Stephanie Torres appeared on today's episode of The Doctors, titled "The Health Secrets of Guinness World Record Holders". Recapo has a summary of her appearance. Her appearance closed with a 30 second watermelon eating contest.


  1. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    September 21, 2012 @ 5:16 pm

    Whooohooo!! Go Steph!!! The Doctors??…..nice!!

  2. Anonymous said

    September 21, 2012 @ 6:50 pm

    Nice that they offered it to her. That tells you who the media thinks is the best. Way to go Steph!

  3. anonymous said

    September 21, 2012 @ 9:11 pm

    She did not get permission from.all pro eaters

  4. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    September 22, 2012 @ 9:44 pm

    That’s the funny thing about All Pro, they actually like when their eaters get out there and promote themselves and the all pro brand.

  5. Wow said

    September 23, 2012 @ 1:12 am

    Imagine that!

  6. beautifulbrian said

    September 23, 2012 @ 1:57 am

    Nice to see Stephanie Torres get over her shyness and say more than two words. If i was hit by a car and my lifeless body lay on the pavement she would probably walk right over it like it wasnt there LOL

  7. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 8:23 am

    No Beautiful Brian, that is not LOL. You really are awake in the middle of the night making a comment to trash someone and you will say, oh, this is just Brian’s schtick meant to be funny. It is not funny, you simply always seem to take offense at almost anything yet you dish it out and trash people one way or another right and left. I am really sick of your personality and this kind of immaturity on your part. You want people to give you things, you get on here and get a link, then you want more and go all eatfeces and oink oink, then you come back and expect to be treated with respect. I do not respect you, not one iota, and not many people in the world of competitive eating do. You make fast friends with someone, in your eyes you promote them, then you have some kind of problem and they are trashed. I just have no more patience with you whatsoever. Whatever you think you contribute to competitive eating is your own vision but honestly, this is your life, and you accuse others of having no life outside but lots do. I vote no on your LOL, go and play in your own sandbox, some of us know you by what you write on here, and it is not funny or interesting or helpful, just always provoking disagreement. That is my opinion, and you would or should be the first to uphold my right to tell it like it is, from my point of view, of course.

  8. anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 8:49 am

    Another senseless, unsolicated Beautiful Brian comment about himself.

  9. beautifulbrian said

    September 23, 2012 @ 10:21 am

    823 you are a typical OJ/feces ass licker that congregates on this site on a more than frequent basis just waiting for me to say something negative about one of your precious no personality eaters. I don’t like Torres one bit and i have my reasons which i wont blabber on this dumb site as to give the haters more ammunition to bury me with. . Either you have class and respect for others or you don’t simple as that. No i dont hate everyone but i cant stand asswipes like you that come on here with that holier than though attitude nurturing and protecting your loved ones like they are gods gifted children. As far as friends in the sport, i have many and i choose to be friends with them because they were brought up with dignity , manners and class and have never given me one reason to say anything negative about them. You are responsible for your own actions and the female mentioned is a prime example. There are a few females in the sport MLE/ indy that need to be taught a few lessons on common courtesy and respect . Larell Juliet & Cardboard Shell are prime examples of positive role models. On the male side Shoudt, A train, Gordon, Beast, Dudlight, Koch Jamie , Brunelli Beard, Bello & Podolsky. have never given me one reason to say or print one word of negativity about them and if i did it was my poor judgement that should take the blame. Those are just a few . If i left out some it wasnt deliberate i cant keep track of everyone Ill bet if you asked each and every one of those names mentioned they would prob reply “BB is okay in my book” Why dont you got bury your head in a sandbox 823 because your notion of not seeing things from someone else point of view is getting downright sickening

  10. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 11:08 am

    Can anyone remember even one instance when Brian Seiken ever said something good about or did something good for somebody without receiving or expecting something in return?

  11. Umm said

    September 23, 2012 @ 2:27 pm


  12. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 2:32 pm

    Well, Mr. Polite, how many of the people you have named have come on here and come to your defense, as you call it. Some people tolerate you, some may be your “friends”, Bob Shoudt is one. As for the rest, well, if they are smart and upstanding and polite, they will not respond to your rant which is what it is. You may have been raised properly, but you have no respect for people, period amen if you insist on coming on here and ranting. Licking OJ’s whatever I so not, you call him oink oink and other things, that is but one example of how rude you are. He lets you come on here like many others, you show yourself by your words. I’m done. Have fun.

  13. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 2:57 pm

    A positive role model to Seiken is different from a positive role model to most people, not that those he mentioned may very well be, but if you don’t suck Seiken’s ass, he puts you on his shit list. Actually, being there symbolizes you as being someone who deserves true respect, as that means you don’t go out of your way to kiss his ass. There should be no coincidence that Timothy, Joey, CrazyLegs, Sonya, Stephanie Torres, U.S. Male, Badlands, etc., etc., want little to do with this crackpot. You relate to Seiken, you get burned, personally, as well as professionally. Smart ones know this.

