Tony Mandarich (15k calories/day) writes autobiography

The blog for former NFL offensive lineman Tony Mandarich announced in July that he has completed his autobiography and is shopping it to publishers (No followup entries about its publication status have been made) In 1988, the New York Times wrote an article about Mandarich’s diet and training:

Mandarich knows that some opponents attribute his muscular development to steroids. But he insists he has built his physique slowly with a rigid weight training program and a menu that provides 15,000 calories a day. ”I’m not a big eater at any one meal,” he said, ”but I have seven meals every day.”

Three are 3,000-calorie milk shakes, two are thin steak sizzlers, one a 3-ounce beef patty and the seventh a whole 3-pound chicken.

Comments (29)


  1. beautifulbrian said

    November 17, 2007 @ 1:46 am

    This is an example of a player that was all hype then all bust. He was such a college standout that any team that had the number two pick that year would have grabbed him. I dont blame Green bay scouts one bit. I give him credit in attempting to build a body of perfection similar to Mark Gastineau of the Jets. . He was always up for a challenge in any sport. He would have made a pretty good competitive eater

  2. Anonymous said

    November 17, 2007 @ 2:15 pm

    Mandarich absolutely did ‘roids. He denied it then. He doesn’t deny it now.

  3. mike landrich said

    November 17, 2007 @ 6:19 pm

    So what if Tony did roids? It was prior to simple possession being made a felony.

  4. Anonymous said

    November 17, 2007 @ 7:41 pm

    I wasn’t talking about the law, moron. It was against league even back then. He’s a cheater.

  5. mike landrich said

    November 17, 2007 @ 9:43 pm

    Hey douchebag, at least I use my name. You anonymous pussies are all amazingly tough Internet warriors. Suck my ass. Back on topic, if it was against NFL rules, which I’m not sure it was, it was very tolerated. If you doubt it, look to Mark Gastineau and Lyle Alzado.

  6. mike landrich said

    November 17, 2007 @ 10:13 pm

    Besides, even if he is a cheater, who among us wouldn’t do the same, if it got us a lucrative NFL contract versus having to work a real job? BE HONEST…………

  7. anonymous said

    November 17, 2007 @ 11:26 pm

    we are supposed to believe that the big name eaters are not using any specific type of steroids to increase there eating? If big cash is on the line people will do anything to claim it ok? Oh sure its the good old fashioned water that allows them to injest 14 lbs of food in one sitting. You people should wake up .

  8. Anonymous said

    November 18, 2007 @ 5:54 am

    Moron/Landrich, the use of steroids was against NCAA and NFL rules back in 1989, the year Tony Mandarich was drafted! (Would it really have taken that much time to look that up? Did you have to wonder in your comment if steroids were disallowed? You own a computer, yes? It has Google, no?)

    I clarify what I said based own my own memory and research:

    Mandarich never admitted to steroid use, and he never tested positive, but he did suck incredibly immediately upon entering the NFL, and he did shrink physically as he stunk proportionately and coincidentally on the field. To wit, let’s quote an article from The Sporting News from 1996:

    “Although there never has been public verification of [the] steroid allegations, the NFL underground tried and convicted him.”

    Who was the underground you wonder, Mike Landrich/Crazy Weight Lifter/Way Too Socially Aggressive Competitive Eater?

    It was just about every teammate who saw him in the locker room, in the weight room, in the bathroom, etc. Every individual who saw his strength waste away, his work ethic evaporate, and his pecs degenerate into ski-sloped boobs resemblant of the milk-bearing tits of Amazon women featured in the pages of National Geographic. Mandarich, according to many in the league, had stopped using steroids because he saw no other way to avoid detection by the NFL’s more aggressive drug testing program.

    Landrich, when the “NFL Underground” outs you, as it did with Tony Mandarich through testimony off the record, you as an athlete are lucky but not at all automatically innocent. In Mandarich’s case, “The Underground” was discreet, but they were not at all subtle. The evidence is there even if a verdict is not.

    Landrich, I’m Anonymous. It’s an option. I chose it. Does it matter? Do I care that I know your name? We’re never going to meet anyway, and if we did, would it matter? It’s about the forcefulness of our ideas, not the site of them, nothing else.

  9. mike landrich said

    November 18, 2007 @ 6:04 am

    Yeah I see the steroids connection. Sonya is so huge and ripped. Do some research. Most BBers on juice complain they don’t want to eat at all, much less 14 lbs per sitting.

  10. mike landrich said

    November 18, 2007 @ 6:09 pm

    You chose to post as “anonymous” because you don’t have the ‘nads to back up your statements. Let’s all hide behind anonymity. Then we can post under alternate identities and have arguments with ourselves. What a bunch of nutcases on this site.

