Sonya repeats in meatballs, solidifies #2 ranking

From & & Bubba Yarbrough

Meatballs, Carmine’s at the Tropicana, Atlantic City, NJ
1. Sonya Thomas 10.3 lb
2. Joey Chestnut 8.3
3. Bob Shoudt 7.6
4. Tim Janus 7.0
5. Rich Lefevre 6.8
6. Chip Simpson 6.0
7.Bubba Yarbrough 5.3
8. Larry McNeil 5.1
9. Allen Goldstein 5.0
10. Ken from MD (bouncer) 4.0
11. Brian Seiken 3.3
12.Kevin Lipsitz N3.1
13. Adam Leffler 1.9 – retired afterward
14. Crazy Legs Conti DQ

12/7 12:42 am results updated from writeup on Brian’s gallery

If there was any debate on whether Sonya Thomas should be ranked #2 going into 2006, she removed it with a dominating performance which gave her a 2 contest winning streak to offset her 2 contest losing streak from November. She almost doubled her amount from the 6 pounds which won her the title in 2004. “Humble” Bob Shoudt continues his strong drive for a top 5 ranking.

Links to articles will be added as they come online. Brian Seiken will probably have a more complete list of finishers.

Updated 8:43 pm iirraa has already uploaded a 6 picture photo gallery of the contest.

Updated 12/4 10:55 pm Yahoo news has an AP photo of the contest

Comments (19)


  1. Hall said

    December 3, 2005 @ 4:08 pm

    I believe Tim Janus came in 4th and Rich Lefevre 5th.

  2. Bubba Yarbrough said

    December 3, 2005 @ 11:04 pm

    Brian Will most likely have the most complete list here are a few more.
    6th Chip Burger
    7th Bubba Yarbrough
    8th Larry the Legend
    9th Goldstein “The Shredder”
    Everybody from 9th on up ate over 5 lbs it was crazy. Beautiful Brian and Crazy Kevin both ate close to 4 lbs each. After the contest I asked sonya where it went she said to feel her stomach and it was as hard as a piece of plywood it was amazing. Congratulations to everyone!

  3. Sonya Thomas said

    December 4, 2005 @ 8:45 am

    Dear ojrifkin,

    Thank you for the dedicated job you do keeping up with competitive eating. So many, many people in this sport do a wonderful job–whether it be through eating,information reporting, or both–and get little recognition. You help close that gap. Thank you … you are one of our sport’s truest friends–and a very eloquently expressive one. May you and yours have a wonderful holiday season!

    Kindest regards,
    Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas

  4. beautifulbrian said

    December 4, 2005 @ 6:29 pm

    Thanks Bubba. You did great on saturday. I am getting the final stats as we speak. the first five finishers are correct . After that there are quite a few corrections that have to be made on this site.There were other competitors that werent mentioned. But good job as always .

  5. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    December 4, 2005 @ 11:37 pm


    Thank you very much for your kind comment. There are so many interesting personalities and issues in competitive eating that it seems like this blog almost writes itself.

    Almost doubling your previous year’s total in meatballs is an extremely impressive achievement at this stage in your career. (Improving your hot dog total by the same ratio would put you in the 60s at Nathan’s). Your continued improvement along with the gains made by other gurgitators is going to make 2006 a very compelling year in competitive eating.

    I have heard big eaters described as “human trash compactors” and that appears to be literally true with you based on Bubba Yarbrough’s comment above. (This is not meant to equate Carmine’s meatballs with trash.) No one would expect that eating 10+ pounds in one sitting would be a way to obtain titanium-hard abdominals 😉

  6. Gentleman Joe said

    December 5, 2005 @ 9:02 am

    While no one doubts Sonya’s greatness, the improved #’s are mostly due to the quality of the meatballs. Even the Brian’s can squeeze 6 lbs of food in them. I think its a safe assumption to say that last years meat balls were cold, over cooked, etc. While this years, were probably warm, nicely cooked, & in sauce. To think that Humble Bob or Eater X is better now, than Sonya was last year is insane.

    We too enjoy this blog, even though we think we know the source

  7. The Scale said

    December 5, 2005 @ 11:33 am

    More official totals:

    Janus 7.1 pounds
    Lefevre 6.8 pounds

  8. beautifulbrian said

    December 5, 2005 @ 12:17 pm

    Joe there is no reason for you to start with the “Even Brian’s can squeeze 6lbs of food in them”. You were not at this contest or last years, and to base your sarcastic conclusions on hearsay is ridiculous. Most people feel that by ignoring you is the best way to shut you up but i have a little more respect for you and added respect after you left that comment regarding chapmans postings, which is why i thought i would respond to your most recent posting. The meatballs were smaller but in my opinion tasted like shit to be blunt about it and others voiced my same sentiments. I also felt last years meatballs tasted far better than these. This isn’t the usual beautifulbrian cop out, just a fact. I have been blessed throughout the years with an acid reflux problem which is common among a few of the eaters and throws off my rhythm but not my appetite. Just when it seems im ready to throw in the towel after the first 2 minutes of a contest, its the acid reflux that stops me dead in my tracks temporarily. After that i can continue on.This is not to say that if i didnt suffer from that condition i would beat Sonya, Joey. Shoudt etc etc or for that part finish in the money but i would give a much better showing than 3 to 3 1/2 lbs of food in future contests. The names i just mentioned are great eaters and are zoned in to do whatever it takes to win , but they are oblivious to taste and can probobly eat through anything with the exception of shit. Chestnut can verify what i just stated if i was referring solely to him. Sorry trencherwomen for the ramble but everyone knows in order to get my point across i require excessive if not unneccesary text.