  14. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    September 23, 2012 @ 3:33 pm

    I’m not one to often debate stuff on here. I just prefer to comment, congratulate, support. I do usually just read the “bashing” comments & ignore them. In this case tho I’d just like to say something in Brian’s defense. He & I have known each other for a couple years & while I often do not agree with him & his posts – he’s well aware of this – he’s always been very kind to me, offering help, inquiring about ill family members, congratulating me & has never (as far as I know) bashed me publically or behind my back. All of this done without him receiving or expecting anything in return. So for all his negativity & inappropriate comments, Brian does have a sweet, caring side as well. Just wanted to be fair & put this out there 🙂

  15. Save Me! said

    September 23, 2012 @ 3:48 pm

    I agree thar BS has a caring side. I would bet the farm, LM, that if you stopped defending him he would cease to say anything good about you. Why should he not support one of the few people who tries to save him from himself?

  16. Obvious said

    September 23, 2012 @ 5:45 pm

    If you were to eliminate comments from Seiken and Rose, you would get rid of at least half of the negative comments on this blog.

  17. Big Bite said

    September 23, 2012 @ 5:52 pm

    Not expecting anything in return?He expects u 2 do just what u did:stick up 4 him.
    If inquiring, congratulating & not bashing u is your idea of sweet & caring then u r easily fooled & easily schmoozed.
    As long as he’s in IFOCE some eaters will feel the need 2 at least b polite 2 inCredibly Clueless.Hey, who knows, kiss a little ass,maybe move up a standing or 2?
    Next 2 this is the worst site on the Internet!

  18. the great gavonne said

    September 23, 2012 @ 5:59 pm

    Obvious u r absolutely right but it would be boring as shit.Do u really want 2 tune in here 2 read ‘Good Luck’ & ‘Congratulations’ all day when that’s something that could be sent privately?Makes u wonder who those messages r really for.Seiken may be mentally unbalanced but he’s not boring.

  19. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 6:47 pm

    Boring is better than offensive and mean, any day.

  20. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 7:36 pm

    Larell Marie, “Beautiful” Brian has suckered you.

  21. Humm Humm said

    September 23, 2012 @ 8:30 pm

    LM don’t be so gullable. He has bashed you but perhaps you don’t know about it. Alot of the eaters mentioned above just “put up” with him out of pity. Beautiful brian is anything but compassionate and caring. Well he does care about himself only if you want to go that direction. His life revolves around 2 things: BB.COM and Eatfeats. Beautiful Brian oink oink oink (pig)

  22. beautifulbrian said

    September 23, 2012 @ 8:47 pm

    Larell thank you but your kind words were not necessary. Regardless of whether you came to my defense or not , you are one of a kind . A good hearted soul that looks out for others and not only yourself. You are dealing with just a few haters. The haters that just cant let go cause i called them out for being two faced scumbags. 823 232 348 more than likely one and the same . If i had just one wish i wouldnt wish for fame fortune or immortality. i would wish for the exposure of your identity so i can gather up enough dog feces to toss in your face and laugh at the same time. “He doesnt get it” “play in the sandbox ” You are the same no life ass that creates a checklist as to how many new enemies i have made in the IFOCE. Who the hell are you and how do you know so much about me? You are nothing but a troublemaker and a low life piece of garbage to boot. There is nothing worse than a sniveling little coward whos obsessed with my every move. Maybe i should give you my address so you could follow me around through the course of the day. Honestly you would find it extremely boring Since i threw my real name out why dont you? Why ? cause your afraid you little sissy. If you were a real man or real woman you would show your face. Obviously you are just a punk that only shows face when i come on saying something negative. I set your sorry ass up with that comment about Torres knowing you would fire back immediately with your bullshit . Honestly its getting real redundant. Oh one more thing as far as eaters being polite to me? Save it man. I heard that from you time and time again. Its like a broken record. Most of the IFOCE members are pretty straight up and if they had a beef with me they would let me know instead of your dumb ass theory that they are just being polite to me. I dont pay their salary they dont pay mine so there is no reason that they are being cordial out of common courtesy.

  23. beautifulbrian said

    September 23, 2012 @ 9:48 pm

    Humm on the contrary your entire life revolves around my site eatfeces and my comments here. It seems that my name is constantly the topic of conversation because there is nothing else to talk about . If i wasnt that important you would ignore my 157 comment and move on with your life but you just cant help but respond back. I have no idea what any of you are trying to accomplish trying to belittle me. I think its hilarious. I say what needs to be said on here and on my website. If you have an issue with that too fuckin bad. If i have to repeat it 1000 times go crawl back in your hole COWARD.or get layed. Its Sat night stop preoccupying your life around what i say or what i do .

