Sidebar updated; IFOCE points dropped
I have updated the links in the sidebar. Please let me know if there are any competitive eating related websites you would like added that are not present.
I also decided to drop the IFOCE points totals from the sidebar (replacing it with the Nathan’s finalists) and will not restore them unless top 10 results for all 2007 contests are provided.
Mad Stork said
May 7, 2007 @ 12:20 pm
so in other words they will never get restored
Kevin Ross said
May 7, 2007 @ 1:34 pm
I hung out with the real mad stork in Vegas, who ate at the hot dog qualifier. You are an imposter, best I can tell. Why would you take on someone else’s name? Or is this just the biggest coincidence ever and 2 people are calling themselves that?
nathanbiller said (Registered January 29, 2007)
May 7, 2007 @ 1:52 pm
I’m kinda sad no one is taking the points thing seriously. It was gonna be the only way that unknown guys/girls who could beat a lot of the ranked eaters but could not get enough exposure were gonna get any recognition.
anonymous said
May 7, 2007 @ 2:22 pm
Point system is a joke . You people are such fools
Kevin Ross said
May 7, 2007 @ 2:36 pm
Hey Nathan. I’d suggest that you or anyone who feels this way sends an email over to IFOCE and lets them know their thoughts. I already did. It can’t hurt for them to realize how many eaters are disappointed that the top 10 eaters for each contest aren’t getting any mentions on the website and the points system apparently has stalled out. I thought this was a good idea to give middle-ranked eaters more inspiration/recognition for all their effort. I love the IFOCE contests, but I do feel they need to do more post-contest in providing the official results with a nice write-up/recap. It would take just a few minutes, but it would provide an incredible amount of benefit for all the eaters. Take Mongo, who just ate 23 hot dogs at the Vegas qualifier. Doing the deuce and then some should be a big deal! But the IFOCE webpage only mentions Pat and Rich and it’s like Mongo wasn’t even there. How difficult would it be to give a little blurb saying what a great job he also did? I sure hope the points system thing gets picked up again so more eaters feel like someone cares that they showed up and did a good job.
Mad Stork said
May 7, 2007 @ 2:57 pm
christ you ever think that he took my name
Kevin Ross said
May 7, 2007 @ 3:27 pm
I said it is possible it’s a coincidence in my first post. Just seems like a crazy one, if it is, because that isn’t exactly a common name. How long have you been calling yourself that for?
Mega Munch said
May 7, 2007 @ 10:34 pm
Good point Kevin. I often wonder how many ranked eaters feel the same way about the lack of accurate post-contest record keeping. I also wonder how many bother to voice those concerns. The lack of accurate reporting doesn’t just hurt middle and lower-ranked eaters, it affects top ranked eaters too. If a top 10er finishes in fourth or fifth, behind a lower ranked eater, it would help their case (and ego) if everyone knew that they were only one or two food units out of the money.
anonymous said
May 8, 2007 @ 12:48 am
good, your points sidebar was based on crap information and never got corrected, the meatsweats would lie and you would swear to it.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
May 8, 2007 @ 7:46 am
How dare you accuse the meatsweats of lying. We’ve NEVER been caught……