EatMoreGyoza has a link to a podcast of an interview Sonya Thomas did this morning on the Mark and Brian Morning Show to promote Saturday's gyoza eating contest. Damon Wells will appear on Good Day LA tomorrow morning. update Aug 17 A video of Well's appearance is available.


  1. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    August 16, 2011 @ 11:53 pm

    Hey oj, I think it would be awesome if you could post a link about how stephanie torres and michelle “the cardboard shell” are also doing a charity fundraiser to help improve clean water linked to this event. People can donate a specific amount per gyoza or just a flat donation. Both of these two rock and are really trying to help out!

  2. ??? said

    August 17, 2011 @ 2:35 am

    That is cool! Go ahead girls. Do ya thing. Question. Why isn’t Kobi in the cash earnings list? Joey, Sonya, Pat, Squibb… All the greats, but Kobi?

  3. Matt "Mega Toad" Stonie said (Registered June 22, 2010)

    August 17, 2011 @ 8:46 am

    @wreckingball, im in that charity now too!!!! with a grand total of $0.00
    Help me get some money someone!!!

  4. Wrecking Ball said (Registered May 6, 2010)

    August 17, 2011 @ 9:20 am

    @matt lol sorry man didn’t see your name and I already donated for team torres but good luck!

  5. It should read said

    August 17, 2011 @ 7:39 pm

    update Aug 17 A video of Well’s appearance is available. which was originally posted on the place where i actually found it but if you think i am going to credit him with the link you better have your’e head examined

  6. Big time eater said

    August 18, 2011 @ 9:31 am

    I donate privately on my own. My donations go to the slot machines in atlantic city to help keep them in business. I guess that includes clean water

  7. Furthermore.... said

    August 18, 2011 @ 9:39 am

    And Seiken’s stupid comment on his site proves once again that it kills him that Shredder wants nothing to do with him. I guess that somewhat nice retirement article you wrote do did nothing to help.

  8. beautifulbrian said

    August 18, 2011 @ 12:48 pm

    Shredder wants nothing to do with me because his cousin the other goldstein fwd some personal emails to him in may 2010 out of rage , that were supposed to be private. If furthermore is not shredder than its just another moron that could care less about shredder but just looks to find anything negative i write about anyone to give him a reason to hate. The comment speaks the truth. Although i never claimed to have “guns” or “six pack” , i did have them years ago but nobody believes anything i say so whats the point. When George Shea would introduce him “Let me see those guns” Personally i didnt catch the hype..It was more overhype than anything. Im not saying the guy isnt in shape which he is , but in comparison to Damon Wells, Dr Bigtime Chip Simpson or Furious Pete there is no comparison at all.

  9. Shredder Fan said

    August 18, 2011 @ 4:58 pm

    Not that the Shredder is huge or built like a bodybuilder but his entrance with the guns was entertaining and original. Futhermore hits the nail right on the head because what seemed like a nice gesture article about the Shredder retiring now seems to be a bunch of “bologna.” Beautifulbrian, you say that the other douche goldstein forwarded personal emails you wrote and I’ll just assume that they weren’t very nice ones. Could this be part of the reason for the Shredder’s attitude toward you now? You have a way of being nice one day and a jerk the next.

  10. beautifulbrian said

    August 18, 2011 @ 8:42 pm

    The problem with you ill informed idiots is that you never get the complete story correct. The piece I wrote about Shredder was not an attempt to get back into his good graces. A reliable source told me he was calling it quits so I took it upon myself to post a tribute. He sent me an email saying he enjoyed the piece but he has no intention of retiring and he wants nothing to do with me because I can’t be trusted. That’s some switch. Id say the one that can’t be trusted is his trusty cousin who not only fwd emails but had plans to upstage Shredder ” show me the guns” persona by showing up with a cut up caveman t-shirt prior to the greenbelt pizza contest in md back in 2008 while Shredder had plans to show up dressed as a mailman and even asked me if I could bring an empty mail bucket from the post office.It’s funny how they became great buddies at that same contest when both of them had little if anything nice to say about one another prior to their first meeting. I’ll assume that the two of them must have confided in one another.”hey you know what that seiiken is obviously an instigator and troublemaker so let’s give him a taste of his own med and become good pals. Do I know people or what ? I haven’t been in the blooging biz 7 yrs for nothing

  11. Anonymous said

    August 19, 2011 @ 4:26 am

    Why must so many threads here center on Seiken? I say eliminate all commenting.

  12. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    August 19, 2011 @ 8:03 am

    Let’s give one vote for smarts to Seiken who writes in the middle of the night anonymously saying to eliminate all commenting. This is what HE wants if he cannot get ELIMINATING EATFEATS period. Kind of smart tactic Seiken but no go. Even if it isn’t Seiken, let’s see now……….does one rotten gyoza mean we should throw out all of the soup? Once again Seiken, by his very own words, shows us exactly what he is made of and it isn’t pretty. So let’s get back to the topic us ill informed idiots according to him. Damon Wells, a real up and comer probably has no idea who past eaters with so called guns are nor should he. He and Sonya have already gotten great publicity opportunities to spread the word about the event and themselves. This publicity always brings good things to all of the eaters. Should be a great contest with the outcome happily hard to predict.

