table and leave ALL cups out for inspection. They can have waterbottles to drink until the judge ceritifies their eating area. Far too many people are leaving tons of debris in cups and I’m sick of losing ground to those people. Too many people are spitting into their cups. Too many people are purposely dropping food in them. Too much debris is on the floor.

    I ate a clean 35 with no debris in Atlanta. It would have been VERY EASY for me to ‘eat’ 10 more if I had allowed myself to stretch the rules.

    As far as the IFOCE’s ‘Yellow Card’ idea, The Krystal Qualifiers are probably the only contest that is adequitely staffed to pull this off. Often times the MC is also the judge at the end.

    As eaters we need to take alittle more pride in what we do and actually eat what we say we eat. As great as the IFOCE is at promoting and running a safe contest they need to step up their Post-Contest Game. Certifying & Inspecting each area, Recording & Reporting every result.

  27. The Nicknamer said

    September 15, 2008 @ 12:22 pm


    They need to severely punish the offenders of existing rules. If the harshness of the penalty far and way exceeds the reward of getting away with the offense, someone like Juliet will clean up her act and eat the way a normal competitor does. The problem is that she gets away with it time and time again, and then is emboldened to try to get away with more. And she gets away with it!

    At the Nashville qualifier, she should have been DQed and felt the sting of wasting her money on the losing effort. Instead, to keep her happy, she was given a chance to compete in an overtime, where once again she cheated, smeared 1/3 of the food on her face, dropped 1/3 of the food on the ground, and put 1/3 of the food in her mouth.

    It’s unfortunate, too, that because Juliet is so sloppy, other eaters who make smaller messes but deserve to be penalized (Hi, Bob!) are given too much credit for their sloppy efforts.

  28. GOOD POINT said

    September 15, 2008 @ 12:29 pm

    As eaters we need to take alittle more pride in what we do and actually eat what we say we eat. As great as the IFOCE is at promoting and running a safe contest they need to step up their Post-Contest Game. Certifying & Inspecting each area, Recording & Reporting every result.


  29. I said

    September 15, 2008 @ 12:49 pm

    great ideas steakbellie but i do not think the ifoce will do it. they have their thing so i think they do not care what happens regarding all that. i think it will take the eaters – ALL together – doing something and the ifoce would hop aboard but they have no reason to change anything about the counting/judging/penalizing as long as they get theirs. if joey thru cagle took a stand that would probably mean something to them but if pat,tim,rich,erik,russ,seiken,shawn (meaning just some eaters) do something the ifoce could care less.

  30. ? said

    September 15, 2008 @ 1:16 pm

    Juliet’s only learning from the rest of you. She just cheats better.

  31. disgusted said

    September 15, 2008 @ 2:45 pm

    Nicknamer, maybe Booker can speak for himself when it comes down to whether juliet stole money from him. He did not make waves in bway on the beach but i can honestly say that he is a fool if he lets this shit go by. I read on BB site that he declined a ride back to the airport from Juliet. Hell i would have done the same thing and told her a few things also. Why the hell should he ride back with someone that just cheated him out of a victory. What a spoiled brat ! I get sick thinking about it

  32. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 15, 2008 @ 6:05 pm

    In addition to the yellow card, why not weigh debris, like in Wings? Make eaters eat over a tray that would catch the debris. Additionally, limit the number of cups of liquid an eater can use. Any water spilled in the tray, or water-logged food would weigh a lot and the deductions would reflect it appropriately.

  33. Anonymous said

    September 15, 2008 @ 6:52 pm

    The ifoce should limit water or any liquid to only two cups.I was screwed by an eater in the hot dog qualifier. He had six cups and proceded to drop half his bun in the cups.In the last 30 seconds he drank at least 15 buns.THE JUDGES SAW NOTHING, HE IS A RANKED EATER. What the ifoce should do is get non qualifying eaters or retired eaters to judge the contests.Lets just say one eater has his own judge at most of the finals

  34. Ralphie Wilson said

    September 15, 2008 @ 8:08 pm

    Luckey for Juliet “Grand Theft” Lee most of the time the people she is cheating are to nice like Hall or Badlands to say anything. I think Conti, Sonya, Subich, Rich and Bob are pretty messy but nothing like Juliet Lee. I hope she feels terrible I talked to some of those people there and they said Badlands was clean as a whistle Juris had a little bit. An observers exact words were it looked like she chewed up 35 hamburgers and spit on the floor on the table in her cups every freaking where. The bad part was she acted all pissy like she had won out right.

  35. Rhonda Evans said

    September 16, 2008 @ 8:17 am

    Nicknamer, apparently you’re not allowed to THINK. When you get a toothache do you always go for the Oragel, the quick, temporary fix, instead of opting for the root canal to ameliorate the ailment long term?

    The eating practices of eaters who appear to “cheat” are symptoms of a set of laissez-faire rules that are applied differently at every event. You don’t even have to be an eater to see that.

