Site outage, Jan 10 link buffet

The blog and database have been inaccessible for approximately the past 6 hours due to a server upgrade by bluehost, eatfeats’ web provider, but they now appear back online. (I do not know why the server could not have been upgraded starting at midnight to minimize the inconvenience)

Here are the links that were on the page announcing the blog was down:

Jill Stoler has a trip report from Japan on her blog
Hungry Sisters have posted their 2008 goals in competitive eating has a gallery of Philly Guy aka Sticky Pete’s Wing Bowl qualification attempt
Takeru Kobayashi has a blog entry about his trip to the doctor to deal with his "jawthrithis"

Comments (1)

1 Comment »

  1. Rhonda Evans said

    January 10, 2008 @ 3:00 pm

    You know, I wish Koby only the best in getting the treatment/care he needs for his jaw. I, for one, believe it is a legitimate complaint, one that causes him pain. But given the ascension of other talented eaters, specifically, Joey and Pat, I must admit that Koby reclaiming his status as the # 1-ranked eater in the world is anything but certain.

    With that in mind, given Koby’s sense of enormous pride, I doubt that he would be happy with himself not being the world’s best current eater. If he retires now, he does so with dignity and the satisfaction of knowing that he was the greatest ever, and with the reputation as the most revered, recognized, and greatest competitive eater of all time.

    No one stays on top forever, at any endeavor. Whatever he does, I wish him the absolute best.

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