The MLE facebook lists some of the expected entrants in next Friday's Taco Bell taco eating contest in Puerto Rico: Joey Chestnut, Tim Janus, Matt Stonie, Eric "Badlands" Booker, Pete Davekos, Sean Brockert and Yasir Salem.


  1. Nathan in Cali said

    July 20, 2011 @ 1:40 pm

    Joey will run away with this, Janus should take second but it’ll be interesting to see how close behind Stonie will be to him. It’s good to see Yasir Salem competing more, he’s a very underated eater.

  2. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 20, 2011 @ 2:04 pm

    I agree with your entire post NIC. Before this year is up, if Stonie eats in enough contests, he may well finish ahead of a couple of top five eaters.

    Tim is awesome, and perhaps only Joey and maybe Pat can match him in stomach capacity, but in speed foods, like seafood, Matt has a chance against him—-just not in tacos.

  3. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 3:07 pm

    This a Nathans like line up, what the hell am I doing in there?

  4. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 20, 2011 @ 3:09 pm

    WB, you’ll help put the top eaters’ results in proper perspective. 🙂

    Good luck to you!

  5. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 3:21 pm


  6. anonymousoso said

    July 20, 2011 @ 4:21 pm


  7. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 6:14 pm

    Thanks for the vote of confidence person who won’t be bothered to put his or her name behind their statments! Lol an anonymous posting has zero credit and is pretty much worthless.

  8. Anonymous said

    July 20, 2011 @ 10:43 pm

    damn, did Stonie already get the MLE jet ride to P.R., thats faster than Joey got it, haha

  9. Ricky Ricardo said

    July 21, 2011 @ 12:13 am

    You mean to tell me Matt Stonie got flown out and wrecking ball didnt? Sunsing is verrry wrong here

  10. Matt "Mega Toad" Stonie said (Registered June 22, 2010)

    July 21, 2011 @ 10:45 am

    i didnt get flown out, people just starting rumors again…

  11. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 11:06 am

    So toad, how r u getting there then?

  12. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 21, 2011 @ 11:34 am

    What do you mean? He bought a ticket like everyone else

  13. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 21, 2011 @ 11:39 am

    WB, I honestly don’t know why people, in essence, treat you as the Rodney Dangerfield (whom I liked very, very much!) of CE.

  14. Matt "Mega Toad" Stonie said (Registered June 22, 2010)

    July 21, 2011 @ 11:43 am

    Im taking the bus, its cheaper then flying

  15. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 21, 2011 @ 11:43 am

    Its ok with me, the true people with names are always nice to me and that’s what matters.

  16. anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 12:13 pm

    Three of the names mentioned on the roster are getting flown out. Can you guess who?

  17. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 21, 2011 @ 12:38 pm

    Wrecking Ball, you are in great company with the positive people in competitive eating. Have a great trip, enjoy all, give it your all as I know you will.

  18. GO WB said

    July 21, 2011 @ 1:18 pm

    end result prediction!
    1. WB

  19. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 21, 2011 @ 1:19 pm

    See … this is exactly the negativity I’m referring to: A:12:13 has nothing better to do than cause trouble.

    First, whomever is getting flown out, well, they deserve it, assuming it is true. That’s one of the benefits of having a marketable quality for the business that is MLE, whether that business be eating talent, being more recognizable than others, or talent in interacting with the media.

    Second, is anything being taken away from those not receiving the same benefits? No!

    Third, if I were an aspiring C-eater, being a master of my own fate, and not playing the role of victim, I would put forth the effort to better my lot in life so I could earn the rewards that the more marketable folks do.

    It’s easy to complain and point fingers; anybody can do that. It’s tougher, even if more logical, to stay focused and positive. That’s why few people are at the top.

  20. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 1:48 pm

    i may be nieve but toad….isnt this contest a lil non cost effective???

  21. Money said

    July 21, 2011 @ 2:04 pm


    I agree with the above statement accepts “Second, is anything being taken away from those not receiving the same benefits? No!”

    Money is being taken away from somebody who pays their own fair because the more talented folks place higher then them. So in essence it’s a double whammy, the special eaters get travel for free and earn prize money, while lower ranked eaters pay for their own travel and just miss placing in the money. If a special eater won’t pay his own airfare and is then told MLE or the Sponsor will take care of it, they are more prone to going.

