Waffle House expected entrants

The Kingpin of Cowtown received a press release about the Waffle House contest to be held October 7 at the Texas State Fair. The expected competitors listed in that document are:

The ten-minute all-you-can-eat waffle-eating contest will feature not merely an all-star cast of competitive eaters, but a virtual cornucopia of interesting characters to boot. Nipping at the heels of Chestnut and Bertoletti will be 26th-ranked Brad “Old School” Sciullo, a chef from Uniontown, PA, who can down a gallon of milk in 26 seconds. Sciullo recently upset a legion of higher-ranked gurgitators at the World Buffalo Wing Eating Championships. Also competing will be Brickhouse Braunstein from Bethesda, Dave “U.S. Male” Goldstein, and Walker “Texas Ranger” Duke, a waffle-specialist from Dallas, who has been boasting to everyone in earshot that he plans to upset Joey Chestnut in what he’s billing as, “the nosh heard around the world.”

Comments (31)


  1. Fact said

    September 24, 2007 @ 6:19 pm

    Those are the eaters you want to see. U.S male, Sciullo. Up and coming talent. I mean really , dont you get sick of seeing the same faces like wild bill who makes up for his poor numbers by making himself the new stat man of the ifoce.

  2. anonymous said

    September 24, 2007 @ 8:34 pm

    IFOCE should demand he get a checkup before he sets foot at another contest. That includes blood pressure, cholestorol, EKG and maybe a stool sample. They have alot to lose if they dont.

  3. By George i think he's got it said

    September 24, 2007 @ 10:24 pm

    I think its bullshit the way the ifoce plays one eater against another with this spike tv crap. Noone likes to get rejected. They should fly all 50 ranked members to vegas so noone feels left out. How do you think a teenager feels when he is cut from the baseball or basketball team in favor of the coach’s favorites? Not very happy . I bet you the first one that disagrees with me is one of the first ass kissers that is getting his ass flown out to vegas and is $1000 richer.

  4. Mega Munch said

    September 24, 2007 @ 10:54 pm

    A gallon of milk in 26 seconds?! Holy shit, Sciullo. Please do the competitive eating world (and yourself) a favor and post a video of that on YouTube. I have to see that.

    By the way, I’m damn glad we’ve got guys like Wild Bill at the table. Not only is that the only way we can get accurate stats quickly, but his dedication to the details shows that he really cares about the sport and his fellow eaters. We could use more guys like that in CE.

  5. mike landrich said

    September 24, 2007 @ 11:03 pm

    I agree that Brad Sciullo and US Male are up and comers. Having met both and competed against them, I wish both of them the best of luck.

    Anonymous, you need to get a life. Anyone that bags on Wild Bill or any other member of this site and doesn’t have the balls to sign his/her name is scum.

  6. Calm B. Forstorm said

    September 24, 2007 @ 11:14 pm

    Mr George please calm down. I disagree with your thoughts and i am not one of the people getting his ass flown out to vegas. In all honesty the organization has certain criteria , timetable’s and agenda’s they have to follow in order to please certain big wigs in the media . The Shea’s and the IFOCE are a credit to our society with their blend of fortitude and compassion in bringing out all the positive things in regard to food consumption. They have done so much for the entire world in what we used to think of as par for the course. Think again Mr George and maybe if you think hard enough you will come to realize that the Shea’s have brought much joy to your sorry and empty ass life,

  7. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 25, 2007 @ 6:31 am

    Wild Bill!!!!!!!!!

  8. Doesn't Get It said

    September 25, 2007 @ 10:49 am

    Considering the eaters are all adults and responsible for their own health, the IFOCE should demand nothing aside from a signed waiver, which if I understand correctly, is provided to each contestant before every event.

    Anonymous – are you a member of the IFOCE or another eating organization? If so, what kind of numbers are you putting up? Inquiring minds would like to know.

    Perhaps, in the same spirit as your suggestion was made, you should have that case of cranial-rectal inversion checked out by a doctor as well. I imagine it’s very painful.

  9. brad sciullo said

    September 25, 2007 @ 2:03 pm

    Its 34.2 I think not 26,thats a typo.o well,ill get to that time mabey.Thanks for all the kind words,It means alot to me.I should do well here,It was my first ifoce contest and i did dq but i did ok,this time im looking to do really well.cant wait!

  10. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 25, 2007 @ 2:45 pm

    I’ll give you the $3.15 for the milk if you can YouTube it. Thats pretty freaking impressive. I prefer 2%.

  11. LadyLenore said (Registered August 14, 2006)

    September 25, 2007 @ 3:23 pm


    Is that what a gallon of milk costs now?!? DANG!!! Apparently I haven’t bought milk recently enough to know…or in a gallon jug, for that matter.

    It would be worth the $3.15 to see Brad empty it in 34 seconds, though.

  12. Yeah OK said

    September 25, 2007 @ 3:33 pm

    i will give you $20 if you do it and video it………………….

  13. Anonymous said

    September 25, 2007 @ 3:50 pm

    I will give you 30 dollars not to post it.

  14. Joey Chestnut said

    September 25, 2007 @ 4:41 pm

    It is possible to get a gallon down in a little under 25 seconds.

