The second trailer for "Furious" Pete Czerwinski's upcoming documentary has been released. Pete will also have some video from his completion of the B3 burrito at the Nascar Cafe in Las Vegas.


  1. anonymous said

    September 29, 2009 @ 11:10 am

    This is interesting. I wonder how dale boone is going to react when he sees his face in the movie after furious pete declared he wants nothing to do with the WLOCE. Until Pete decides to take Brad Sciullo up on his Labor day 2008 offer, then he is still nothing

  2. Anonymous said

    September 30, 2009 @ 8:05 am

    “Until Pete decides to take Brad Sciullo up on his Labor day 2008 offer, then he is still nothing”

    why? I think he has done some pretty decent eating, and has done more a lot of individuals to get the ‘sport’ into the public domain. That must count for a little more than nothing don’t you think.

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