Nathan’s qualifier videos on

(from Erik Denmark comment) Videos from the Philadelphia and Hartford Nathan’s qualifiers can be found on the MLE videos page.

Comments (24)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    May 30, 2007 @ 9:22 am

    (Reposted to keep in appropriate thread.)

    I just reviewed the video of the entire contest at and THERE IS NO controversy. Conversely, we had four people with outstanding totals, and another four or so with very respectable totals. on a hot, humid day. Furthermore, the outstanding sportsmanship among all participants was very evident.

    As far as the sticky plates go, I would venture to say that two or three other eaters had doubled or tripled plates also. That’s a fact of life in CE contests. That’s why there are counters. With virtually all the emphasis / attention on Humble Bob and Sonya, it was obvious to me that both eaters ate very, very well, but Sonya was clearly the victor. George Shea himself was watching those two side-by-side eaters all the way, not to mention the individual counters, who kept track also.

    Sonya actually had 30 dogs eaten at the 9-minute mark, so she really coasted in the last 3 minutes, having “only” eaten 36 total. Nevertheless, both Sonya and Bob did outstanding and the hug for each other at the contest’s conclusion was very fitting between two of the best in the game not just today, but also in the history of CE.

    So let’s get off this controversy bandwagon so these wonderful eaters can let the corks of contentment and appreciation rise in a man-made sea of senseless questioning! I, for one, am tired of it.

  2. anonymous said

    May 30, 2007 @ 10:54 am

    Rhonda that surprisingly bad vid proves nothing. its mostly what occurs after the tape is shut off that needs to be shown

  3. carey poehlmann said

    May 30, 2007 @ 11:15 am

    I was able to count along just fine from the tape. There couldn’t have been a miscount, unless more than the assumed five hotdogs per plate were coming out. That is something you can’t tell by the video, however, that wasn’t claimed by Bob, so we can assume that he was getting only five per plate.
    Good job by many, and Bob, good luck at the next one. Make Philly proud.

  4. anonymous said

    May 30, 2007 @ 11:23 am

    As far as that video is concerned , you would need to have a masters degree in the fine art of forensic video to determine whether anyone cheated or any sticking of plates occured . You can tell nothing from that bad quality video. The controversy and gossip as to the actual winner or third and fourth place finishers came from hecklers or family members of the eaters and not from the video . They are the so called troublemakers or eyewitnesses.

  5. Rhonda Evans said

    May 30, 2007 @ 11:32 am

    Carey I think Philly is very proud of Bob, and they have reason to be, as I am Sonya. Standing by Humble Bob, with Subich next to him, Sonya looked like a half-grown child!

  6. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    May 30, 2007 @ 12:34 pm

    I originally reported the plate/count issue because I thought it was newsworthly and an important detail for fans of CE. Like many of you know it is difficult to keep track of things (as an eater) during the contest. I felt for Bob, to be left with some uncertainty at the end of the twelth minute.

    Seeing the video gave strong evidence that it was only a careless plate and not a miscount.

    It was a mistake on my part to even mention it here, as there are too many people who used the information for their own cruel purposes. I regret that they did that and hope the response here hasnt tarnished the fabulous performances of both Bob and Sonya.

    The Facts: Both Bob and Sonya were wonderfully received in Philly, and they gave the crowd a battle they wont soon forget.

    I’ve learned my lesson.

  7. The Tubesock Destroyer said

    May 30, 2007 @ 12:51 pm

    Steakbellie, keep up the reporting. Its becoming harder and harder to remain up to date with CE news and now that hot dog season is in full swing, I need this kind of entertainment.

    SICK numbers so far everyone!!!

  8. NY Wings Guy said

    May 30, 2007 @ 12:52 pm

    I for one never bad mouthed Sonya or Bob… miscounted plates or not both put up tremendous numbers, both deserve to be competing on the 4th of July, and both are amazing eaters. Steakbellie, dont feel bad for the people bad mouthing sonya or bob…. everyone badmouthing them couldn’t even do half the numbers they put up. It is important to bring possible issues in the eating contests to light because that is the only way MLE will improve their Quality Control during the events. Uncounted plates, either by error or carelessness is a serious issue non-the-less…

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    May 30, 2007 @ 1:20 pm

    Steak you’re a classy person and anyone who knows anything about your reputation can vouch for that. No harm done. The folks who berate Sonya and Bob would have done it regardless I suspect. Good job in Philly too! Only three or four years ago you would have made it to Coney, even as a wild card.

  10. Mega Munch said

    May 30, 2007 @ 5:35 pm

    They hugged at the end? (sigh) I wish they wouldn’t have done that. Make amends privately, but keep the rivalry going publically! They’re much more interesting as bitter rivals.

  11. Anonymous said

    May 31, 2007 @ 5:34 am

    Just as I said many people were trying to cause trouble for nothing and it apprears to me that many people want to see fighting between IFOCE eaters just so they can write a story and get noticed.


