New blog devoted to “shear” stupidity

A new blog called Wet The Buns has been launched with the following introduction:

For a long time, I have been intrigued by competitive eating… not as a participant and not really as a spectator… I am more interested in its shear [sic] stupidity. I find it ludicrous that it’s considered by many to be a sport… yes, they actually have a governing body (The International Federation of Competitive Eating… complete with rules, regulations, rankings, and record-keeping. And it’s even more ridiculous that this shit is televised.

Anyway, one night while eating (not competitively) with friends, the conversation turned to the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest. One friend questioned how the competitors could consume so much bread in addition to the hot dogs. Without thinking, I replied “When in doubt, wet the buns” in reference to a technique used by the competitors where they dunk the buns in water for easier consumption. It all sounded so ridiculous, that the phrase stuck… a catchphrase, of sorts, representing all that I find stupid.

So, that’s what this site is all about… those things that I find stupid.

Before commenting on the stupidity of others, it would probably be advisable to learn the difference between sheer and shear


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