Sweet Corn results from SBTW.com
SonyaTheBlackWidow.com has today’s results from the the Sweet Corn Festival in West Palm Beach, Florida:
1. Sonya Thomas: 32 1/2 ears
2. Joe Larue: 31 (or 31 1/2)
3. Crazy Legs Conti: 30
4. Hall Hunt: 28
? Justin Mih
? Billy Perry Jr
update PalmBeachPost.com has an article about the contest.
update #2 Sun Sentinel also has an article
update #3 Hall Hunt has a blog entry about the contest with pictures of his finished ears of corn and of the ears of another top 3 eater and UPI has an article
that fast ? said
April 27, 2008 @ 7:36 pm
she has it up so fast because she won . What other reason? Now your gonna hear about how everyone pushed her to her ultimate limit and praise them on a wonderful job . Gimme a break
SP The Krystal Ball said
April 27, 2008 @ 7:57 pm
I forgot to post my predictions, but I think this is exactly how I thought it would end…I may have thought Hall would eat 27 1/2…….congrats, Sonya!!
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 12:34 am
wow that was a close contest,congrats to all who entered
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 12:52 am
hey thats fast ? said,7:36pm – if i won i would post results as fast as i could too,dont knock someone winning an event,thats a pretty big accomplishment if you do win,theres alot of great eaters out there right now.maybe you have never competed in a contest before and dont know what its like to push yourself to the limits of combustion.For the record Sonya is as nice a person in CE there is,you obvious don’t know her,Have A Nice Day 🙂
Anonymous said
April 28, 2008 @ 4:40 am
For some reason she has a lot of people on this site who don’t like her. Maybe it’s because she kicked their asses. Luther?
Anonymous said
April 28, 2008 @ 4:51 am
That fast I recall at least one person on this very site asking if someone would post the corn results. She hasn’t been i more than three or four contests the last six or seven months. I also recall her posting results within hours after she lost to others giving praise to those that finished both ahead of her and behind her. She did this with jalapeno peppers when Pat won. I also recall her doing the same thing in other contests in which she wasn’t even entered. I think you must be jealous. Get a life/
Rhonda Evans said
April 28, 2008 @ 6:57 am
Congratulations Sonya! I honestly was hoping you would not go to the corn-eating contest, because that food (off the cob) is a real equalizer. I am still befuddled how it is humanly possible for any eater to legitimately put down more than 18-20 in 12 minutes, or 1 1/2 ears a minute. And according to what I read at your site and BB’s you guys got entire ears deducted for cobs that weren’t eaten to a certain level of “clean.” So in my book anything above 20 is beyond my level of comprehension, and all four eaters whose name I have seen ate well above that.
How in the world do you practice for that? Is it jaw strength, hand speed, jaw speed or what that is most important? I doubt capacity plays much of a role.
Rhonda Evans said
April 28, 2008 @ 7:03 am
SyKo you are right on with your comment to the jerk who posted the first response, whose posted handle I won’t credit by mentioning it. I would venture to say that close to 50 % of the posts like that one are from disgruntled eaters themselves, from either organization. However, I believe that about 98 % of the eaters in both orgs are above that.
I’d like to be alone in a closed room with that person and Luther, and others like those two, with an equalizer for about 45 seconds, and I’d establish a record for the shortest amount of time it would take to put a given number of welts on their respective heads.
Bison said
April 28, 2008 @ 8:25 am
Nice performance Sonya
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 8:40 am
yeah Luther and others are cowards,i wish they would come up to me at an event and talk shit cause i’m a much better fighter than i am a eater,i have over 30 years fighting experience,i only have like 300 days eating experience.HAHA….and of course everyone except Luther and hey thats fast ? said,7:36pm – Have A Nice Day 🙂
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 8:44 am
and yeah it was me who requested that eaters post the results as fast as they can,cause if for no other reason,i wanted to know,im not just a eater im also a fan too,thanks again to Erik and Sonya for posting the results so quickly,:)
U.S. MALE said
April 28, 2008 @ 9:09 am
Syko, you wear enough spikes on your body to scare anybody off. All you have to do is threw yourself on that person and they are scarred for life. Have a great day!