    You vehemently single out one eater as being the problem. That’s not only false, but irresponsible, mean-spirited, and shallow in thinking. I submit to you that even though Juliet is the most noticed “messy” eater, there is not one eater who has not broken rules (whatever they really are) several times over. Some are more consistent and ostentatious in it.

    Take away Juliet, and other messy eaters will emerge, or the already messy ones will get messier, because they want to see what they can get away with. And until rules that are given lip service are applied and consistently enforced the same way from contest-to-contest, the number of eaters who eat unfairly or inappropriately, whatever that is, will continue to snowball.

    Stop allowing eaters to drink their food and you will eliminate some of the headaches associated with trying to enforce the rules.

  36. Rhonda Evans said

    September 16, 2008 @ 8:30 am

    Ralphie, I disagree with some of your choices of “messy” eaters, but that’s why they make Fords, Chevy’s, Cadillac’s, and Buicks. We all have different opinions. Regardless, perhaps their messiness has is a learned behaviour for excellence at the competitive eating table, which has been cultivated by having observed eaters who ate “messily,” and not only didn’t get penalized, but were perhaps rewarded with a higher contest placing.

    In that sense, given the lack of rules/their enforcement in MLE, I submit that major league eating may soon evolve into a black art—the art of doing what it takes to win without getting caught. That’s the baggage that comes with an inconsistent rule structure.

  37. Rhonda Evans said

    September 16, 2008 @ 8:39 am

    Steak, you have some really plausible points there that I didn’t consider. They make a lot of good sense.

  38. Rhonda Evans said

    September 16, 2008 @ 8:41 am

    The way a few of you “talk” makes it sound as if Juliet is the female version of Dale Boone.

  39. Thats enough said

    September 16, 2008 @ 8:46 am

    I think we should sort of back off jabbing on Juliet. I dont think she acts pissy on purpose. She just happens to be somewhat of an airhead and spoiled. I would have to go as far as saying that she might be a bad sport , but you have similar sore losing crybabies like Joey Chestnut . On that note Juliet has every right to bitch. .

  40. The Nicknamer said

    September 16, 2008 @ 9:22 am

    You can’t limit the number of cups, guys. Water is the lifeline of a competitive eater. It helps you swallow, it prevents things from getting stuck in your throat, and if you start to choke, it can actually push food through to a safer place. Limit water, and all of a sudden a contest is much more dangerous. If we were eating for an hour, we could take our time and reduce our dependency upon water, but until that day comes, we are eating for speed, and we are going to push ourselves as hard as we can, and we are going to need water to do it safely. No offense to you, Landrich and Anonymous, but you guys aren’t representative of the top eaters to necessarily know how important water is in a speed eating contest. I mean that very respectfully.

  41. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 16, 2008 @ 10:26 am

    Read my post again. I said limit the number of cups. You could have as many bottles or other means of drinking, even refilling the cups, as you want. But, let’s say you’re limited to 2 cups. If they filled with debris, you wouldn’t be able to just go on to a 3rd, 4th, 5th, however many cups.

  42. Badlands Booker said

    September 16, 2008 @ 11:03 am

    Some of us need to take pride in ourselves and what we do at the table if we truly want to call ourselves “Gurgitators”, and consider who is watching! I have no words for what i witnessed Juliet do next to me at Krystal Nashville, but i hope She keeps her word and eats cleanly from now on. i still believe she’s a very talented eater but young in the sport and i think she would shine brighter once this issue is behind her

  43. Rhonda Evans said

    September 16, 2008 @ 11:40 am

    Badlands, I feel lucky just to be able to correspond online with some of the greats as yourself. I’m just a jive-time chump who tries to sound smart, and that’s about it. That’s the truth Badlands. (I just wish others wouldn’t read that last part.)

    I think your point will be well taken. I’m an optimist, and I believe some good can come out of all of this. The important thing, in my opinion, is to learn from our mistakes/misgivings and be a better person from the experiences. If that happens, it’s all good, as you say, in the end.

  44. TheIncredibleBulk said

    September 16, 2008 @ 12:23 pm

    it shouldnt be a d unking contest in the first place

  45. anonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 12:32 pm

    Wow Badlands speaks out! Geez i wonder if she took some of the food and stuffed it up her ass while the judges werent watching

  46. Anonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 1:21 pm

    Badlands, you can take pride in knowing that you always follow the rules and promote fair play. There have been several problems recently at events which could have been resolved with better judging and more common sense. As a result, certain eaters have lost significant money due to questionable decisions. What happened in Nashville was a disgrace and there is no way Juliet should have been awarded the victory with the tremendous mess she made. When it is that difficult to determine an estimated total, the deductions should be far more severe than they were there. There is way too much inconsistency and the problerm starts at the top.

  47. Anonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 1:30 pm

    Nick’s back, preaching from a pulpit that rests upon two contests worth of experience. All hail Nick, too young to know he doesn’t know much.