  9. beautifulbrian said

    December 5, 2005 @ 2:01 pm

    I have requested official stats from the powers that be in regard to the contestants that finished out of the money 6 and up . However in the past my requests have gone unanswered with my assumption that if i post these stats it might cause friction amongst eaters that finished out of the money. . Why should i have to go through such a hastle when it comes to this?. From now on i will make it my business to look at the score keepers sheet and get these totals no matter who what . I think the only ones that are unconfirmed are Dan (the bouncer) Goldstein, Adam da Bomb , Bubba and Mcneil . I ate 3.3 and Krazy Kev ate 3.1. No need for this aggravation whatsoever.

  10. Pat Bertoletti said

    December 5, 2005 @ 3:25 pm

    In response to GI Joes response about Janus and Shoudt, I think that they have greatly improved since last year. I am most impressed by those two, more than I am about most other eaters. Shoudts 51 was better than sonyas krystal totals last year, and janus beat her grilled cheese by 6 or 6.5 sandwiches. I don’t think you can make year to year judgments and compare the quality without eating in this or last years contests.

  11. Yo Mama said

    December 5, 2005 @ 4:42 pm

    It’s not really possible to compare anything other than head-to-head in the same competition. If you compare one year vs. another that will not work because there can be so much variance in the material. You can’t compare Sonya’s grilled cheese total in comp #1 to Tim’s total later in the rounds again because of quality of the material. No doubt Shoudt, or whoever you want to speak of, has improved, no doubt at all. But do not compare like some other athletic endeavors can be compared.

  12. Jim Ray Hart said

    December 5, 2005 @ 5:12 pm

    Mr. Menchetti & has removed the link for from his website. That can only mean one thing?

  13. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2005 @ 5:43 pm

    For the most part comparisons from different contests are not a good thing. Wings, ribs, and technique foods will never be the same twice. Certain foods like krystals and nathans will be the same each year. They are pretty much standardized. Little things like buns will throw off the numbers a little bit. Eaters assume these foods will be cold, overcooked, nasty and hard to eat, theres is no question about that. And grilled cheese, there is some room for error since the contests were not all regulated, but

  14. Charles Bronson said

    December 5, 2005 @ 5:49 pm

    For the most part comparisons from different contests are not a good thing. Wings, ribs, and technique foods will never be the same twice. But certain foods like krystals and nathans will be the same each year. They are pretty much standardized. Little things like buns and temperature will throw off the numbers a little bit. Eaters assume these foods will be cold, overcooked, nasty and hard to eat, there’s is no question about that. But I agree, comparison for the most part is not a good thing unless the eaters being compared were at the same contest.

  15. Untitled said

    December 5, 2005 @ 6:27 pm

    Is this the seme Anonymous that revealed his identity as Gregorchik when called out by Chowhound? . If so we can put two and two together and figure out who the hell bothe of them really are in the IFOCE. QUITE INTERESTING INDEED .

  16. Mr Haney said

    December 5, 2005 @ 7:47 pm

    how did charles bronsen get inta this conversatiuon. why is he rapeatin what anonymous just said?

  17. Gentleman Joe said

    December 5, 2005 @ 9:39 pm

    Did I ever have listed on speedeat?!
    I granted that Janus & Shoudt improved. Just not to the level Sonya was @ last year.
    Anonymus/bronson is right, that it is extremely difficult to compare unless it in the same contest. Sometimes, even that can be difficult. With the last 2 performances Shoudt has put up, I’m glad I didn’t offer an 8/1 challenge to him.

  18. Jim Ray Hart said

    December 5, 2005 @ 10:09 pm

    Don’t play dumb Joe. was the first site listed on your links when you scrolled to the bottom of home page

  19. Gentleman Joe said

    December 6, 2005 @ 12:00 am

    My site occasionally suffers “gremlins”. When I get around to it, i’ll straighten it out. Updates are not always quick & simple. Thank you for bringing this oversight to my attention.

  20. sebze kurutucu said (Comment pending approval)

    March 8, 2023 @ 5:49 am

    Mutfakta zaman geçirmeyi sevenler ki?iler, sunum e?yalar? kadar haz?rl?k araçlar?n? da s?kl?kla kullan?r. Araçlar, yemek haz?rlanma sürecini kolayla?t?ran ergonomik tasar?mlara sahiptir. Genellikle plastik malzemelerden üretilen araçlar, ideal boyutlu tasar?mlar?yla her ihtiyac? kar??lar. Sat?n al?nan sebzeleri buzdolab?na yerle?tirmeden y?kayarak saklayabilirsiniz. Saklama kaplar?na ?slak yerle?tirilen malzemenin bozulma ve çürüme meydana gelir. Ayr?ca, salata ve yemek haz?rlarken malzemenin kuru olmas? lezzet aç?s?ndan önemlidir. Ergonomik tasar?mlarla üretilen sebze kurutma aparat? mutfak i?lerinde konforlu bir kullan?m sa?lar. Farkl? boylarda üretilen araçlar tüm ürünü kurutmak için tercih edilebilir. Dönen süzgeç formunda tasar?ma sahip ürünler, renkli tasar?mlar? ile her ortama uyum sa?lar. Sa?l?kl? plastikten üretilen mutfak e?yalar? dayan?kl? yap?s?yla uzun süre kullan?labilir.

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