The Roy Rogers twitter announces that Sonya Thomas and Crazy Legs Conti will compete in the November 14 roast beef slider eating contest. "Notorious" Bob Shoudt and Pat Philbin are other expected entrants.
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anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 1:47 am
why dont they mention that Butiful brian, Davekos and shredder are competing . Make sure that crazy legs gets his name in everything Sickening
anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 2:20 am
He knows Rich Shea mentioned it on his twitter but to avoid mentioning that Brian is competing he looked to another source. What a jerk off you are
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 4, 2009 @ 9:09 am
I don’t think too many fans or potential fans of CE are familiar with the lesser known names. You can’t sell CE with them. The IFOCE is a business. That’s the bottom line.
You won’t help your cause by burning bridges with name-calling or by whining. Instead, kick some ass at the contest. That will speak a language that transcends all barriers.
anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 9:31 am
I would bet you any amount of money if Butifu rian miraculosl;y wont the contest OJ RIfkin would find a way to avoid mentioning his name . What a bitter jerk holding a grudge like that after Brian apologized. Cant blame tim janus for pleading with everyone in ce to stay away from this site several years ago when poor oj thought he was being mocked when he found out helen haggerty was a practical joke. “This site will be refrain from commenting until further notice” Boo hoo poor little OJ Rifkin was duped! . Get a sense of humor . And nobody cares one way or another if this site is gone tommorow except tor some of your cowardly faithfuls that sit by the PC and wait for Brian to leave a comment so they can call him a spoiled child or a baby. You really need a life
Anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 10:18 am
Butifu rian’s face is all over the comment above and many others. Apology one day, paranoia and take it all back the next. So he really was just trying to get what he wanted in supposedly apologizing. Yes, some people would care care very much if this site were gone tomorrow. As for Brian and his site, draw your own conclusions.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 4, 2009 @ 10:23 am
To BB and anyone else: I certainly care about this site, and I am absolutely SICK and TIRED of reading baby-like gibberish to the contrary!
Any person that can find any reason to berate it (to include the anonymous 9:31 commenter) has some real issues.
Frankly, if each and every one of the other CE sites folded I would still survive, but eatfeats pulling the plug would leave a void in CE the size of an astronomic black hole.
I’ll say it again OJ, some day may the Good Lord reward you for your Job-like patience!
nunonabun said
November 4, 2009 @ 10:52 am
Really how do you not love this site? Tell me any other site that has more info on contests and just as important the drama, the bitterness, the anger to boot. Legs is entertaining already.
anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 11:12 am
Of course you would survive Rhonda because without this site you woulnt be able to comment anywhere else or nobody would bother paying attention to you. I am amazed that nobody has figured out that you and OJ rifkin are one and the same whoever he is
anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 11:16 am
Rhonda how soon you forget that this site was a mere needle in a haystack on the internet search engine until BB gave it life on his site. That you fail to remember
close associate said
November 4, 2009 @ 11:46 am
anony 10:18 am if you think this is all that Butiyful brian has to do with his time then you are truly as dumb as you look and type. So what if its an apology one day and take it back the next? Arent most of you competitive eaters two faced scumbags to begin with? Some make believe they dont even notice you at a contest. Talk about total disrespect. Now the latest excuse is to avoid splitting road expenses with Brian because his name has been mocked on this site? They use the classic excuse that they are leaving the night before or the car is full? Bullshit. It truly amazes me that a man who was so well respected in the sport at one time has been reduced to a mere bag of shells. Anony 10:18 you draw your own conclusions? Brians site was not only innovative but a friend to all friends of the sport. And now many of you ingrates or flatleavers, have decided to dump him for this site because “Hey i got something better now”. Well that shows how ungrateful you assholes really are. Stay hungry and focused. gimme a break you phonies!
anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 12:02 pm
Brian. if thats you, its all about eating ability. If you are a shitty eater or your stats are poor, they dont want to know you. If you win a title or place in the top 10 then all of a sudden the phone calls and emails come pouring in. Very shallow bunch in this sport
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 4, 2009 @ 12:22 pm
What I vividly remember is that I came to know of this site (trencherwomen, back then) by way of Kate Stelnick who touted trencherwomen in early 2005, shortly after she downed the Olde 96er at Denny’s. Besides Sonya, Carlene, Marie “Chang Saw” Chang, and Kate, I was interested in looking up the significant CE accomplishments of additional women in CE, because there are always so few.