  48. A. Nonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 1:34 pm

    Did you dunk your hot dogs, Nic? It would be hard to believe you did 21 (a good number) picnic style.

  49. anonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 1:40 pm

    When are most of you going to get it through your heads that it’s all fixed. They want Juliet in Chatty next to Sonya for publicity . Badlands and Juris are victims of the con job. Let us not forget the cannoli trophy inscribing crazy legs as the winner before the event even took place. They had every intention of screwing the shredder out of a victory if it came down to a close call . Brad was not even considered a factor until the end. Shades of BB and Cookie in 2002 Carnegie Deli pickle contest .

  50. TheIncredibleBulk said

    September 16, 2008 @ 1:58 pm

    ….emd anonymous emd

  51. Ralphie Wilson said

    September 16, 2008 @ 2:06 pm

    Word up!
    The way I see it Badlands and Dr. Bigtime were the ones ripped of by Juliett. So if Badlands wants to wait and see what happens in the future then I feel the same way. I personally feel that she should DQ herself and take herself out of the finals then I would actually respect her but that is the only way she’d get my respect back. Like you said Badlands we’ll see.

  52. Romeo said

    September 16, 2008 @ 3:08 pm

    Are you kidding? Juliet has eaten over a dozen Krystals more than anybody this year and over two dozen more than sonya so she has not only already proven she is by leaps and bounds the greatest female eater in the world, she will win the finals. They should erect a statue of Juliet Lee. No one else, not Joey, not Koby, stands a chance to beat her. I see her winning Rookie of the Year again in 2009.

  53. JulietFeats said

    September 16, 2008 @ 3:34 pm

    Do you nimrods realize you’ve have spent nearly three days worrying about nothing but Juliet on this site? Just change the name of this site to “JulietFeats”.

  54. Rhonda Evans said

    September 16, 2008 @ 3:51 pm

    I must admit, I’m about “Julieted” out.

  55. Anonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 4:19 pm

    We’ve been “Rhonda-ed” out for years, but that hasn’t stopped you.

    Fact is Juliet cheats, she needs to stops, and we shouldn’t let up on her until she does.

  56. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    September 16, 2008 @ 4:24 pm

    When the money is on the line, hopefully the judging will be correct. When you have somebody in the community like Badlands saying what he said, you know there needs to be something done.

    The new Yellow Card rule is nothing. “…While no formal definition need be given,…” Isn’t a rule suposed to tell you what you can and can not do????

  57. Don Juan said

    September 16, 2008 @ 4:33 pm

    Is there anything better than listening the over opinionated Steakbellie up on his pulpit about how to level the playing field, if everyone eats all nice and cleans their plate, like mommy said. Or i could eat more if…

    The sad truth is Juliet is a female in a predominantly male sport and she will be catered to just like Sonya. She is a draw for the Fans and critcs alike. When she does well the sport does well, unfortunately she has crumbled under the strain of taking over and carrying the Sonya fans and begun to cut corners to get and keep her numbers up. As opposed to working hard and training hard to earn the fans respect and the eaters admiration.

  58. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 16, 2008 @ 4:54 pm

    oh my….that annonymous fan knows how to hurt me…..his cheeto staind hands type the cruelest words….

  59. A Dying Breed said

    September 16, 2008 @ 5:08 pm

    My eyes are killing me from seeing the name Rhonda Evans and her 100 page dissertations. Please, go away grasshopper….fly away like a bug and splatter into a windshield. This is not http://www.RhondaEvans.com.
    Until you show your true identity, nobody will have respect of the words you type here.

    You are annoying! I am Rhonda’d out

  60. Anonymous said

    September 16, 2008 @ 7:54 pm

    Speak for yourself ADB. Quite frankly I enjoy reading what she or he has to say and I think one or two others who read her comments do also.

  61. Don Juan said

    September 16, 2008 @ 8:57 pm

    Even better a funny little quip about cheetos to hide your pain and subpar performances. A dress can only carry you so far, then you actually have to eat.

  62. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 16, 2008 @ 9:52 pm

    you’d be surprised, little man.

  63. Anonymous said

    September 17, 2008 @ 3:58 am

    Don Juan you make ignorant remarks.

  64. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 7:12 am

    For “A Dying Breed” (You’re a “dead beat” already), and any other poster on this Web site using anonymous or an equilvalent decriptor handle versus an actual name:

    If you don’t like reading my dissertations, my meaningless, off-base rambling, or my absolutely absurd, terrible humor I have a solution: ignore the post and move on. It’s just like changing the TV channel when a broadcast is aired that you don’t like. You have a choice. You can either read it and bitch like a whiny girl brat or you can just ignore it. One thing about me, I always post using my/the name, Rhonda Evans, so you will be immediately notified of the upcoming ridiculous rant so you can avoid wasting your time reading it.

    If you read it and still bitch, that tells me you like it. Maybe you’re a bit (or a lot) sado-machochistic, and I can identify with that. Anyway, that will be what my thoughts about you will default to when I see continual bitching and moaning what I write.

