Spike TV categorizes St. Patrick’s Day Chowdown as comedy

The listing for the Saint Patrick’s Day Chowdown on zap2it says that 12 eaters will be in the first round instead of 8.

The listing on SpikeTV.com (unlinkable Flash only site 🙁 , screen capture is after jump) says the first round will have 8 eaters, but the program is categorized as comedy.



Comments (10)


  1. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    March 5, 2007 @ 6:04 am

    Looking at other dates on the Spike TV schedule I see Professional Wrestling, a business I have been involved with for over 33 years now, listed as a SPORT. And people still say this SPORT is FAKE.

    Yea Right. Still recovering from my back and spinal surgery 2 months ago still reminds me of how FAKE Pro-Wrestling is or was

    In my opinion, the IFOCE and MLE St Patricks Day event I feel should be also listed as a SPORT or as a SPECIAL. Instead it gets listed as a COMEDY.

    I’ve done a few comedies on TV and in the movies. To me, MAD-TV is a comedy. The Jeffersons were a comedy. The Flip Wilson Show was a comedy. With the laugh track behind these shows they were funny comedy. Spike TV is calling IFOCE, MLE and all CE’s a COMEDY or a JOKE if that sounds better to you.

    First IFOCE and MLE says no one from the Georgia and surrounding area is good enough to be in this Savannah event. Then Spike TV calls the seriousness of us Competitive Eaters a joke. I guess to Spike TV, going for that 10.000 prize in Krystals or Brats or Nathans or any others is all fixed and a joke. Because from one who has been in the entertainment business for close to 4 decades, Koby, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Tim and all other CE’s are being called a joke (COMEDY) while the Pro-Wrestlers, from which I was one, are being called real Gladiotors and true champions of SPORT.

    I would like to see the CE’s here contact Spike TV and ask them to change the listing from COMEDY to SPECIAL, since this will only be 4 times a year or so. Or at least change it to SPORT and give IFOCE, MLE and CE as a whole some legitimicy as the SPORT and non-fixed, unlike Pro-Wrestling, competition we like to feel CE is.

    This is just my opinion. From someone who has been around the TV, Movie and Entetainment Business for close to 40 years and has first hand experience with these listings.

  2. Superpaul said

    March 5, 2007 @ 8:06 am

    I don’t care if they call us Nazis or Nose Pickers or Diaper Wetters, I’m just glad we are getting more attention….and when we are up there stuffing our face, it is kinda funny!!

  3. frankie said (Registered February 9, 2007)

    March 5, 2007 @ 8:29 am

    Lighten up. If you are 50 years old and claim to be in the entertainment business 40 years, maybe you didn’t realize at 10 years old that professional wrestling is choreographed. If you compare competitive eating to wrestling, it will be thought of as comedy. Good luck with your recovery and ease up on the pain medication. It makes some people crazy.
    Best wishes,

  4. badlands booker said

    March 5, 2007 @ 9:58 am

    I agree with you Hangman. This IS a sport. Eaters take this very seriously and Spike TV needs to reconize that.

  5. anonymous said

    March 5, 2007 @ 11:32 am

    I guessit is a sport with some using enhancers to legally and illegally improve

  6. Rhonda Evans said

    March 5, 2007 @ 12:27 pm

    Spike TV’s classification of CE, unfortunately, is representative of how most people see it. In my mind, that is secondary to the goal of more exposure, which is what Spike gives the “sport.”

    One day CE will probably be classified as such, perhaps one day soon, because timing is everything; and right now, given the popularity of Reality TV, peoples’ attitudes are ripe for change.

  7. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    March 6, 2007 @ 4:34 am

    If were not gonna tell SpikeTV, who will? Go to http://www.spiketv.com and click on feedback. Let’em know that MLE is a sport and not a comedy. I did.

  8. Mad Stork said

    March 6, 2007 @ 9:33 am

    the sheas should be aware of that if they arent already. they made the deal. and maybe dont push for “sport” but at least “general”

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    March 6, 2007 @ 10:12 am

    That’s a great idea Todd. Let’s bombard them with FB.

  10. frankie said (Registered February 9, 2007)

    March 6, 2007 @ 11:04 am

    All kidding aside, does anyone know if we can get into this Sporting Event in my backyard as spectators?

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