  13. tell the truth said

    August 19, 2011 @ 9:17 am

    Seiken has to be considered the Larry David of this site. Damn if he does and damn if he doesnt. It would be so refreshing if Stallion would just come clean and reveal that he or she just cannot stand the guy instead of beating around the bush

  14. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    August 19, 2011 @ 6:36 pm

    Did Sonya really say that she gained 20 to 25 to 30 pounds during a ten minute contest on that radio show? I thought I heard that her choice of beverage is room temperature water. Whatever she said, my cheers are for Sonya to break Joey’s record and surpass Stonie and all others, but it will be a challenge. And if someone else triumphs, my cheers will be for them. May tomorrow’s best eater win tomorrow. Every contest is different.

    Moving on, this is for you, “tell the truth said.” That is so very very funny! Absolutely hilarious, as funny as Larry David so let me refresh you as you wish. Larry David is a comic, a curmudgeon comic for sure. What he does is entertainment, and he is properly rewarded for same. Seiken is no Larry David. If I have not made myself clear, I shall do so now. No, I do not say that I cannot stand Seiken, I say that I cannot stand what he does. Like Rhonda in the past, I am waiting for Seiken to redeem himself and show us that he can in fact be a friend to someone, do something which isn’t self-serving, say something which isn’t trying to elevate himself while taking others down. I would really love to see that. No one is beyond redemption. Show us Seiken, not once but a few times. No excuses, no asking for something for yourself, no name calling, just plain do something positive. Then perhaps people will begin to have respect for you. I would. I feel squeaky clean now.

  15. Anonymous said

    August 19, 2011 @ 8:29 pm

    When hell freezes over SI. It can never happen.

  16. anonymous said

    August 19, 2011 @ 10:51 pm

    Why is seiiken being accused of a bunch of lies ? We need a trial by jury in this matter

  17. SPBBBMBBSTBarlow said

    August 20, 2011 @ 8:29 am

    These are a lot of big paragraphs for a bunch of food-stuffing hoseheads. Who knew how well-versed a bunch of meatheads could be?? Always fun to read the love, hate, craziness, and passion involved in our semi-sport!

  18. anonymous said

    August 20, 2011 @ 11:05 am

    I agree Paul . Amazing how well versed and well educated they sound but the biggest haters are the most articulate . ex: SI

  19. Seiken fan said

    August 20, 2011 @ 11:35 am

    Stallion Italian you are the biggest bulls- artist with a fake name and fake accusations to go along with it. You could be Rhonda Evans for all we know but even that sounds strange accusing one fake of being another. Maybe you should think twice before accusing him of being self serving while elevating himself and bringing others down. Maybe its just you and a few other haters that feel that way when in reality its more about being opinionated while at the same time not being afraed to tell it like it is.If Seiken were to stray from his original format i doubt anyone would pay attention to him because the world is full of too many goody two shoes and less of what he has to offer. Sure asskissing has its place in society but what happens when those same asskissing goody goodies sense an injustice or injustices? Cant complain now cant they Especially Seiken style or it just might cramp their style or that nice guy persona just might go down the toilet. Thats why you need the Seiken’s of this world to handle those kind of injustices. Think about that Balboa? I never ever heard Seiken refer to himself as “the greatest” Ive heard that from others but not Seiken. Maybe he has asked for a few favors in the past cause he damn well deserves them! . Who the hell are you to pass judgement on him? Who the hell are you to pass judgement on anyone? For that matter who the hell are you PERIOD! The only reason you get away with the crap you get away with is because nobody comes to Seiken defense. If one or maybe two , had the guts to back him up you would disappear very quickly. like you did for a brief time when your good buddy Rhonda Evans chopped you down.

  20. Goody Goody said

    August 20, 2011 @ 2:09 pm

    What is the problem with being good? Even the good are capable of asserting themselves when injustice needs to be made just. They just do it in a more respectful or neutral way; hence, their goodness.

  21. Anonymous said

    August 20, 2011 @ 2:29 pm

    There is a reason no one backs up Seiken or comments on his blog. Only he and Seiken fan cannot figure out why.

  22. Anonymous said

    August 20, 2011 @ 3:03 pm

    Is or is not Stallion Rhonda Evans. I am not sure.

  23. beautifulbrkan said

    August 20, 2011 @ 3:53 pm

    229 maybe you should stop and think why I refer to this site as eatfeces . Maybe its because most of my fanbase has been destroyed because of stupid hate comments such as yours . Maybe that’s why people stopped posting on my blog with the exception of one disturbed individual. Maybe that’s why I shut it down altogether

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