    I absolutely do not care if the majority of you absolutely abhor or resent what I have to say. I am damn sure not out to win a popularity contest. On the contrary, I am here to speak my mind, in a nice, constructive way, most of the time, even if I do have my moments—perhaps like right now.

    But as long as I believe there is even a single reader on this site who reads my posts, I will damned sure be here. Count on it! And to any and/or all who don’t like it. That’s tough. Game on! “You ain’t seen shit,” as they say!

  65. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 8:23 am

    NP you’re right about that Yellow Card rule. It’s not a rule at all. It’s an apparition meant to temporarily quiet the discontentment with the judging. I can’t wait to see it’s application to a real event.

  66. Stop the insanity said

    September 17, 2008 @ 9:24 am

    Have any of you ever considered that Juliet has alot to learn before she becomes a legend. She has not been competing for a very long time and it’s still a learning process for her.She has a full time job and a family to take care of. How much time does she have to train? Any of you old enough to remember Dave Kingman? He would average 35 home runs in 162 games but strikeout over 1000 times per season. She has some points that need to be worked on and once they are adjusted she will do just fine. She has learned alot from this experience and i believe that she will make the necessary corrections as time goes on. I would even go as far as saying that Sonya could play a huge part in her development as a future star if she took the time out to show her some of the tricks of the trade as well as technique. Nothing is gained by calling her a cheater and a criminal . Her feelings are sorely bruised at this point and i think she feels bad about the entire situation.

  67. WingKong said (Registered December 19, 2006)

    September 17, 2008 @ 9:39 am

    For once could one of you little degenerates post under your real name…I can’t believe every time I come here is either the anonymus don lerman bashing show or someone else taking cheap shots behind a bullshit name…Just once man up and put your name, because I guarantee if you did, steaks already beat you at the table. Idiots, your just a bunch of idiots.

  68. Anonymous said

    September 17, 2008 @ 10:20 am

    Juliet’s feelings are sorely bruised this time? Why? She has never cared in the past when confronted about cheating. She didn’t care when people tried to explain it to her at CT Ribs.

  69. Thats enough or i'll start talking said

    September 17, 2008 @ 10:33 am

    Don Lerman deserves to be bashed. He complains and bitches constantly about how he never gets his just due and then tries to clean it up claiming he never complains about anything . Mind you this is after the sheas throw him a bone. Just wait a few months down the line the whining and complaining on mosesnews will be back before you say AND THATS FOR THE RECORD!

  70. No more Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 10:42 am

    “Thats tough game on” wow real fighting words Rhonda. Rhonda for you to claim you are posting under a real name is the same as Luther or Incredible Bulk claiming that their names are truly genuine. I dont think anyone on this site can take you serious because you went back on your word stating you would never post again. Within 2 weeks you could not resist the temptation of coming back and throwing your two cents into every single comment posted on this website. Not only are you annoying but irritating to the point where we have just about had enough of you

  71. To Stop The Insanity said

    September 17, 2008 @ 10:46 am

    Juliet knows what she’s doing. She’s been competing for over 2 years. That’s a long time. She’s not stupid. She has a degree in geology to prove it. But maybe she cheated on her exams too.

  72. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 11:40 am

    Where is Sonya supposed to get the time?

  73. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 12:08 pm

    No More: “We?” Speak for yourself. I know who I am. You are the one who lacks identity. Sounds like an adolescence-initiated hang up to me.

  74. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 12:17 pm

    No more … I will be here JUST to irritate you and your kind. Just change the damned channel, so to speak, as I alluded to before. Otherwise, you will be bitching every weekday, because I will be here as long as there is an eatfeats. I refuse to let cowardly bastards like you run dictate my participation.

  75. Historian said

    September 17, 2008 @ 12:32 pm

    Juliet must be fan of sugar ray leonard considering they are both from maryland. . In the leonard hearns fight from 1981 leonard raises his hands in victory in the 14th rd while hearns is somewhat wobbly but still standing and ready to fight. Juliet ,until the ref calls you the victor it is bad sporstmanship to declare yourself the winner

  76. ANONYMOUS said

    September 17, 2008 @ 12:34 pm

    72 comments and still posting but we have yet to hear from TEAM LEE!

  77. Do it now said

    September 17, 2008 @ 12:49 pm

    The solution is simple. We need commiss Hardy to superceed all of these krystal qualifiers so something like this wont happen again. George and Rich , Krystal sponsors get off your high horse and open the purse strings. Fly this man out to every qualifier first class hotel and rental car included . If you want to avoid problems like this in the future you need the right man to put a handle on it. There is big money on the line so get with it and do the right thing.

  78. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 1:28 pm

    OJ can prove it. Just wait.

  79. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 1:30 pm

    As flattered as I am, Rhonda Evans wannabe, I’ve better things to do right now. You all anonymi mull it over while I go take a crap.

