The new poll asks who you think is the top North American female competitive eater not ranked in the current MLE top 50.
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Anonymous said
May 22, 2013 @ 11:43 pm
LOL. The rest don’t even come close to Molly. She’s up there with sonya and miki.
anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 2:10 am
I for one am very glad Molly is doing Nathans and maybe a shot at signing with MLE. It will take the heat off miki like Roy Campanella did with Jackie Robinson only this would be a much sooner
Anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 9:47 am
Molly for sure. She has the capacity and the speed to be in MLE.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 11:20 am
Comparing Miki to Jackie Robinson? That’s a stretch
anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 11:42 am
1120 you failed to understand the analogy. Robinsion was the victim of haters same as Miki . When Campy came along who happened to be african american , it took the heat of Robinson although it took a few years in the making . Molly came along sooner and the both of them are good friends away from the table.More like giving the new kid some company
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
May 23, 2013 @ 12:30 pm
Based on everything I’ve read and heard about Molly, I’m expecting her to eat about 36 – 38 HDBs in the qualifier. Good luck to her.
Molly S said
May 23, 2013 @ 12:42 pm
Don’t expect too much HAHAHAHHAHAH – I had major dental work done and stats are not good – go back in on the 28th – Hey I am aiming for 3 – 6 ! Go Rams!!
beautifulbrian said
May 23, 2013 @ 1:36 pm
For BB haters and fans of all ages i will be competing at Meadowlands qualifier to hopefully eat more than 11 HDB. Last time i competed in Meadowlands was 2000 . They boiled the dogs
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
May 23, 2013 @ 2:44 pm
BB, good luck to you. It doesn’t matter how many you eat or don’t eat; that’s not what’s important. It’s the journey that gives folks satisfaction.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
May 23, 2013 @ 2:48 pm
Whatever you do is A-OK, Molly. Anyway, eating a lower number than expected is actually a good thing. That way you can surprise on the upside!
Wow said
May 23, 2013 @ 4:20 pm
Okay this proves it. You Miki fans are officially creeps. They’re now comparing rookie eater Miki Sudo, with the man Jackie Robinson, who changed history, advanced civil rights ten fold by breaking the race barrier in the nation’s pasttime of Major League Baseball. Next time Dax, BB, and any other anonymous Miki brownnoser chimes in here about the legend of Miki Sudo, remember that post. I don’t know why Sudo just doesn’t tell her creepy fans to cut the shit and let my eating do the talking for me. I guess Sudo must love the attention, even if it’s fabricated and false. What a fricking bunch of Narcists Sudo and her fans are that they’re even getting jealous of Molly Schuyler for getting a little attention and she’s not even in MLE yet. Sonya Thomas, who’s record makes Miki Sudo look hilarious, would cringe at such comparisons. MLE is going to have thier hands full trying to deal with Miki’s ego. I now know what her nickname should be — Miki “Me, Me, Look at Me” Sudo.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 5:26 pm
@wow said she did tell her fans to stop but she cant do it for every dumb post on here
anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 5:50 pm
Wow is just another example of someone that just reads instead of reading between the lines. Whoever compared Miki and Jackie Robinsons skills? Its about gender discrimination with another female eater coming along to ease the burden.Thats all
Anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 6:33 pm
Neither Miki nor Molly, nor Sonya are fighting for anyone’s attention. These ladies are doing nothing more than letting their talent and personalities shine, so go make your ridiculous claims elsewhere. These are fun, friendly women who have befriended MLE eaters, All Pro eaters, unaffiliated eaters, veterans, newcomers, as well as fans. No one who’s gotten to know these ladies have anything bad to say about them, and that alone should speak volumes.
You should get to know them.
On second thought, you’re probably a creepy, demented stalker who would wear their skins like onesies while singing to yourself in a dripping basement… so for their sake, don’t bother trying. Just do us all a favor and quickly find a different sport to obsess over. I hear competitive flower arranging chicks are hot.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 6:39 pm
Wouldn’t it be something if these two female greats finished one and two on the fourth of July? Pure class acts!
Anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 6:44 pm
“wow”@420pm:: you should cut the shit with your selective perception. In a silly analogy, Miki was compared to Robinson for the amount of HATERS that she has had to withstand. She wasn’t compared to Jackie Robinson for any of the reasons you mentioned. Furthermore, Molly was just compared to Campanella, one of the greatest catchers in the history of Major League Baseball. He, too, was a pioneer in breaking the color barriers — but you took no issue with that comparison, did you? It looks like YOU (not miki or Molly) who’s pathetically, desperately, seeking attention.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
May 23, 2013 @ 8:59 pm
6:30 just smashed you fucking Haters.
anonymous said
May 23, 2013 @ 9:16 pm
Most of the morons on here that rarely bother to read history, never heard of either of those sports figures.or if they did it was only because of the movie
Wow said
May 24, 2013 @ 11:40 am
My, My, where to begin. 5:26 — Me Me Sudo knows exactly who has been posting about her “legendary” status and dissing every other eater. She doesn’t say anything because she craves it. If she truely wanted it to stop, she’d embarrass them BY NAME and tell Dax and his merry band of dumbasses to cut it out. They’re only embarrassing Sudo amongst eaters and potential fans with their jocksniffing inane claims of greatness. 6:33 — I know for a fact you don’t know Sonya, so please don’t speak for her. Anony 6:44 — When Miki’s buddies say Sudo’s “like” Jackie Robinson that’s a comparison. CNN once compared Sonya Thomas to Billie Jean King as one of the top female eaters in history “that can beat men.” Thomas was horrified with the comparison. Sudo and fans love comparing her to Robinson and everything it infers. 6:44 — Miki’s haters? Sonya Thomas has over 400 posts on this site with vile, abusive, hateful comments. Tell Me Me to grow a fricking spine.
Anonymous said
May 24, 2013 @ 3:35 pm
WOW said: ” 6:33 — I know for a fact you don’t know Sonya, so please don’t speak for her.”
“6:44 — Miki’s haters? Sonya Thomas has over 400 posts on this site with vile, abusive, hateful comments. ”
You just gave yourself away as Team Sonya or TBW herself, so don’t pretend to be speaking objectively… or defending some virtue of fairness and propriety, or whatever the hell it is that you claim to stand for.
It must be hard to be in your late 40s with new talent coming in. Our condolences. For what it’s worth, Sonya’s still loved and revered. Just calm down. You’re making Sonya (or yourself) look bad.
Anonymous said
May 24, 2013 @ 4:17 pm
@11:40 You seem to have a wretched and rotten piece of meat where your balls belong. You speak so nastily about others who are beginning their rise to fame without giving them a chance. OR – maybe it is the fact that you are a wannabe or a HAS BEEN. Are either of these true? Honestly, you run your course with eating, you will do well for a while and then you have to expect others to come along. Thomas is not the only great female eater out there. Miki has many great attributes that prove her not only to be a good eater but also a good person. So you hack her because she is having a good time with eating and making friends and living it up ?? Why is that bad? You seem very petty. Stick you balls in the blender and run with it.
Anonymous said
May 24, 2013 @ 5:20 pm
3:25 you are an asshole for trying to pull TBW down like that. Get a life and not a low one.
Anonymous said
May 24, 2013 @ 5:53 pm
Thomas is not the only great female eater out there 417? I say she is, based on years at the trade and number of winning efforts against ranked Major League eaters.
Anonymous said
May 24, 2013 @ 9:42 pm
@ 5:53 Thomas is amazing – she will have a run for her money though if people like Miki and Molly eat like they do and improve at alarming rates. Are you jealous and blind just because they started BETTER than where she did with eating? Enough said
Facts are Facts said
May 25, 2013 @ 2:29 am
Miki Sudo has already proven that she is the greatest female eater in history and Molly is right on her heels. Nuff said!
Anonymous said
May 25, 2013 @ 9:56 am
All records will eventually be broken. Joey’s Koby’s Pat B’s Sonya’s everyone’s. Then in years to come those newer records will also be broken. Miki and Molly will probably break every one of TBW’s records, and when all is said and done, Miki may well have all but a few of the competitive eating records. She is on her way.
Anonymous said
May 25, 2013 @ 10:30 am
@9:56 very true. Miki and Molly will both make names for themselves. It depends for Molly if she signs the MLE contract. She seems too reserved and more family orientated.