San Diego Grilled Cheese Contest has an article promoting Sonya Thomas’ appearance in a grilled cheese sandwich contest at the minor league Surf Dawgs game Wednesday. There is not really any new information in the article. Sonya will attempt to break her record of 25 sandwiches in 10 minutes which she set in Venice Beach in February. There will be 15 (!) grilled cheese sandwich contests in the circuit, the next one located in South Dakota next week. If there are no limits on the number of contests an eater can enter, Sonya could really rack up some frequent flyer miles going to grilled cheese sandwich contests. All time leading run-scorer and base stealer Rickey Henderson plays for the Surf Dawgs, so if there was a Hall of Fame for competitive eating there would be two future Hall of Famers at the Surf Dawgs stadium Wednesday.
Pictures of Sonya and Carlene LeFevre at the last grilled cheese contest can be found at: takes note of the US Open two days after it is televised in this column which solely consists of praise for Kobayashi.
Bir Günde A??k Etme Duas? said (Comment pending approval)
January 26, 2022 @ 8:28 am
Hello guys. Thank you very nice artichle. Good site admin:)