  80. too scared to use my real name said

    September 17, 2008 @ 1:52 pm

    Even though they are often laced with awkward sexual innuendo, I think Rhonda’s comments are fairly accurate and sometimes insightful. While no one can verify the actual existence of her thus still seeming anonymous, I welcome an “outsiders” view of the sideshow act we perform.

  81. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 17, 2008 @ 2:03 pm

    This thread shouldn’t be about Juliet. She was allowed to do what she did, so its acceptable. Much like Kobyashi’s “reversals” at the last 2 Nathan’s finals. It was allowed, therefore its not about the eater. Make it about the rules and their enforcement.

  82. too scared to use my real name said

    September 17, 2008 @ 2:33 pm

    It’s insulting to the rest of the eaters who do what they’re supposed to. She cheated and got away with it, again. She should own up to it instead of celebrating in the faces of those that follow the rules. It’s disgraceful on her part to think that she is above the rules. This is competitive EATING not competitive food smashing, debris hiding, and see how much of a mess we can make on the floor without actually ingesting anything.

  83. I said

    September 17, 2008 @ 2:48 pm

    This is about her because it’s about her being dishonest. If she says she is, we’ll all move on. But let’s move on anyway because we all know she’s been reading this and hasn’t said a thing so just know who you are dealing with.

  84. nic"TheIncredibleBulk"fry said

    September 17, 2008 @ 2:54 pm

    what are u talking about.. “no more evans” my name is genuine

  85. nic"TheIncredibleBulk"fry said

    September 17, 2008 @ 2:59 pm

    yea i ate 21 hdbs by dunking, but that was a different food…. and maybe they should just incorprate some kind of debrit weight scale and deduction system per each kind of food… for x amount of debrit weight u get x amount of deductions…

  86. Rhonda Evans said

    September 17, 2008 @ 3:07 pm

    I feel like the subject just needs to be closed—-wrong or not. She got the msg and none of us are mistake-free. I feel awful thinking about her daughters and husband reading this thread. Enough is enough already! Are we all savages!??

  87. stand back said

    September 17, 2008 @ 3:25 pm

    I say stand back in Chatty. Hopefully the Sheas put Sonya and Juliet side by side. Not only can we watch the two ladies go at it but we can watch and see which one tries to hide their debris on the others trays.

    Whoever attends might want to direct a video camera on juliet. If she eats clean she will do a max of 40. If she eats with as much debris as she has been she will eat 80.

    How many will she get credit for? Only time will tell.

    Mustard Yellow Card = bull

    Ketchup Red Card = DQ that will never happen

    Gualcamole Green Card = Get out of jail card, just like in the Monolpy game, given to ranked eaters to allow Sheas to turn their head and ignore the continued violations.

  88. Romeo said

    September 17, 2008 @ 3:36 pm

    I think Juliet will get credit for eating 80 this time, after the IFOCE realizes their mistake in the qualifier. She’s right up there with Koby and Joey and Pat doesn’t stand a chance of beating her this year. Badlands and Dr. Juris are rightfully jealous. Maybe they learned from Juliet and can do better if they make it to the finals.

  89. Anonymous said

    September 17, 2008 @ 3:41 pm

    Juliet should drop out of Krystals. She’s caused enough problems already by cheating and hanging on to her trophy and by denying more deserving eaters of an automatic birth in the championship. She didn’t deserve the victory, and she doesn’t deserve a wild card based upon her performance in that qualifier either. If she wants to qualify, let her foot the bill herself and go back out on the road and try to earn a spot without controversy. Give Juliet a 0, give the victory to Badlands, and change the wild card standings accordingly. Nobody should be supporting Juliet here. She doesn’t deserve it.

  90. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 17, 2008 @ 8:37 pm

    The best post of this whole thread was #1, by Jim Reeves. Go back and read it. It would make every contest much more fair.

  91. Badlands Booker said

    September 17, 2008 @ 11:33 pm

    watch ESPN 60 when it airs and tell me if you feel the same way Romeo

  92. We said said

    September 18, 2008 @ 2:09 am

    I said, she cant say a thing because her english communciation skills are very poor. Her husband is a brilliant journalist and is her ace in the hole or shall we say the only assault weapon she has in attempting to defend herself. I dont think she is going to admit that she cheated because in her mind she did nothing wrong . Do you think for one minute her husband and daughters are going to tell her she was wrong and needs to apologize? Not in this lifetime or for that matter any lifetime.

  93. missing rule book said

    September 18, 2008 @ 5:19 am

    This thread talks alot about Juliet breaking the rules.Take a moment and think. Has anyone seen a copy of this alleged rule book? Might it be these rules many talk about are made up before, during or after a contest? If anyone has these rules written down, not your rules but MLE rules; why not share them so we all can be on the same page? Maybe the ranked eaters in MLE have been given copies of these rules? If so, was Juliet given a copy of these rules or do we just expect her to know rules because we make up some? I welcome someone to produce and post here copies of the pages in the missing MLE rule book.

