Simpson survives Syracuse sausage sandwich showdown
from World Sausage Sandwich Eating Championship, New York State Fair, Syracuse, NY
Chip Simpson–13.25 sandwiches, $2000
Humble Bob–13 sandwiches, $1000
Tim Janus–12.5 sandwiches, $750
Crazy Legs Conti–9 sandwiches, $250
Full results are available on
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
August 27, 2006 @ 12:25 am
Thats tight…..
Humble Bob is on a serious roll. Look out Young Gyns…..
awesome job guys….
russman88 said (Registered August 7, 2006)
August 27, 2006 @ 12:54 pm
Being at this table, with these guys in Syracuse, it was the best competition I was ever involved in. Chip and Bob pushed each other right to the end
------ said
August 27, 2006 @ 2:06 pm
I thought Chip was on a downward spiral after he dropped down 5 hot dogs at the nathans finals. He seems to be picking up steam however. He has topped Bob 3 times and Eater X twice in the past few weeks. Pat Bertoletti, Joey Chesnut and Chip Simpson seem to be forming a triple threat of young gun eaters. The Krystal competition should be very interesting for these three
LadyLenore said (Registered August 14, 2006)
August 28, 2006 @ 9:14 am
Shoulda been there – it was an INCREDIBLE contest! Although I really thought there was going to be at least ONE reversal.
Congrats to all the competitors – this was a really, really TOUGH, close contest!
(Kudos to my daughter for eating two whole sandwiches plus an extra bun after the competition!)