  24. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 11:11 pm

    Humm must be laughing, I certainly am. At 1:57 am the not beautiful one is commenting yet tells others that their lives revolve around nothing but this site. Oh, by the way, it is laid, as in get laid, no comment on the rest. It would not do any good at all. Larell, you’ve been snookered.

  25. anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 11:19 pm

    Incredible how people just cannot help but respond back without letting it go. If Seiken is immature then you are just as bad

  26. Anonymous said

    September 23, 2012 @ 11:54 pm

    brian, why do you continue to bash her and others(larell included sadly) behind their back like the emotionally stunted little troll that you are?

  27. anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 12:27 am

    What Stephanie Torres did to the IFOCE was unforgivable. They gave her the world and she shitted on them

  28. Anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 4:28 am

    She ate like half of each watermelon slice….

  29. Anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 8:23 am

    Please, why rehash this very old stuff. Stephanie does not come on here and explain herself, at least I think she did not. It doesn’t matter. It is an old story. She is young. She is with All Pro. She is independent. And she is getting television time which promotes competitive eating. Most people do not know the differences between MLE, All Pro etc.

    If you are going to be part of this CE forum here, still do not understand the need to be beyond rude. Also do think what someone wrote is true. Get rid of the comments of two people and at least half the negative comments would disappear. Those two have definitely gone beyond what could be considered reasonable community behavior. If you knew nothing and only read this post, what would you think. A bunch of crazy belly button lookers with no proper outlook on life and mean and hurtful and sometimes libelous. No wonder as someone else said many people do not post here, eaters from several organizations, people who could add to the forum and to people’s understanding and to information and even to entertain us with back and forth, serious and fun.

    OJ, you more recently have written some things which reflect an opinion from you, sometimes as an introduction or as a comment. I would honestly and sincerely like to know about how you filter comments (not the details) or more, for the big picture, your philosophy on “free speech” as it were. Why you continue to let those two people write the comments they do and give them publicity in this way is puzzling to me.

  30. anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 9:58 am

    Who are these two people you are referring to? There are many that hate this site because of what it represents. Dont put the blame on a few people that speak their minds. The top eaters stay away from posting here because they dont like OJ Rifkin and his policies on running this blog. In the past negative comments have been posted about Pat Bob Juliet and the list goes on. Those comments did not come from Seiken Rose or whomever else you feel like accusing. For all the so called good that eatfeats brings to CE, its all for nothing when he turns around and stabs people in the back by allowing them to be trashed on this site. Note that OJ Rifkin protects certain eaters and deletes negative comments about them out of fear they might view what is written about them. Negative comments about others such as Seiken Boone , he could care less. I could just imagine the plethora of emails Rifkin gets on a daily basis from the no life lovers of this site pleading that Seiken or his alias be banned from this site for good. ill bet he responds to maybe 1 out of 20 What a joke

  31. Evan Porter said

    September 24, 2012 @ 11:02 am

    I have had my comments censored by the moderator several times. Each time the post that was not allowed were in a reference to either the anonymous poster who uses the name of Rhonda Evans or what appears to be the real Brian Seiken. Some form of protectionism going on here in regards to the fore mention individuals.

  32. Anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 12:41 pm

    Why is rhonda evans allowed to post at all when that person only wants to cause trouble.

  33. the great gavonne said

    September 24, 2012 @ 8:21 pm

    The bottom line is all censorship is bad.I’ve gone for weeks where every comment I write is denied, but most of those comments no sane person would publish on their site for legal reasons.
    Those who think ANYONE should be banned should just not read the comments, or better yet: stick to your facebook where u can block out the truth about yourself or anything else that u find offensive.
    Me, I’d rather get punched in the face than be bored.

  34. Anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 10:51 pm

    Once again and who are you Evan Porter? There is no link to your name so you are just as anonymous as Rhonda Evans. I respect a Rhonda Evans in one particular way or more. She does not post under anonymous, one can assume that everything she writes on here is under her moniker. I love what she writes because she is passionate about CE, often funny and witty, and beyond that she gives people like Seiken and Gavonne and others more than enough leeway. She is forgiving and will also go for the jugular when she sees fit to do so. Whoever is behind this name does not matter to me one whit because she or he has created a personality worth reading and listening to.

    I am anonymous for a to me good reason. Everything I write, because I write under anonymous, gets a look at before being posted. People who consistently post things within reason including Rhonda Evans get posted without being monitored in advance. If OJ “protects” someone or someones, I have to say that that is his choice. Maybe he is a she, I have no idea. I do think that he she is in charge here and there is nothing unfair about that. It is a creation, a site people come to, complain about or applaud, it is everything it says it is. We all pay nothing, nada, for the information which someone gives willingly and freely to everyone.

