After a hiatus of more than a week, Sonya Thomas’ web site has been restored with a new picture of her and Washington Redskin Renaldo Wynn (along with a very nice compliment for this site – Thanks Sonya.) Sonya apparently had an eating contest with the defensive lineman televised on local cable televesion. Sonya vs. the entire Redskins offensive or defensive line would probably be a more evenly matched competition.
beautifulbrian said
December 26, 2005 @ 1:16 pm is back . Sorely missed and we welcome her back with open arms. All competitive eaters that have websites , never think for one minute that we forget the time and effort you put into your site and every story or commentary is like gold.I myself am a big fan of other competitive eating websites. The competitive eating community is always starving for more info. We cannot get enough. 2006 should be a good one.
December 27, 2005 @ 2:02 am
This is DON” MOSES” LERMAN in about a month i shall be unvailing my blog ”MOSES NEWS.COM
DON ”MOSES” LERMAN .COM ,will still be around and will be the format for staff aricles and pictures as well as the ”MOSES” MUSEUM ,PRESS ROOM AND MOSES STORE, THANK YOU DON LERMAN