Natsuko “Gal” Sone eats 17.6 pounds in eating challenge
The blog for Gansotorokatsu Curry, a restaurant famous for its eating challenges, reports that Natsuko “Gal” Sone ate 8kg or 17.6 pounds of food at that establishment and still had enough room left over for ice cream. Tomoko Miyake, the 4th place finisher in the “Gluttonous Queens” contest, dined with Sone but could only eat 5kg or 11 pounds. Kenji Aoki, who arranged the sushi contest described in “Horsemen of the Esophagus”, was the third member of the party. Aoki has a very detailed website about oogui. Jason Fagone’s book states that Aoki was engaged as of early 2005. It would be interesting to learn how Aoki’s wife/fiancee viewed his dinner with Sone and Miyake.
Rhonda said
May 17, 2006 @ 3:17 pm
Dang! … That’s quite a feat!. She probably had at least an hour or more. As good as that performance was, I hope it doesn’t lead down the path to another disastrous event in Japan. That’s one good thing about speed-eating in the US, whereby the contests have a shorter time restriction. Otherwise there would undoubtedly be someone who refused to stop eating even if it killed him (or her).
Sonya Thomas, on her Web site, mentions that she could probably handle up to 16 pounds of food and liquid overall, so the Gal’s total is even more than Sonya thinks she can eat herself. But I believe Sonya is probably talking about a much shorter contest.
Now that I’ve seen The Black Widow eat a few times, I believe that if she were to sit down and eat for an hour or two, her totals would elicit some very ostentatious head-shaking from other eaters. But I think Sonya is smart enough to not push herself because the risk undoubtedly outweighs any possible benefit.