Yes, I did visit back then (I liked it better then than now, given its accusatory tone and rampant negativity recently.), but he was not the impetus behind my visiting eatfeats. is a good site, and I appreciate it and BB himself. But for anyone to think, comment, or talk crap that it was BB who was responsible for this site’s success, well, that’s just not true, and each time I read such an assertion I simultaneously roll my eyes and silently laugh (but not out loud).
nunonabun said
November 4, 2009 @ 12:57 pm
I got no beef with Brian but his sit sort of sucks now
Anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 2:42 pm
Rhonda is generous to say she appreciates BB and his site. Once again Seiken makes his own foul bed. Very sad.
Anonymous Fan said
November 4, 2009 @ 6:45 pm
So let me get this straight as to who is competing at Roy Rogers:
Humble Bob
Flash Gordon WingKong
US Male
Crazy Legs
Pat Moonachie
Wild Bill (obviously)
Have I missed anybody?
Anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 6:57 pm
As odd as it sounds, maybe people really do leave the night before or their car is really full. Extreme paranoid schizophrenia if you ask me.
Anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 7:12 pm
That’s a big field!!
US MALE said
November 4, 2009 @ 11:41 pm
Somebody is wrong, I am not competing at Roy Rogers.
beautifulbrian said
November 5, 2009 @ 12:35 am
If any of you actually believed that fake apology i posted then you are reallu veru naive, Rifkin is a figment of your imagination, i could care less what you fake cowards think about me im competing and then im leaving if you have something to say to me in person please do on nov 14 in MD
beautifulbrian said
November 5, 2009 @ 12:51 am
Rhonda evans FYI is based on OJ fixation with the 70s tv show good times and the evans family I should be grateful that a ficticious character created by another ficticious character was at one time a fan of my website? You must really think im stupid
anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 2:34 am
OJ Rifkin is nothing more than a fake fraud but considered a genius amongst the anonymous cowards that are petrified to post their real name.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 5, 2009 @ 8:32 am
BB I didn’t think you’re stupid, nor do I now, but please don’t give me additional reasons to reconsider.
By the way, regardless of what you might say, I don’t think too many of us will fall for believing that the anony 2:34 comment is not you. I’ll take that “fake fraud” OJ any time.
You should be ever so thankful that OJ doesn’t believe in fighting fire with fire. Why don’t you stop this internal battle with yourself and move on. This behaviour of yours is a lose-lose situation for you and only you.
Believe it or not, I’m probably one of the very few CE followers who is willing to take up for you at times even when I know you’re being a jerk. I think that’s rare. Even if you continue tio blast me I’ll still feel that way. That’s just my nature. However, I won’t stand by to see you berate others on the world stage (the Internet) that I hold in high regard.
If you want to have a war with me, go ahead. I can take it. But leave OJ alone. I’m getting sick of it. I really am.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 5, 2009 @ 8:35 am
Surely Juliet will be there (at RR), that’s right in her back yard. So that’s another one that was left out.
Also, isn’t BB going to be there? He certainly put in for it early enough!
Anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 10:10 am
Rhonda (and USMale?) seem to be the only public supporters of BB. Brian should not bite the few hands which feed him.
Mega Munch said
November 5, 2009 @ 10:39 am
Wow. That is a big field of ranked eaters. Should be interesting. It’s Bob or Sonya’s for the taking, but the pressure is on Sean Gordon and Kong to put up a strong number to justify their deserved rise in the rankings. I think those two make a nice Philly area rivalry.