  15. Super Paul said

    September 25, 2007 @ 4:52 pm

    Please send me my $30 ….or the old man gets it

  16. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 25, 2007 @ 5:08 pm

    The video of the 41 sec milk attempt is still my favorite food stunt ever. Doing it in half that time is just rediculous!

  17. USMALE said (Registered September 4, 2007)

    September 25, 2007 @ 6:26 pm

    I have to see this milk stunt before I try it. Does it count if you use chocolate milk?

    Wild Bill, keep up the great work with your dedication to the IFOCE and making sure stats are properly reported.

    Looking forward to seeing many in Dallas. As a Philly guy, I have a suprise for the Dallas crowd!

  18. Anonymous said

    September 25, 2007 @ 6:53 pm

    I guarantee you that many in the IFOCE, including Joey, who was in no hurry during his Wing Bowl stunt, can drink a gallon of milk faster. They just don’t feel the need to call attention to themselves by talking about it.

  19. #50 said

    September 25, 2007 @ 7:08 pm

    I think “By George i think he’s got it” is a genius.
    Rich Foley

  20. RussK said (Registered February 3, 2007)

    September 25, 2007 @ 7:55 pm

    Fact and Anonymous,

    Who the hell do you two think you are talking about anyboby here. The two of you are probably two people who haven’t had a productive day in your lives.

    As for seeing the same people over again, At least you know what you are getting. People who are going to compete hard and give everything they got.

    Not someone there for a free meal or someone who just wants to get up on stage to sow off for his buddies.

    As for me I have great respect for everyone I compete with. The people I have met in the last year are people, I would call friends even after this competitive eating things is over for me.

  21. Mega Munch said

    September 25, 2007 @ 9:33 pm

    Couple things stand out here. Both by anonymous commenters (likely the same person). The first by Anonymous 3:50pm who said he’d pay Sciullo $30 NOT to post his record-breaking milk attempt. Why would you NOT want to see that? Granted it’s not technically “eating” but any eater and any fan of competitive eating should want to witness that awesome feat.

    Second comment regarding Anonymous 6:53pm who said that Joey and many others in the IFOCE were in “no hurry” when they did their Wing Bowl stunts. First of all, it’s an insult to those IFOCE eaters to imply that they didn’t give 100 percent. Do you honestly think Joey was “holding back”? He drank a gallon of milk in 41 seconds. The man is a machine with a competitive fire that is out of control. Of course he was giving it his all.

  22. mike landrich said

    September 25, 2007 @ 9:42 pm

    Isn’t it funny that those of us who’ve competed against and know one another support each other? Its always the anonymous morons who have the worst crap to say.

    OJ Is it possible just to ban anonymous posts and only have members post? A Strongman board of which I am a member does that and it eliminates this verbal defecation.

  23. USMALE said (Registered September 4, 2007)

    September 25, 2007 @ 9:57 pm

    Let them say their crap Mike. They hide behind the computer screen insulting the eaters who give 100% every time, win or lose. Just goes to show you that these Pu**ies don’t have the guts to join us on stage and compete, but would rather just spread hate and insults.

    Russell could not have said it any better!

  24. Anonymous said

    September 25, 2007 @ 10:39 pm

    You guy sound like a bunch of Promise Keepers. I’m sickened.

  25. Anonymous said

    September 25, 2007 @ 10:41 pm

    Yes, I honestly think Joey was holding back. He was given a certain limit of time by Angelo and Al. Only a fool presses harder than he has to and opens the door for something to go wrong.

  26. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    September 26, 2007 @ 10:55 am

    Thanks to all of you for your support, directly and and indirectly. It shows that there is camaraderie and friendship in the CE community, for those of us who get up there and compete, and the significant others, family, and close friends who support us in this so-unmainstream endeavor.

    BTW – anonymous said, of September 24, 2007 @ 8:34 pm – Not that it’s any of your damn business, but I visit my doctor on a regular basis, about every four months or so. Just a couple of stats from my last visit (something for you, ‘Fact’): Blood pressure – 120/80, cholestErol – 130

  27. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    September 26, 2007 @ 11:12 am

    Bill, you remain my homey.
    I’m still baffled that the same idiots complain about the top 10 and then complain when somebody else puts out the effort to show up and compete. Keep it up, you got a good thing going!

  28. the boy king said

    September 26, 2007 @ 11:19 am

    I think we need to clarify the “rules” because I think it would be significantly easier to do a gallon of 1%, 2%, or that Skim Fat Free bull crap they try to pass off as milk, than it would be to do a gallon of Whole Vitamin D Milk.

    I say Whole or nothing. The rest is just colored white water.

  29. SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)

    October 1, 2007 @ 6:26 pm

    hey USMALE,being that your a Philly fan,i saw that you have a surprise for the Dallas fans,i hope its to tell them congrats on being 4-0,instead of 1-3,hehehe (just playing dude)…good luck in waffles,i think the Cowboy fans will love your surprise,lol…(i will hold the mob back)

  30. Carey said

    October 1, 2007 @ 7:19 pm

    Let’s not mention the Eagles right now… that is a sore spot. Go Phillies!

  31. SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)

    October 2, 2007 @ 12:45 am


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