  12. Becky said

    May 31, 2007 @ 8:27 am

    I think they want to see how far they can go before subich goes off on someone. I have news for you Subich will go off but it wont be in a violent or physical way. The pen can do more damage than the fist. Word to the wise, back off while the going is good

  13. anonymous said

    June 1, 2007 @ 1:24 pm

    According to CEN Boone was hurt in a motorcycle acciden in indiat trying to imitate steve mcqueen his lookalike (yeah right) and screen idol. They claim they are having a problem contacting the indian doctor who is treating him with infected needles and dirty used syringe gause pads .He had no choice but to pull out of charlotte contest. I think its a copout so he doesnt have to face Juliet Lee

  14. Jake from SF said

    June 1, 2007 @ 1:52 pm

    If it is actually TRUE that Brian Subich is stuffing 6-8 hotdogs in his cup to get the totals he is getting he should be ashamed. Whether it is true or not, the IFOCE officials should be monitoring him and his surroundsings very meticulously. This will result in either proving the rumors and doubter that Subich is an honest competitor, or that he really is a CHEATER and can’t even win a qualifier with his cheating ways. If he is found to even have half a hotdog in his cup or around him he should be suspends indefinitely. Cheating at the table is way worse that any outside behavior that has been deemed inappropriate by MLE and the IFOCE.

  15. Bronco's Fan said

    June 1, 2007 @ 4:51 pm

    Jake, while I agree that it is wrong to cheat, to say if Subich has even half a hot dog in his cups should constitute a suspension is crazy. I would venture to guess that just about every single eater at one time or another has debris in his/her cup, so do we then suspend anyone whoever has debris? If this were the case, Crazy Legs would be serving a lifetime suspension for the numerous contests that he has been accused of having excessive debris. Also on the same point of “cheating” in last years Nathans final Kobayashi blew chunks out his nose into his cup, and calmly swallowed them back up. He knew he did this, he knew that to blow stuff out of your mouth or nose is a DQ. All you have to do is watch last years tape and watch the reaction of Joey Chestnut to know that he should have been DQ’d. So do we now suspend Kobayashi for knowlingly continue to eat after heaving chunks out his nose like nothing happened? Yes cheating is wrong, and there should be consequences, but I would certainly doubt that if Subich is cheating that he’s the first to do it, but if he is caught he should be suspended. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens on Sunday.

  16. Wing Kong & Hall Hunts Revenge said

    June 1, 2007 @ 6:18 pm

    Failing to go back into a dunk cup for half a bun you know is there during a contest is crappy and a crime of passion. That person should be penalized double and be ashamed. We’ve all heard about a guy or two that has gotten by with an unseen reversal or debris. Thats an issue that needs to be addressed. Showing up, INTENDING to cheat is Murder-One. This guy has gotten away with it for too long.
    Ban him. He stuffed his cups full of bread last year at Philly, Norfolk, and then was ballsy enough to do it on the helmet cam on the fourth at the sacred Coney Island Contest. DID YOU SEE THAT? This is beyond shame. I understand there’s photos of him now droppping dogs in his cups, and video of him ‘cleaning up’ his area before anyone could catch him. I also heard that on top of dropping half his dogs into cups, he added a full plate to his total when asked how many he ate.
    Everybody watch his cups tomorrow. If he breaks the duece for ONCE without cheating, I’ll eat Dale Boones hat (in 12 minutes)

  17. Anonymous said

    June 1, 2007 @ 6:41 pm

    Joey never has any residue whatsoever. Clean as a whistle and an eating god.


  18. Come Clean Subich said

    June 1, 2007 @ 11:29 pm

    I figured they would have straightened him out after the July 4th Helmet cam Embarrassment…..

  19. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2007 @ 6:26 am

    I dont think B. Subich is the appropiate person to get on the wrong side of. Life must have little meaning for those who give him a hard time.


  20. SuperPaul said

    June 2, 2007 @ 7:55 am

    I feel if you are going to stuff hot dogs someplace, put them in your pants….this will have a double bonus….you get credit for more dogs, and you may impress more bunnettes. However, if you dunk them beforehand, this could cancel said impression, and may turn out to be a double negative.

  21. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2007 @ 10:32 am

    That is so funny S. Paul, so I want Ball Park Franks Only.


  22. Bronco's Fan said

    June 2, 2007 @ 12:02 pm

    Accused Eating Cheats:

    Bob Shoudt: Nathans Philly–Saying he had more plates than he did.
    Brian Subich: Nathans Philly–Saying he ate more than he did.
    Sonya Thomas: Carmine’s Meatballs–Refusing to pick up her debris on the table.
    Rich Lefevre: Watermelon–Seen and accused by a local police officer of throwing chunks of melon under the table.
    Kobayashi: Nathans Coney Island 2006–blowing chunks out of his nose and acting like it didnt happen. Let’s not also forget Koby blowing bun debris out his nose a few years earlier, and not getting called on it, Booker would have been the champion.

    For those sticking up for Koby, cheating is cheating. Does the degree of cheating matter? In baseball pitchers use stuff to mark the ball, hitters use too much pine tar(George Brett) hockey players purposely use sticks that are illegal knowingly, Sammy Sosa used a corked bat the list is endless. If we’re ready to throw Subich under the bus, then there are quite a few more who should be thrown under with him. Some of whom we all cheer for. The perfect example of how we are all hypocrites took place the other night in Shea Stadium coincidentally. Guillermo Mota from the NY Mets returned from a 50 game suspension for using steroids. Who did he pitch to? Barry Bonds who admits he took stuff but claims he had no idea what it was. What did Mets fans do?? They cheered wildly for Mota, and booed Bonds endlessly. Total double standard. If you root for any pro sports team, I have news for you, you’re cheering for a cheater, every team has them. That certainly doesn’t make it right, but it does make us all hypocrites.

  23. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2007 @ 12:38 pm

    Hungry Charles would have won. Not Booker.

  24. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2007 @ 1:10 pm

    Broncos fan you’re about ready to have your ass kicked so I hope you have planned that.


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