(From kookycanuck twitter) Youtube has a video of Pat Bertoletti breaking the 7.5 lb. Kookamonga burger challenge record. update KookyCanuck.com has a gallery.


  1. El Horny said

    March 23, 2009 @ 4:01 pm

    It’s to bad he dosen’t have the million dollar contracts all the other top athletes of their sports do. He should have major sponsorship deals out there. One would think since the guys over at headquarters are ivy league graduates they should have been able to make this happen for him a long time ago. Your the best at what you do and the money you receive is not life changing. I rest my case. Maybe Pat should borrow A Rod’s agent or somebody’s for that matter?? They only care about themselves not the eaters who make this sport happen!

  2. El Horny said

    March 23, 2009 @ 4:19 pm


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