New Poll: rate of growth of competitive eating

The new poll asks how you would describe the combined rate of growth for all levels (IFOCE, AICE, independent, eating challenges) of competitive eating over the past six months.

Comments (4)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    May 22, 2007 @ 4:06 pm

    I think the rate of growth for the AICE is about the same, but it has definitely tailed off for the IFOCE. Also, personnel-wise, assuming what I believe will be a mass exodus of mid and lower ranked IFOCE eaters to the independent league, the numbers of eaters in the AICE will pick up dramatically in the next year or two.

    But, as usual, I’m probably way, way off base and will look foolish at year’s end. Sigh …

    (I must admit, part of that prediction is a wish, only because of the state of inequity in the IFOCE. The small handfull of 3 or 4 eaters make 97 % of the money/prize value, and I think that’s a travesty.)

  2. carey poehlmann said

    May 22, 2007 @ 4:38 pm

    I believe that CE as a whole has gained much more visability over the past six months than any time in the past.
    I feel that when IFOCE was started, and went around recruiting, that brought about the first major wave of popularity, but now with the AICE, more fans are becoming eaters, which in turn allow for even more fans.
    Hopefully, soon there will be a CE weekly league like bowling or pool, where everyone, everywhere will get together and compete on a level playing field. It would be interesting to see how the handicapping would be handled for such a sport.

  3. Anonymous said

    May 22, 2007 @ 8:12 pm

    It is fallen and it cant get up. Bring back Cookie.


  4. Mega Munch said

    May 23, 2007 @ 1:27 pm

    For any sport to grow, you need hardcore fans and casual fans. The hardcore fans are the most important because they are the ambassadors of the sport and often help recruit additional fans (both hardcore and casual). CE has both types, but the number of hardcore fans is much smaller than it needs to be in order to sustain growth.

    These hardcore fans are a demanding bunch. Love of the sport will sustain them for only so long. Soon they’ll demand things like accurate record keeping in order to convince themselves that the endeavor they are following so intently is a legitimate pastime. In other words, CE needs to put up a darker veil between it and its fans to hide it’s true purpose as a marketing tool for food brands. We all know that’s why it exists. We just don’t like to acknowledge it.

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