New England female competitive eaters wanted for team
After watching the Hartford episode of Man vs. Food, kk has made the following request for Boston area female competitive eaters:
i went to an all-women’s college, and i’m ready to shake up some gender norms. i want to create the greatest female competitive eating team this world has ever seen. so far, i’ve recruited my sister, and my friend claudia. my sister can eat like a beast – it’s genetic. i mean that as a compliment. while my sister and i are both fairly small women, claudia is going to be our secret weapon. she is my height, and roughly a size 000. yes, three zeros. i just made up a size for her. don’t be fooled; homegirl can EAT. especially cheeseburgers.
if you want in on this, let me know. additionally, if you know of any eating challenges in the boston area, tell me.
spraymucus said (Registered July 1, 2009)
December 19, 2009 @ 5:08 pm
So this girl has yet to do any sorta challenge herself and she’s assemblying the “greatest” female team ever. ooookkkkaaayyyyy.
God bless her!