New Poll: founding member of new eating organization
A recent megamunch blog entry says:
My point is, if you begin to rate eaters based on these categories, you can begin to see why some eaters were chosen for the Spike contest and how some eaters are actually more valuable performers than higher ranked guys like Joey Chestnut and, dare I say, Takeru Kobayashi? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, If I were starting a new CE league and had the opportunity to draft one MLE eater, it would be either Eater X or Crazy Legs.
The new poll asks what eater you would choose as the cornerstone of a new competitive eating organization. You can choose whatever factor you like: current eating ability, projected future eating ability, stage presence, likability, etc. The top 12 ranked IFOCE members were listed along with 3 AICE and 3 Japanese eaters. The poll allows a maximum of 20 choices.
Eric Duclos said
October 17, 2007 @ 12:39 pm
I feel that it is also important to have your conerstone eater available for travel at all times. To have a “conerstone” eater or someone who will carry a league better damn well be able to travel on the drop of a dime. All these people that have issues with travel…forget them. You need someone who can make it their number one interest. That automatically rules out eaters with rigid work schedules and let’s be honest, it also rules out most anyone who has a family with kids. Sure they could get off for a contest every now and then, but that won’t cut it for a franchise eater!
Rhonda Evans said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:04 pm
I agree with Mega Munch. He nailed it. Crazy Legs can do it all. He’s an excellent eater; he’s well spoken; he’s well written; he’s very intelligent; he has a great sense of humor (dry is okay); he’s confident; he is very noticeable; he is very likeable, and he is very interesting and entertaining
C.L. would easily be my first choice; Eater “X” would be my second; Erik “The Red” and Hall Hunt would tie for third, and all the rest would be also rans in that department, regardless of how much they can / could eat.
donmoseslerman said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:15 pm
I would pick myself followed by Ed Jarvis and Eric Booker, the old school eaters have carisama that the new eaters lack, they made the ifoce for the begiining years and can continue to go on for the future…
Just Eat It - I Think Not! said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:19 pm
Without flavor, or “flava”, both eating, and watching eating, is boring. The eating world needs more, not less, characters. Crazy legs, Eater X are about the most well-known figures in competitive eating, and not necessarily because they are great eaters. Guys like Super Paul, Russ Keeler, Bubba Yarbourgh, and plenty of others, make the meals memorable. Give any of them the exposure that only a few “crazies” like El Toro are getting, and they will provide the ratings and popularity.
If the WWF just had guys wrestle, they wouldn’t exist today. If NASCAR had no wrecks, they’d have crashed and burned a long time ago. Tennis sucks to watch because they are no Ille Natashe, no John McEnroe screaming, no personalities. Everyone in hockey looks the same (you can’t see under the helmets), and they are struggling. NFL football is great, but people talk about T.O., Ocho Cinco, more than Tom Brady.
Arnie's Army said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:25 pm
Wel I would vote for Chow Hound because he is really smart and he really cares for his fellow eaters. That’s why the AICE is such a superior organization as it is, soully because of him.
It makes me barking mad when I read harsh comments about him. He is the dog gone Saint Christopher of picnic style rules and I have a serious bone to pick with anyone who doesn’t agree.
Also he’s the true pickel champ.
Carey said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:32 pm
I think that metro-sexual from that MTV program, the one who beat that old lady, would be the best choice. Anyone like him or Tim who spend an hour in front of the mirror before a comp has a lot of concern with image, and that shows through to the organization.
JDawg said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:40 pm
I would pick Tim. His numbers are almost as good as Joey and Pat’s but he speaks way better then them. They aren’t very articulate and sometimes they sound like dumb athletes. You can not choose Juliet. She gets beat all the time, and does anyone know how good her English is? They never put her on television probably for a reason.
No Mercy Percy said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:51 pm
I knew Don would pick himself. Maybe it would work. I guess he does sort of draw attention as well as a halo of flies.