  94. Rhonda Evans said

    September 18, 2008 @ 6:21 am

    I still laugh about the IFOCE’s term, “pre-chewed.” I envision a set of electric dentures in each water cup knawing away at each Krystal as it is submerged in the water.

  95. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    September 18, 2008 @ 9:06 am

    Rule book? There is no rule book. If there was a rule book, then there wouldn’t be any of these issues. “Reversals” at Nathans, excess debris at Krystal. When there is a lot of money on the line, people are going to do what they feel they have to do to place the best that they can.

  96. I said

    September 18, 2008 @ 10:05 am

    right, she has bad communication skillz just like Koby can’t speak english.. yeah..

  97. Romeo said

    September 18, 2008 @ 2:14 pm

    Like millions of others, I am so proud of Juliet Lee. In just two short years she has risen to dominate the Krystals circuit. This is your time in the sun Juliet. Don’t listen to all these jealous people. It must be so hard being humble about your amazing talent.. You are the greatest and after the krystals finals everyone will know it and you will be the face of major league eating that everybody identifies with. I can’t wait to see you raise those slim arms in victory once again. Your family has to be so proud of you. I envy them.

  98. anonymous said

    September 18, 2008 @ 2:20 pm

    So what you are saying is that kobe and juliet have perfect english skills and they are just fucking with us? I doubt that.although i do wonder what kobe’s giggling from time to time is all about

  99. Anonymous said

    September 18, 2008 @ 3:05 pm

    juliet sure is taking a tough rap here.

    lets review.

    if someone breaks the rules then they should be deducted and/or disqualified.

    if an eater does not follow the instruction of the judge that is a rule violation.

    pick up all of the debris on the table/floor/cup whereever. some eaters either deliberately do not know how to do this or their bodies are so overcome by the strain of the food they ate to perform this task. however they are able to walk all over their debris. act like it is not theirs when the debris is in their cup. suddenly wash 1/2 pound of food off of their hand so it doesn’t get weighed. not realize that they accidentally spit the food from their mouth into their cup. forgot they threw a hotdog under the table.

    speed eating is a messy activity. usually this should not be a problem. if the eater makes a mess or drops food, do they pick it up during the contest? many eaters if food falls, pick it up and clean their area after each plate or at the end as their stuff. how you people that arent eaters know who does and who doesnt I have no idea.

    for example lets pick people whose krystals numbers have skyrocketed. janus, shoudt, kobay, bertloetti. we all saw janus wear a krystal on his face when he lost to chip. contest was over and he is denying he has debris yet there is a krystal stuck to his face. he has a rep as a clean eater and somehow shoudt doesnt? how does that work? people like rhonda are the first to throw someone under the bus. supposedly she is a fan. yet she knows that shoudt is messy and doesnt pick up his food and janus is a super clean eater? how would she know this? why wouldnt she think kobay is a messy eater too?
    on the nathans tv shows for 4 years now you can clearly see food falling out of kobays mouth and falling on the floor. the tv never shows him bending over to the floor and picking the food up. as far as rhonda should know, janus and kobay are the messy food people. since we see kobay not picking up at nathans, is he doing the same thing at krystals? is his number a fraud? is janus the fraud? is shoudt the fraud? was shoudt messy at the finals last year and he was forced to eat clean at his qualifier this year, hence the low number? how about bertoletti? how does rhonda know that bertoletti isnt the real cheater? you cant tell that he does anything wrong on tv. does rhonda think that he is really eating half a burger or maybe 1/4 burger each time? shoudt is messy and bertloetti isnt? she doesnt mention bertoletti. is she protecting him? is rhonda pats sister? is rhonda janus sister? is rhonda kobays sister? is rhonda shoudts sister trying to throw people off?

    if it is easy to cheat at krystals, it would be at the qualifiers, not the finals. you have inexperienced judges at the qualifiers, if you even have your own judge. at the finals you have people that are more experienced and are staring only at you.

    look at the videos that are out there. certain people immediately pick up the food they dropped and put it on the table. eaters know who picks up their food. it is a delicate dance. certain debris is acceptable while too much is not. noone picks up crumbs, but anything that weighs anything should be picked up.

    as far as debris goes, at nathans there was food on the floor where the center four eaters were. from thomas to lee with kobay and chestnut in the middle. huge mess. how much did those four really eat?

    all that said, janus picks up his food after the contest. any eater on the circuit will tell you so. he is very much a proponent of getting credit for what you ate and didnt eat. well pretty much everyone, the majority, picks up their debris and gets scored. there are others that dont. they know who they are. the other eaters know who they are. fans would have no idea since they arent there

  100. number 100 said

    September 18, 2008 @ 6:35 pm

    Looks like I have the 100th post on this thread

  101. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    September 18, 2008 @ 8:18 pm

    Juliet is a great eater and an even nicer person; I don’t think she’d cheat.