beautifulbrian said
November 5, 2009 @ 11:16 am
Rhonda Evans until you surface at an event or post your real name , nobody is ever going to take you seriously. Rhonda Evans i could care less or give a rats ass if OJ wants to fight fire with fire. I could care less if you or anyone else for that matter takes my side.I have little time to go with with you matter of fact this post has taken up most of my hard earned time to begin with What are you a fuckin grade school teacher handing me a lecture? There is a very strong possibilty that your true identity is a relation to an IFOCE member but out of respect for that individual i wont go there. I have your IP address and location from a blog comment page that briefly appeared on my site several years ago. Again out of respect for your privacy i would never reveal it although many would just love for me to do just that. For every negative comment that is posted about me using my real name or the name beautifulbrian= 2 more new IP locations on my stat meter. How do i come to that conclusion? The originating URL is eatfeats or they just google my name . Maybe you dumb anonymous assholes should think twice when you post a negative remark about me. Hate to burst your bubble about OJ site being gods gift to the competitive eating world but many eaters (especially top ten) in the past have told me that this site is not only breeds hate but is a detrament to the sport as a whole. Oh sure they might check it out every now and then but they wouldnt lower themselves to posting their real names on the comment page and can you blame them? I as well as they are not knocking the fact that it provides vital info at times pertaining to events , but the negative comments superceed what it is trying to accomplish. Rhonda Evans there is much more to me than . I try my darnest to report the news on CE the way i want it and not google it like this guy does. I own another website which focus on events affecting our lives and society as a whole but its not worth hyping it on this site considering most of OJ audience has a very low IQ if you get my drift. As far as my stature as an eater i could care less if another eater can put away more food than i can? Do you honestly think i give a rats ass ? Does that make you a real man knowing that you can out eat me? Lets go one on one in hoops or put on the boxing gloves and get in the ring? Maybe then we can decide who the real man is. Funny part is im not referring to IFOCE members but the assholes from other eating organizations that have never been accepted anywhere else in society or for that matter can prove themselves in anything but competitive eating. These same individuals have put up their chump change challenging me one on one. Keep your fu– money i dont want it nor do i want to eat at the same table with you. Rhonda Evans i have enough money put away in investments and what not to buy or start my own eating organzation but out of respect to the sheas i would never dream of such a venture. Im a loyalist. I remember the little things people have done for me and i stay loyal to people that have come through in that sense. I dont dwell on being tossed around like an old shoe as others have or what have you done for me lately? Maybe the sheas should have given that person a teething ring or a bottle to shut them up. I will continue to report the news the way i feel it should be reported no matter how much you or anyone else feels offended by it . It is not a lose lose situation. I certainly dont see it that way but considering the fact that this site is comprised of anonymous losers i could see your point is well taken
beautifulbrian said
November 5, 2009 @ 11:24 am
Anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 10:10 am
Rhonda (and USMale?) seem to be the only public supporters of BB. Brian should not bite the few hands which feed him.
Anonymous i would love to provide you with my statpage which shows 40 to 50 new visitors on my traffic page but its kinda hard when i dont have your email address and you insist on remaining anonymous. By the way if you refer to the Rhonda Evans response on my behalf , another new visitor just logged into my site thanks to you. Keep up the great support .
anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 12:00 pm
Its funny Arnie chapman has used that phrase “bite the hands that feed him” . Sometimes its what you print in text which proves to be your downfall in revealing your true identity
anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 12:12 pm
Hey OJ how come you cease mentioning anything about Chapman and his crumbling eating organization which features none other than bitch slap arcadia who is his only true meal ticket at the present time? Are you so petrified of his legal threats that you need to refrain from posting anything in relation to his organization? I bet you 10-1 you wont post this comment
very interesting said
November 5, 2009 @ 12:15 pm
Maybe 10:10 am is US male . How do you like dem apples?
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 5, 2009 @ 1:03 pm
By the way BB, that was Florida Evans in Good Times, not Rhonda.
Oh, yes, IPs again. I hope you get some use out of that info. Do you not know that there are myriads of programs out there with which to disguise IPs? There are a few that you can purchase and actually select the ones you want, based on availability.
I’ll say one thing BB, if nothing else, you’re certainly getting some things off your chest via eatfeats. The trouble is, it doesn’t seem to help.
Anyway, I’m done addressing such issues. I’ve better things to do with my time, and you probably do too, especially with all the irons you have in the fire.
Good luck BB.
beautifulbrian said
November 5, 2009 @ 3:55 pm
as ive stated on more than one occasion on this site and mine if anyone has a beef with me iwould be more than happy to address it in am email or in person but they wont go there because they want an audience and why nor? its easier playing the role pf an anonymous cyber bully hiding behind a computer right?
Rhonda Evans said
November 5, 2009 @ 3:59 pm
This has to be near an eatfeats record for the greatest percentage or number of off-topic posts in a threaded discussion.
US MALE said
November 5, 2009 @ 5:01 pm
sorry but anonymous at 10:10am was not me. I have this weird thing called a job and am gone from 6am – 4 or 5pm. Nice try butt-munch, although I am friends with BB and think what he does on his site is great. He does not need your sympathy or pity, nor does he care.
Sneaky anonymous Disguised name said
November 5, 2009 @ 6:09 pm
Anybody wanna talk about roast beef?
Anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 6:13 pm
On my way to pay Brian a sympathy visit to help out his numbers and it wood be nice if others did the same so lets cheer him up.
Anonymous Eatah said
November 5, 2009 @ 8:29 pm
“butt munch” ? haha what’s wrong with you?
Anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 8:47 pm
Predicted outcome:
1. Sonya
2. B.O.B.
3. Wing Kong
4. Booker
5. Crazy Legs
6. PrettyBoy
7. Pat from Moonachie
8. Keeler
9. Flash
11. Shredder
12 T) Wild Bill & BB
Inspector Noodle said
November 6, 2009 @ 1:47 am
Anonymous said
October 25, 2009 @ 2:40 pm
Incredible that Seiken continues to act like a child. “I was first. My daddy can beat up your daddy.” Seiken could give away free meals at his site and I still wouldn’t scare to visit.
Anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 6:13 pm
On my way to pay Brian a sympathy visit to help out his numbers and it wood be nice if others did the same so lets cheer him up.
Anonymous said
November 5, 2009 @ 10:10 am
Rhonda (and USMale?) seem to be the only public supporters of BB. Brian should not bite the few hands which feed him.
Anonymous said
September 12, 2009 @ 3:42 pm
Brian thank God for your sake that our fellow competitive eaters refrain from chiming in, because about 90 percent would agree with me. That same 90 percent. however, feels sotrry for you and don’t want to cause trouble. Get your act together Brian, okay?
Anonymous said
September 12, 2009 @ 10:50 pm
I am not OJ Brian. OJ has more class than, and no time to, resort to such shallow nuances. This is your speed. I really want to root for you. Stop the nonsensical comments and I will. Okay? I really mean it Brian. And I’m someone you know, but I don’t want to hurt your feelings okay?
Anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 10:18 am
Anonymous said
November 4, 2009 @ 10:18 am
Butifu rian’s face is all over the comment above and many others. Apology one day, paranoia and take it all back the next. So he really was just trying to get what he wanted in supposedly apologizing. Yes, some people would care care very much if this site were gone tomorrow. As for Brian and his site, draw your own conclusions.
Our conclusion is that the anti Brian comments originate from one and only one IP only. We know who you are
Butt Munch said
November 6, 2009 @ 5:18 am
Hey, leave me out of this… This is about BB, Rhonda and sprinkled with some Roast Beef talk.
Rhonda Evans said
November 6, 2009 @ 8:07 am
That’s a very thoughtful prediction A-8:47. I think Steak will finish a bit higher, and I believe Badlands will finish third. It will be very close between the top two you have listed. Bob will and should be the favorite, given his momentum the past 6 months.
Anonymous said
November 6, 2009 @ 8:18 am
Who is “our” Inspector Noodle? and turn in your badge. You are wrong about all being from one source says I, the source of only one of the comments. I guess you know who “we” are.
Rhonda Evans said
November 6, 2009 @ 8:52 am
I’d rather talk about roast beef Inspector.
OJ is there a way to divert thread topic-unsupportive comments to an eclectic bitch, moan, berate, and lambast thread —- a virtual melting pot of verbal excrement?
That would surely save time for visitors who have better things to do than wallow in such shit-laden landfills. Yet, those who embrace that destructive lifestyle can have their own cyber shit-slinging playground in which to stir up trouble amongst themselves, leaving the rest of us true fans of CE out of it.
Anyway, those are my thoughts.
Inspector Noodle said
November 6, 2009 @ 10:25 am
I am turning in my badge after i get a promotion to captain . for closing this case
anonymous said
November 6, 2009 @ 10:26 am
Rhonda you are riot that is funny lol lol lol !
Rhonda Evans said
November 6, 2009 @ 11:49 am
Thanks … I guess I’m in sort of a silly mood.
Anonymous said
November 6, 2009 @ 12:10 pm
Rhonda why don’t we call the “bitching” site
Rhonda Evans said
November 6, 2009 @ 1:34 pm
That’s certainly a name to consider.
anonymous said
November 7, 2009 @ 8:52 am
Its seems that juliet lee is done with competitive eating
big news said
November 7, 2009 @ 10:23 am
Speking of Butiful brian we are anxiously awating his new cd stick to blogging 2 which wil feature some real talent on the tracks. OJ rifkin are you going to promote it on this site or just for the sake of pissing him off, completety ignure it? Coose the latter for that is a much better option. His muzac is not even comparable to badlands booker.