beautifulbrian said
October 17, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
Where was i before i rudely deleted myself . Oh yes. I would have to pick myself as leader even though its a vain move on my end. Ive been around longer than anyone in the IFOCE with the exception of Kevin and Booker who came around about the same time. I would straighten things out big time. First off none of this no reply to email bullshit or im in a meeting ill call you back.The last thing i would stress is not making anyone feel like they are not wanted. Most of the time you dont get a callback unless its something they want you for. Here is the coaching staff or the eaters i would want on my team with me not in particular order. If some feel hurt too bad this is my team deal with it
1. Badlands Booker
2. Allen Goldstein
3. Sonya Thomas
4. Mike Devito(commissioner)
5. Ed Krachie
6. Pat Bertoletti
7. Brian Subich
8. Hall Hunt
9. Erik the Red
10 . Arturo Rios
11. Steakbellie
12 El Toro
13 Bubba
14. Kevin Lipitz
15. Mike Castellano (head MC)
16. Joe Larue
17. Brad Sciullo
18. Kevin Carr
19 R. Lefevre
20 Jim Reeves
21, Super Paul
22 Pretty Boy Davekos
Legs and Eater X would of course be included but i would control how much media attention they would get. In other words this one sided shit would not be permitted on my end. Everyone would get a piece of the action and i would make sure all 22 members are satisfied . Of course througout the course of the year more new names would be added on but trust me everyone and i mean everyone in my organization would have a smile on their face when all is said and done
Mega Munch said
October 17, 2007 @ 2:07 pm
Good point Carey. You also reminded me…I’ll take the old lady from the MTV True Life episode as my #2 pick. She could just sit up there at the table and glare menacingly at the other eaters like she did to Hickman during the spoonbread contest.
Anonymous said
October 17, 2007 @ 2:19 pm
What about Dale Boone?
Rhonda Evans said
October 17, 2007 @ 2:27 pm
Crazy Legs, if you need a couple of articles written for CE I have two: “In Bed With Competitive Eating,” and “Weiner Warrior!”
Rhonda Evans said
October 17, 2007 @ 3:55 pm
Brian’s organization would be more like the AICE now, in that it would not center on what’s best for business, but eater equality all the way. There’s nothing wrong with that, necessarily. Perhaps Don and Cookie could enlist Joey and Koby, and perhaps even lure away X and Legs, in a rival league.
Rhonda Evans said
October 17, 2007 @ 4:03 pm
I think Juliet’s English is outstanding. She also speaks not one but two languages.
She also will only get better as an eater. Sonya is Sonya, but Juliet is a better eater than 80 % of the top 50 right now, and she is already better than most all of the pre-Crazy Legs/LeFevre Old School eaters, save Cookie, Booker, Menchetti, and Hungry Charles.
USMALE said (Registered September 4, 2007)
October 17, 2007 @ 9:52 pm
You better put the U.S. Male in the batter’s box, because I will be working my way into the lineup. I ALWAYS DELIVER!
badlands Booker said
October 17, 2007 @ 10:32 pm
I would pick the Godfather just because he’s Gangsta! Nuff Said
Pat From Moonachie said
October 17, 2007 @ 10:59 pm
my name is pat phiblin oink oink oink
brad sciullo said
October 17, 2007 @ 11:48 pm
having two teams will bring new light to the sport.Im for it.I think pat should have a team and than joey and spilt people up,no more rankings,simply 3 brackets.
Ron Koch said
October 18, 2007 @ 12:21 am
If the ifoce would let me back I think I would be up there with all the foundalings
anonymous said
October 18, 2007 @ 1:33 am
Koch give it a rest. You dont know what the hell you want from one day to the next
beautifulbrian said
October 18, 2007 @ 2:17 am
I had a feeling certain people would take my choice of eaters and leadership the wrong way. This was not meant to be a knock on Hardy or anyone else. He is a fine commissioner and judge with the IFOCE. I just happen to think that Devito or Ray the Bison (whom i forgot to mention) would do an admirable job also. I would choose either or or as the commissioner of my organization. The names i mentioned were just the first names that would come to my mind if i were the founder of an organization. Any type of secrecy or favortism would not work in my league. It would be an open door policy . As far as the media we would rotate in the broadcast booth with myself, Erik the Red, Steakbellie , Crazy Legs and Tim. I doubt i could ever have the luxury of those 22 names in my league . It would wipe out a large chunk of the IFOCE and wouldnt want to do that to them. Rhonda is correct . It would be similar to aice with small time sponsors but there would be no slamming or bashing of the IFOCE the way they do. This is all in fun and will never happen anyway so why sweat it. If i ran it my way it would be alot different from what everyone is used to at the present time.
Rhonda Evans said
October 18, 2007 @ 9:45 am
I do respect Mr. Chapman for taking action to do something about a situation that he deemed unfair. I’ll give him that, if nothing else.
anonymous said
October 18, 2007 @ 11:04 am
my name is pat phiblin oink oink oink
New eating league said
October 18, 2007 @ 11:40 am
Has already stated. Get ready .
1 st contest coming in 2008
Anonymous said
October 18, 2007 @ 5:35 pm
Where is Don Moses Lermans name?
Ron Koch said
October 18, 2007 @ 7:12 pm