    I wasn’t there at the Nashville Qualifier, so I can’t say anything with absolute certainty, but I’d like to think that if she had some debris she probably didn’t realize it. Debris happens. It happens at every contest. If it was as bad as people are making it out to be on this thread, she wouldn’t have won. I’m sure that there were plenty of judges — especially for an event like Krystals — plus the MC and many witnesses. Someone would have said something and an action, if necessary, would have been taken.

    Stop bullying the poor girl. You guys can be son mean!

  102. history repeats said

    September 19, 2008 @ 5:44 am

    Sweet Jill. Did you see the video from BOTB last April. No action was taken there and no action was taken in Nashville.

  103. Listen up said

    September 19, 2008 @ 9:33 am

    Jill there are plenty of things i would love to say about you but OJ would never print it because he or she protects the females of the sport to a certain extent . You cheapen yourself even further when you make competiive eaters out to be larger than life heroes especially when you refer to yourself as starstruck after you meet them. Gimme a break girl. They are ordinary people with ordinary jobs . It just so happens that the Shea’s are glorified used car salesmen that can con the public into believing that a homeless person can be the next president of the united states. Yes they can be quite convincing if they choose to do so You say Juliet probably didnt realize it? Now i now you putting us on. You must live in some type of la la land believing everything in this world is wonderful . It is not a wonderful world. Competitive eating has a few good people on the roster but basically comprised of backstabbers , cheaters, dudes on medication, dudes from broken homes, dudes with alcohol and drug dependency . To put it bluntly a melting pot of sickos!

  104. Romeo said

    September 19, 2008 @ 10:04 am

    Juliet really brings out the jealous in people. People need to watch and learn from this great at the Krystal Finals. She has it all figured out and people need to stop giving her a hard time and just give her proper credit for being the best at what she does. What jealous bastards!

  105. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2008 @ 10:39 am

    Honestly, Jill, you’re completely naive. Nobody’s exaggerating this. It was a disaster. Juliet would have had to be brain dead not to notice the piles of debris on her plate, on the table, on the floor, and in her cups.

  106. To Anonymoust 3:05 said

    September 19, 2008 @ 10:46 am

    Judges at the finals may have more experience, but the job they do is no better than the job done at the qualifiers. At the the finals, decisions are forced too quickly because of the needs of the television network carrying the contest.

  107. Rhonda Evans said

    September 19, 2008 @ 11:50 am

    There is a possibility that MLE may intentionally play up the Juliet Lee controversy a bit. They loved that (the controversy) about Dale Boone, and what better controversy is there than—-I don’t mean this, I’m just thinking this through—-Juliet “The Lovely” Lee, aka “The Scheming Bitch?” (Maybe she’s a “blacker” widow than Sonya in that respect.)

    I think they might have tried to do this with Sonya once or twice, but it probably didn’t work as well. I think Juliet probably has thicker skin and is less sensitive than Sonya. Otherwise, with all the Juliet-directed hateful comments on this blog, she would probably be too embarrassed and hurt to want to ever show her face again at an MLE CE table. But I don’t think Juliet cowers to criticism so easy, especially when there’s money involved.

    It probably is not true, and I think it might do more harm than good to use that angle, but like they say, there’s no such thing as bad press.

  108. Please stop crying said

    September 19, 2008 @ 12:51 pm

    Does anybody realize the same four whiners are posting over and over on this thread? Get over it. Move on. Don’t you people have jobs or something? How can you possibly devote so much (negative) energy to this? If you don’t realize what’s really going on, then you’re the one that’s naive. Deal with it.

  109. anonymous said

    September 19, 2008 @ 1:43 pm

    Listen up must be referring to lerman when he refers to the issues of ce’s

  110. Rhonda Evans said

    September 19, 2008 @ 3:20 pm

    Jill, don’t listen to Listen Up. You have the right attitude.

    Most of the people in CE are not like that at all. I would go on to say that it is the few people with an attitude like him, her, or it, that tries to bring everybody down to that low level.

    Listen Up’s has what I call a “shit-in-the-punch bowl” attitude. It serves no purpose. at all.

  111. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    September 19, 2008 @ 8:02 pm

    Thanks, Rhonda. I’ve always enjoyed your posts. I wish more people posted comments like yours: level-headed, intelligent, and well thought-out. Keep it up! It’s a refreshing change from all the negative comments on this site.

  112. Pure & Natural said

    September 20, 2008 @ 2:57 am

    This might be off topic but it concerns Juliet Lee and i find it somewhat disturbing . I have witnessed her feeling the arms of several male ifoce members before a contest and at the Nathans party in NYC. . To some it is just a way of showing affection , but it also has a way of coming off as a tease, especially when her husband is right there to witness it. I have no idea if he is commanding her to engage in this nonsense as some sort of fetish or sexual thrill on his part, or if this is her idea with his consent. . I think it is childish for a married woman to tease other men just so her husband can get some sort of perverted thrill from it. The american translation for this type of act is called “cockteasing” and it has no business within the realm of competitive eating. Juliet , we are well aware that this flirtacious act of yours has never taken place unless hubby Joey is present. Cut it because it’s about as corny as making out at the junior high school prom.