  11. mike landrich said

    November 18, 2007 @ 6:24 pm

    And another thing, you call me way too socially aggressive and yet, you’re the dumb ass who started the insults with the moron comment and then got defensive. My guess is you are a narcissist who won’t ID him/herself for fear of hurting what you consider to be a sterling reputation.

  12. anonymous said

    November 18, 2007 @ 8:10 pm

    None of you really know what Mandarich was going through. How would you like it if an NFL team is touting you as a cant miss at age 21 or 22? Do you realize how much pressure was put upon this young man? . He was caught between a rock and hard place. He took a chance he paid the price and he suffered. People make mistakes at a young age. Of course he did steroids. He wont admit it and most athletes wont admit it unless they are tried and convicted. He will take his secret to the grave just like Bonds.

  13. Elliot Cumeretsie said

    November 18, 2007 @ 8:22 pm

    Wow! Someone hit a nerve with Tony Mandarich. Must be a die hard football and GB Packer fan or someone that works with the NFL’s drug testing commission.Are you a highly ranked member of the IFOCE like Mr Landrich considers you to be? Hmm Hmm Hmm ?

  14. anonymous said

    November 18, 2007 @ 9:42 pm

    anonymous that has been trashing Mike Landrich , you are the moron and nobody else. Why dont you have the balls to attach your real name to your comments.? I assume you wont be buying Mandarich’s new book and if you decide to buy it, we will expect you to quote every chapter from the book on eatfeats. You are one loser. Drop dead!

  15. mike landrich said

    November 18, 2007 @ 9:57 pm

    You read my mind! Was I that transparent? I sure hope so…..

  16. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    November 18, 2007 @ 10:46 pm

    Anonymous at 9:42

    Thanks for the support. I was thinking (it does happen sometimes) and realized that the other anonymous is so vehemently against steroids, there must be a reason. The only comparison I can make is a reformed smoker who beats the anti-smoking drum. I wonder if the other anonymous might not be fighting his/her demons by attacking Tony Mandarich. Just a thought. I wonder who might have once used them………………………..

  17. Mike Sloan said

    November 18, 2007 @ 10:49 pm

    Maybe Mandarich should have titled his book How Steroids cured my hemorroids or vica versa. I get sick to my stomach when i read what this poor man did to himself abusing . I cant even type because the tears are coming out of my eyes in great proportion I have to go

  18. Anonymous said

    November 19, 2007 @ 1:32 am


    Use your head. Anonymous 9:42 wasn’t supporting you. He was making a joke. He’s anonymous too, so why would he be critical of another anonymous?

  19. Just Say No I'm Full said

    November 19, 2007 @ 7:40 am

    Frankly, we already look like well-fed idiots, stuffing our face as fast as we can with food. I hope we are not food-stuffing, steroid taking idiots. Why, for a couple thousand at most, and for nothing, probably, would any eater take steroids??
    Our “big cash” is “small potatoes”, and probably, buying the steroids would cost more than the potential prize!

  20. are you out of your mind said

    November 19, 2007 @ 9:09 am

    Eaters doing steroids? for what….BIG money? Even first place in most contests aren’t worth the cost, or the risk….think about it. Manadrich had million$$ of bad reasons, we have none

  21. anonymous said

    November 19, 2007 @ 9:16 am

    anonymous 9:42 anonymous 8:10 there are so many anonymous i dont know who is who

  22. anonymous said

    November 19, 2007 @ 10:56 am

    What a bunch of dopes you are. You seem to think that steroids only purpose is to bulk you up? Different steroids for different functions. There are steroids that can make you go from a a 3 lb eater to a 14lb eater in a matter of weeks without adding muscle tone . You will be surprised how the few thousand dollars which is peanuts to the eaters is not as important as being noticed . This organization is all about insecurity and some of these people are insecure with loads of issues and hangups. That is fact!

  23. Anonymous said

    November 19, 2007 @ 2:59 pm

    I think 10:56 anonymous is a steroid expert. Maybe he’s Dr Juice

  24. are you out of your mind said

    November 19, 2007 @ 3:12 pm

    we are a bunch of dopes? Name one eater that has gone from 3lbs to 14lbs in a matter of weeks.

  25. Future SuperStar Piggy said

    November 19, 2007 @ 3:16 pm

    So, how much is this 3lb to 14lb stuff, and can I…errr…someone use it just once, and have it work? I…errrr….The public needs to know

  26. he said

    November 19, 2007 @ 3:27 pm

    why do people care whos taking what for this reason or that reason?????????????? trying to find out something????????????? open a medical book and you can find your answer there…………….

  27. he said

    November 19, 2007 @ 4:57 pm

    and i think anyone who is reading this would do it to so stop acting holier than everyone else………..

  28. Anonymous said

    September 30, 2008 @ 4:29 pm

  29. bloonsterific said

    July 10, 2009 @ 1:07 pm

    Just wanted to tell you all know how much I appreciate your postings guys.
    Found you though google!

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