    But you are right, if you want to be one of these “special eaters” you’ll have to work harder on your talent and image (marketability) in order to get the perks. Either you play MLE’s game or go elsewhere. 🙂

  22. beautifulbrian said

    July 21, 2011 @ 2:11 pm

    Rhonda comments of that nature 12:13 as an ex are hot hurtful remarks its just someone opinion . . Now of course everyone will think just cause i condone it means i left it. Not true im just saying that the real negativity defaming ones integrity and character needs to stop right NOW. I lost some traffic on my site over the past 3yrs due to negative remarks about me as an individual. If people want to debate my commentary on thats perfectly ok with me but they wont go that route why? Because there is no fun in that whatsoever. They would rather poke fun at the site calling it kindergarten level. no interest, Seiken destroys lives. Thats what gives them the big thrill . Very sad how people can hate for no valid reason whatsoever

  23. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 21, 2011 @ 2:40 pm

    Who cares who is getting flown out and who is paying to fly out? The point is we are going to puerto rico to eat taco bell! That in itself is cool as hell! I know that I won’t place in the money but next weekend I am going to be in puerto rico and going to be loving it! Thanks for everyone that supports me and for those who I haven’t met yet I look foward to meeting all of you!

  24. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 2:53 pm

    but wrecking ball. doesnt that seem kinda dumb to travel all that way to lose…unless yourgoing there for a vacation and have $ to spend

  25. anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 3:12 pm

    My guess is Joey, Tim, and Pete if its 3. Joey and Tim if its 2.

  26. anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 3:56 pm

    I agree with 253 to.spend that kinda cash just to.say you had fun is real stupid

  27. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 21, 2011 @ 3:56 pm

    I’m a bit surprised that Juliet or Steph are not going to PR. I think it would be excellent to have one of them, if not both.

  28. anonymous comeah said

    July 21, 2011 @ 4:01 pm

    They don’t allow “Juliet-ing” in Puerto Rico.

  29. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2011 @ 4:04 pm

    Rhonda, it’s “whoever” not “whomever.” Whoever is subjective. Whomever is objective. I love how you just chose the more awkward case there because you thought it would make you sound smart, but in fact it just showed how dumb you are. Nice job!

  30. Phil La'Mignon said

    July 21, 2011 @ 4:30 pm

    That’s a nice short vacation even paying ur own way.

  31. ATM said

    July 21, 2011 @ 4:37 pm

    I know one eater who is happy Juliet’s not going. Book’s lost more money to her than a crooked casino.

  32. Phil La'Mignon said

    July 21, 2011 @ 4:51 pm

    I think I will agree with Rhonda whether she is correct or not because she is not the asshole.

  33. Badlands Booker said (Registered October 9, 2008)

    July 21, 2011 @ 5:42 pm

    lol ATM!!! let’s not rehash the past. Anyway, i’m looking forward to going to San Juan to eat for fame!

  34. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 21, 2011 @ 8:16 pm

    See Wrecking Ball – that’s the attitude to hold onto!!! It’s an awesome experience and fantastic opportunity!!!! People ask me all the time, well, if u can’t win, why bother competing. Well, DUH, if everyone thought like that there’d only b 3-5 eaters per contest lol. U’ve got great heart and spirit and will have a blast regardless of the eating outcome. And, NEVER sell urself short….just don’t know what may happen 🙂

  35. anonymous comeah said

    July 21, 2011 @ 11:05 pm

    Rah Rah… Larell “The Cheerleader” Marie

  36. Tico Taco said

    July 22, 2011 @ 5:54 am

    Wrecking Ball – I went around the corner last night and had some Taco bell and guess what, I had a fun time. Cost me $1.00 in gas, a few $$ for the food and like you I didn’t win a dime. Wait, I found a quarter on the floor so I guess I’d be ranked ahead of you in dollar earnings. Good luck!

  37. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 22, 2011 @ 6:39 am

    Anon 11:05 – lol 🙂

  38. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 22, 2011 @ 7:10 am

    Larell Marie is that indeed, and a great cheerleader!

    A:4:04. I’ll never knock a tip on how to write better.

    The sentence structure threw me off, but by golly you’re right! Thanks!

  39. anonymous said

    July 22, 2011 @ 9:04 am

    ok enough with the cheerleading stuff

  40. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 22, 2011 @ 9:26 am

    Whew, this thread is pretty typical. We have the haters, the backstabbers, the cheerleaders who are being knocked by the haters and backstabbers, and there is some good back and forth and good information. My view is pretty simple. There are eaters who care about breaking even and those who do not which is pretty wise considering that almost no one, as in almost no one can ever break even in competitive eating. If you care about the bottom line, do something else, anything else will be better. If you do it for other reasons, go for it. Larell, Wrecking Ball, Booker, Stonie, lots of very positive eaters. I just do not understand why people want to try to take them down. Jealousy? Yes, that is one reason. Make your own happiness people and stop hating on those who take what life gives them and make it better. About the flying out perk, Beautiful Brian says the remark is just an opinion. But the way it is written, it is a statement as if it were a fact. The only people who know this information are the eaters themselves, each individual. The rest is just speculation. As Rhonda says, is harm being done to the others? Rhonda is one of the big reasons this place needs comments.