April 28, 2008 @ 9:59 am
syko if i were you i wouldnt brag about fighting ability. Someone will take you up on your offer and bust you up if you dont shut up. So i would suggest that if the post is not a slight directed towards you ,THEN MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 10:03 am
HAHAHA,thanks US MALE that made me laugh,hey whats your next event you doing? i will sign up for Gyro’s since its local for me, and i wanna do Shoo-Fly too.
anonymous said
April 28, 2008 @ 10:48 am
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA . Please enough of this dude . There comes a point when the word ‘annoying ” sets in
Hall "Hoover" Hunt said (Registered July 13, 2006)
April 28, 2008 @ 11:08 am
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 11:23 am
IS THAT SO said – well i tell you what,its hard to type now knowing that such a badass like yourself is writing comments but i will try to maintain,i will be at Gyro’s in Houston May 17,08 and probaly at Shoe Fly Pie in Philly June 21,08 if you wanna man up and talk shit to my face (i really wish you had the balls to step up,cause i have a new camera id like to post some pics of your ass after i make you pass out in 9.5 seconds,those would be some funny pictures) but as we all know,you will just hide behind your PC and talk shit,thats okay im used to people talking a big game and doing nothing as usual.some people think they have skills and then some people actually do have skills and just so you know I DONT JOKE WHEN IT COMES TO FIGHTING/IF THERE IS ONE THING IN MY LIFE I TAKE VERY SERIOUS THAT WOULD BE IT/IT RANKS #1 WITH ME/EVEN OVER GIRLS AND FOOD,so thats saying something – :)…
Anonymous said
April 28, 2008 @ 1:08 pm
Another empty threat of violence.
You guys are ridiculous. Everybody keeps challenging everybody to fistfights. Seiken does it. Sykobozo does it. Wild Bill does it. But nobody ever actually fights. How old are you guys? How many fights have you been in in the last 10 years?
Rhonda Evans said
April 28, 2008 @ 1:57 pm
Hey … Don’t let me have to put down this cane, un-ass this wheel chair, and put this walker in motion. You anonymous guys have done it now. Just let me slap on another Depends and I’ll fall all over you! 🙂
anonymous said
April 28, 2008 @ 2:29 pm
Good point anony. I dont think any of the names you mentioned would attempt to punch out anyone including this skyco nut. If someone was to try a foolish move of that nature they would suffer the same consequences bestowed upon them . Many like to brag about how great a boxer they are blah blah blah or attempt to scare us by posting videos of benchpressing feats. Means nothing. Bodybuilders are the biggest whimps when it comes to throwing down . They might look imposing but looks are decieving . People stopped using their fists years ago. If you hit someone the other person pulls out a blade or a gun and that solves the problem. Sad but true. So Syko or any other bozo’s that think they will scare someone by threats on the internet , keep the tough guy remarks to yourself. You come off as more of an ass boasting about bullshit that will never take place.
Rhonda Evans said
April 28, 2008 @ 2:39 pm
The IFOCE hasn’t updated the results yet (as of 2:35 PM). Or maybe they consider the results updated whenever an eater or self-appointed publicity agent/agency posts them. I’m CORNfused!
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 3:32 pm
i dont know about the rest of the guys you have mentioned but as far as me,hey i have no problem backing up my talk,i welcome it.and if you notice i only talk shit when non-eater assholes talk shit about good people like Sonya.as far as fighting i have been in over 30 fights (real fights in a ring) in the last 5 years, i just won my last fight 1:12 seconds in the first round (knees to the head knockout). Sonya and others are way to classy and nice to respond to the anonymous posting cowards,but i truely have some screws loose and enjoy talking smack it makes my day go by so much faster – tag your it! Have A Nice Day 🙂
Ethan Duclos said (Registered April 17, 2008)
April 28, 2008 @ 4:27 pm
I was at the corn contest and I think the judging is horrible! I know the judges have a tough job, but after the contest I went up on stage and looked at everyone’s corn to see what he saw. Out of all the pros all of the corn was eaten about the same. Maybe that is why the top 3 got about the same deduction. However, why the hell did Hall get a 13.5 corn cob deduction? That is not even close to the same deduction. If I were up there I would have thrown all 43 cobs at the judge, but Hall just kindly disagreed and then let him do whatever he wanted to. Hell no, I don’t think I could have done that at all.
At first they wrote 32, 33, 31, 43 on the crates for the top few eaters. Then they made deductions and wrote 32.5, 31, 30, 40. Then after another minute the judge came back and wrote 32.5, 31,30, 39 and held up one that he had one more showing that it was not eaten completely. Then again came back and only subtracted from Hall again taking him from 43 to 40 to 39 and then all the way down to 29.5. What the heck happened there?