  113. Anonymous said

    September 20, 2008 @ 3:30 am

    I can’t sleep. All I can think about is that gorgeus Sweet Jill Stoler.


  114. An all-time low... said

    September 20, 2008 @ 10:03 am

    “might be off topic?” – No, that’s just sick. You can’t even tell the difference between a woman being friendly and whatever weird thing you think you’re seeing? You’ve managed to hit a pathetic all-time low on this site. Great job, pervert.

  115. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 20, 2008 @ 11:03 am

    Pure & Natural,
    You’ve crossed the line for a public forum. There has been some constructive things said here and some healthy venting but at this point it’s not helping anyone to delve into whatever it is that you are insinuating.

  116. anonymous said

    September 20, 2008 @ 6:35 pm

    I for one can say that Sonya does not engage in “arm feeling” of male competitive eaters. I think she has other things to worry about besides nonsense of that caliber. Hey Jill have you ever had the urge to do something like that? It’s starting to become the new trend catching on like the dance called the twist

  117. Tonto said

    September 20, 2008 @ 8:01 pm

    What I think is most ridiculous about this is that they didn’t actually count how much debris there was. They just saw that there was a ton of debris and decided to call it a tie. Nobody knows how many she ate. What criteria could you possibly have for who wins a Krystal contest besides who ate the most Krystal burgers? The rulebook isn’t the problem, Juliet isn’t the problem, but the officiating is.

  118. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 20, 2008 @ 8:55 pm

    I just watched the YOUTUBE video. Unbelievable………

  119. David Carratine said

    September 20, 2008 @ 9:04 pm

    Grasshopper ,Asians have a totally different mentality than americans when it comes to competing. Losing is unacceptable in their country.Over here if you lose your family or friends console you with pep talk like things will get better next time out just keep your head up. They do not use those words in China or Japan for that matter. If you do not win you are considered a disgrace to your family and your nation and your family and friends will let you know it . Now you can see why Juliet had to do everything in her power to win at all costs even if it meant cheating . Keep that thought in mind

  120. Betsy from Cumeretsie said

    September 20, 2008 @ 9:12 pm

    We have yet to hear from TEAM LEE. Would not surprise me if she quit the sport or joined up with Dale.

  121. I wonder said

    September 20, 2008 @ 9:56 pm

    I gaze into the ceiling from my bed thinking what it would be like to spend the rest of my life with Sweet Jill Stoler . As George Shea puts it “It’s mind boggling “

  122. anonymous said

    September 24, 2008 @ 2:36 am

    Now that Juliet made a big mess at the table , i hope that all of you dreamers that had high hopes for Juliet becoming the next Sonya Thomas have finally come down to reality. She was never a great eater to begin with. She has an unusually big appetite and a larger than average capacity than your average slender woman. She never beat Sonya Thomas and probably never will. In all honesty she does not know the tricks of the trade or how to finish off her opponent. You need those vital tools in order to be a champion and succeed in the sport. Sonya posseses them Juliet does not. Maybe somewhere down the line she might , but after last weeks performance she has a long way to go. When you sit back and think about it, who trains her ? Her husband? Her daughters? They know very little about competitive eating. Her family is basically her cheering section. They havent a clue as to how to correct her mistakes. All they know is that her mother / wife has been accused of cheating , stealing a spot in an event that many feel she is not worthy of , and being a bad sport. If one of the big names in the sport was willing to take the time out to train her properly , she might have a big future . She was blessed with some god given talent and she is female which is a very huge plus in her favor. There has to be someone out there that can guide Juliet to greatness.

  123. Anonymous said

    September 24, 2008 @ 9:33 am

    Juliet doesn’t have the tools to be great. The big mess at the table comes from pressure to try to eat beyond her capability. She’s probably better suited to compete in Japanese style endurance eating. A speed eater she is not. You can guide a person only so much, but if they don’t have the tools to begin with it’s a moot point.

    I agree with Tonto that the officiating needs work. What will really drive that point home is that one day she will beat somebody like Joey, Pat, Tim, Bob, or Sonya, because she will be given erroneous credit for eating what should have been deducted. Then all hell will break loose, especially if it happens to Sonya. That might even be the reason Sonya pulled out. Maybe she has lost faith in the officiating in contests like Krystals, and that’s a shame because of the money involved..

  124. anonymous said

    September 24, 2008 @ 10:23 am

    Sonya might have her own reasons for pulling out of Krystals. I doubt it is job related. More along the lines of what anony 9:33 am posted . If Sonya had good vibes or was excited about the Krystal final, i am sure she could have made arrangements with her job to get the time off. However let’s respect her privacy in this matter and accept her reason for pulling out.

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