  41. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    July 22, 2011 @ 10:08 am

    Tico Taco-why are you so upset with what I decide to spend my time doing? You understand that I am an adult and if I want to spend my money going to beautiful puerto rico (somewhere I have never been) instead of around the corner to the same Taco Bell that is always there, then what does if have to do with you? I like going places that I have never been to before, I enjoy hanging out with the eaters before and after contests and I like competing no matter how well I do! I have a great life, two beautiful kids and right now I am in school full time which offers me the luxuary to do some traveling before I settle down in my career. So don’t worry about me and where I stand in the money list, enjoy your own life and start doing something!

  42. anonymous said

    July 22, 2011 @ 10:20 am

    I think WB is going to PR to meet hot women. There is no other valid reason for taco bell exists all over the US Why spend a fortune to eat TB in PR ?

  43. Truth be told said

    July 22, 2011 @ 10:23 am

    They will never lead on about getting flown out because they were told “keep it between us”

  44. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 22, 2011 @ 11:05 am

    WB but you could spend that money on me. Damn selfish

  45. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 22, 2011 @ 11:40 am

    If they were flown out, and if they were told to keep it between themselves, and if they do (a lot of what ifs), I pat them on the back for being loyal; they’re behaving as they should.

    Not to do so would breed more contempt than there is now (from a minority of people), and the chance to cause dissention within the ranks would be taken full advantage of.

    This blog is a haven for such behavior.

  46. Truth be told said

    July 22, 2011 @ 11:58 am

    As long as names are not mentioned its ok to use the term “certain eaters” . When you start bringing names into the picture and pointing fingers at those names, this blog then becomes that person enemy.

  47. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 22, 2011 @ 12:06 pm

    Ok I love lucador masks and post cards. I am also a fan of hate mail.
    This is my mailing address but if you show up there your not going to find me. I am a nomad right now.

    send them to

    The King of Atlanta
    500 Rankin St
    Atlanta GA 30308

  48. KevinRoss said

    July 22, 2011 @ 12:12 pm

    I’m being flown out for Gyoza.

  49. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 22, 2011 @ 1:20 pm

    It’s so hot here in DC that I’m about to FALL out.

  50. anonymous said

    July 22, 2011 @ 1:36 pm

    anyone that got confirmed for Gyoza and lives within walking or driving distance is very lucky . The airfare is close to $500

  51. NReda said

    July 22, 2011 @ 1:46 pm

    Mr. Ross, really now? Aren’t you just being driven over in a chauffeured limousine?

  52. Phil La'Mignon said

    July 22, 2011 @ 1:58 pm

    Who has been confirmed for gyoza?

  53. KevinRoss said

    July 22, 2011 @ 3:13 pm

    Who gets driven in a limo these days? That’s so upper middle class. . .it’s all about the Rolls Royce Phantom with driver for me.

  54. KevinRoss said

    July 22, 2011 @ 3:15 pm

    I might take the Dodge Stratus though if I really want to class it up. I DRIVE A DODGE STRATUS!

  55. Phil La'Mignon said

    July 22, 2011 @ 4:21 pm

    I say again, who has been confirmed for gyoza? Who? Who? Who dammit who?

  56. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    July 22, 2011 @ 4:58 pm

    Rhonda thx! I didn’t catch that bout the sentence structure either! Stallion lol ur 1st couple sentences made me giggle….sounds like song lyrics. WB- ah just ignore ’em 🙂

  57. Nathan in Cali said

    July 22, 2011 @ 4:59 pm

    Well, there are very few contests on the West coast, so it’s kinda refreshing when the tables are turned on the East Coasters having to pay such high rates.

    Not to mention this is the first year since Day-Lee Pride took over Gyoza’s from Golden Palace has the purse been worth considering paying the cost of travel to compete in.

  58. Everything Equal said (Registered April 28, 2011)

    July 29, 2011 @ 2:10 pm

    looks like it was joey tim and pete that got flown out. i wonder if now tim is going to split his prize money with those that weren’t flown out as it wouldnt be fair. just ask male what a swell guy that tim is.

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