Dang, I am new to this competitive eating and all and this was my first trip with Hall, but I don’t understand what the hell is going on. I want to see my friend succeed, but don’t know what to tell him. He wouldn’t talk to anyone for the first two and a half hours of the tirp home. He just stared out the window grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. I don’t know why he cares so much, but he is just really competitive I guess.
Why would the deductions be so different if the cobs were about equally as clean? I don’t know the competitive eating rules. Is there some sort of handi-cap rule? Seriously, I don’t understand. If someone on this website can help me understand I would really appreciate it.
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 28, 2008 @ 7:50 pm
that sucks,dont feel bad i dont understand the deductions either,especially if everyone was pretty close in the amounts they cleaned,i thought they came down hard on Hall too,and Hall is a nice guy too,so im sure he handled it with class,even though im sure he was probaly disappointed after.he will shake it off and have a great Nathans Qualifier.
beautifulbrian said
April 29, 2008 @ 8:41 am
anony !:08 pm 4/28 i think you have me confused with someone else. I never challenged anyone to a fist fight or threatened anyone with physical violence since ive been in the IFOCE. I respect everyone’s physical ability and have never made mention of “busting this one or that one up” .At worst i might have threatened to curse out another IFOCE member that frequents this website from time to time. If i made mention of using any means of physical force on an individual it was based on an individual putting his hands on me first and not the other way around. Ive dealt with bullies throughout my entire life. Most of them talk up a nice game however when you confront them its an entirely different story. There are several that frequent this website that attempt to push my buttons which in turn gives them a big thrill. One in particular is a very sick mentally disturbed individual that pops on here every few months or whenever another instigator in his organization directs him to some of the comments posted on this site . I dont recall Wild Bill ever making threats of physical violence either . Get your facts straight idiot !
Rhonda Evans said
April 29, 2008 @ 10:10 am
When it comes to judging, you have two types of contests–objective and subjective.
Objective contests occur most frequently are more accurate and scientific. Either the food is obviously eaten or not eaten, as measured in 1/4 or 1/2 portion increments (i.e. hot dogs, pizza, oysters), or it is weighed (i.e. Buffalo wings, buffet food, rib meat, asparagus), to have a fairly precise number.
Subjective contests are judgmental and leave much room for interpretation (i.e. Wing Bowl wings, corn on the cob). I personally believe the judges do try and intend to do their very best and get things right the vast majority of the time.
Hall apparently did not clean the ears good enough for the judge(s) to allow him credit for many ears. Apparently, the rules dictated that either you clean the ear enough to satisfy the judges or you lost credit for the whole ear.
If the contest rules had stipulated weighing the corn cobs before and after, then Hall would probably have won. But you really can’t say that either because that changes the ENTIRE ball game and all of the eaters would have used that apropriate strategy.
Didn’t Hall eat in the contest last year, in which the rules were known to him? Maybe not. I’m just asking. Anyway, if Hall is that good of an eater he will probably eat close to 40 hot dogs and buns in the qualifier and even more in the finals and the world will learn just how great he is.
It’s the same type of rules at Wing Bowl. Either you clean the wings well enough to satisfy the judges, or you lose credit for the entire wing. This is just the way things are. As such, it’s paramount not just to know the rules going in, but to abide by them to the fullest.
Romeo said
April 29, 2008 @ 12:48 pm
Either way you want to spell it Juliet would have eaten about 50 ears. No one’s close to her in corn.
Kimmy said
April 29, 2008 @ 2:12 pm
I was there also.I thought the judges acted very well and Hall got what he ate no more or less than deserved.Sonya is the best female eater I have ever witnessed.
Carey said
April 29, 2008 @ 2:29 pm
When there is a contest in which a food has to be properly cleaned, it is a good idea to have judges point out items that aren’t cleaned enough during the contest. Having to go back and finish up an ear of corn should be punishment enough for not cleaning it properly the first time, losing the whole ear is just ridiculous.
I get the idea with wings, losing one that isn’t cleaned fully is like losing a couple of seconds worth of work. An ear of corn is more like 15 seconds worth of work. Much different.
Angry said
April 30, 2008 @ 7:59 pm
Whoever said not to fight anymore needs a punch in their cob!
Anonymous said
May 5, 2008 @ 3:59 am
The IFOCE has thrown this contest out too just like BATB. There are no official results posted. Why did they have the contest in the first place? This looks bound for the AICE just as BATB does.