    I am no ass licker and not a hater by definition either. Like Sean Gordon wrote, if people want to make asses of themselves, let them, he can read or not read. That is true for everyone. Evan Porter’s post doesn’t say what he said about either of those named people. If OJ is “protecting” both Rhonda Evans and BB Seiken, then he has a really broad definition of protectionism. 9:58 sounds completely like Seiken, 100%, reads like Seiken etc. Yes, some people want Seiken banned from commenting. Some people want Gavonne banned from commenting. It is pretty clear that OJ does not do this. Who knows how many comments either of them have written but they were not posted. Same goes for everyone. If you do not like it, stop reading, stop commenting. It is pretty simple. No one, not one person on here gets to decide what OJ does. It is his site and his call.

    Seiken should finally get this but he does not. If he did he would pay more attention to his own website and see what he could do to make it better and to attract more people instead of trying to use this website to complain which is what he does mostly, one way or another.

    Gavonne is a different category, does not use good judgment much of the time. But both are allowed to post here. Again, this is OJ’s call. There has to be a reason that OJ does not ban either of them. Whatever the reason, it makes me actually admire him in a way, as much as I would like to have both banned at times.

  35. Seiken fan said

    September 24, 2012 @ 11:19 pm

    1051 by putting Seiken in the same boat with Gavonne is basically wiping away all the great work he has accomplished throughout the last 9yrs with his website. He has brought a wealth of entertainment to many and never asked for a dime in return. . I talk to him from time to time and you sound like someone that used to email him on a frequent basis. and it 100% reads xxxx. Well i wont point fingers like you did but lets just say its someone that enjoys meddling in where she does not belong. Of course you will deny it to play it off but i think its pretty clear i have your number

  36. anonymous said

    September 24, 2012 @ 11:24 pm

    That is such a crock of shit Evan Porter . OJ will post almost all negative comments about Seiken unless its something really brutal like a threat to his life or something pertaining to his sexual preferences

  37. Father Lancaster Merrin said

    September 25, 2012 @ 1:53 am

    Evan Porter is a legend in the sport only you do not know it. To mock his name is like mocking god. May the power of christ compel you may the power of christ compel you

  38. Anonymous said

    September 25, 2012 @ 9:23 am

    If you’re going to steal a fictional character’s name, at least learn how to spell it correctly – Lankester Merrin.

  39. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    September 25, 2012 @ 10:14 am

    Thanks 10:51. I’m not sure if it can be done or not, and maybe it is being done already to a certain extent, but it seems to me that there should be a way to filter comments, whereby if certain words or names are included in a post, they are automatically diverted to a “Junk Post” thread—-much like an e-mail in-box junk mail filter.

    As it stands now, I’d rather ALL commenting be disallowed, including mine, than to maintain status quo. All of my enjoyment from this site comes from OJ’s thread topics and database. I used to look forward to reading most of the comments here, but those days are a distant memory.

    I couldn’t care less about reading mean-spirited, mud-slinging, ill-intended comments, most of which are out of sheer jealousy, in an attempt to pull others down to the commenter’s own subterrainian, sometimes less-than-human level. Many of the comments are so bad that I’m embarrassed FOR OJ when mostly decent people visit this site.

    My Eatfeats “fun meter” used to be nearly maxed out, on a perpetual basis. Those days too, unfortunately, are few and far between. Perhaps that’s the intention—-how unfortunate, if true.

  40. anonymous said

    September 25, 2012 @ 10:20 am

    Rhonda if you and the rest ignore and not respond back the mean spirited comments will go away but you insist on wasting your time to get the two cents in

  41. Anonymous said

    September 25, 2012 @ 10:57 am

    No, I do not believe for one second that the mean spirited comments will go away. We have tried that before. I really hope that OJ will take Rhonda’s idea of filtering into consideration. Good spirited people should not be discouraged away from this site by bullies, let’s call it what it is. And the larger world of people who might be interested in competitive eating should not come on here and get their impression of competitive eating from the horrid comments here and apply that to all eaters and fans. Rake and Herald is a new and terrific addition, and I think they somehow ignore the comments because they feel that they are reaching people through this website. I bet even those making the horrid comments would really miss this, some people just love to wallow in their own misery or attack others. If this website went away, they would find someone else or some other website to vent their unhappiness. But those of us who really love competitive eating and are not mean and jealous would not have a place like this to read and sometimes share information. MLE and Facebook and all of the other ways to follow are too scattered, and they do not update often. There should be no divide and conquer here. Thanks to all of the fine people who want to read and have good dialogues and some fun.

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