WCS finals participants pictures

ESPN Radio 1250 has put up a page with pictures and some brief biographical information about the qualifiers for Friday’s Wing Championship Series finals.

A gallery (with minimal captions) of the Dallas Wing Championship Series is also available.

Brian Subich’s qualfication video is now available on philly.com’s Wing Bowl page

Comments (15)


  1. Laughing said

    January 23, 2008 @ 9:31 am

    They announced on ESPN Radio Pittsburgh before the qualifier last night that GJoe called them begging for a free pass to the finals because he couldn’t make it to Pittsburgh for a qualifier.

    Why would they ever give him a bye ?
    Has he ever even won anything in the three years he’s come to Pittsburgh ?

    The Pittsburgh boys usually send the out-of-towners home empty-handed.

  2. Gentleman Joe said

    January 23, 2008 @ 10:55 am

    I did NOT beg.

    I called to let them know that I couldn’t make it for yesterday’s qualifier due to familial issues.

    During the course of that conversation, it was mentioned that during the meeting they had wondered if I was going to that qualifier.

    That is when I brought up the possibility of a bye.

    I was told that wasn’t likely, but they would call if that was ok.

    I told them regardless, that I hope they have a wonderful event, like they’ve had in the past & I hope to return next year.

    If you want to consider that begging, so be it.

    To answer your questions, there are MANY reasons to give me or someone other quality out of area eater a bye.

    I have NOT won the Pittsburgh WCS but, I have won a trip to Mexico & a stay in the Poconos for coming in the top 3.

  3. guess whom? said

    January 23, 2008 @ 11:16 am

    only 1 “out of towner” decided to even show up this year….. but he asked to remain nameless. You won’t find his pic on the website, and he’s changed his name.

  4. anonymous said

    January 23, 2008 @ 12:58 pm

    Menchetti all you talk about is the paid vacations you get. 2 nights all expenses paid here and 3 nights all expenses paid there. Shutup already. Noone gives a rats ass about how much money you made or the perks included. its a long overdue broken record if you ask me. I’ll bet that “laughing” is either Brian Subich or Capt Butthead .

  5. guess again said

    January 23, 2008 @ 1:19 pm

    I don’t think the AM signal would reach Subich all the way out in Johnstown.

  6. Laughing said

    January 23, 2008 @ 1:49 pm

    Who the h$ll is Captain Butthead ?

  7. Not funny said

    January 23, 2008 @ 2:17 pm

    ask menchetti

  8. Gentleman Joe said

    January 23, 2008 @ 3:24 pm

    Hey BB, I mean anony 12:58, you’re just jealous because you got one trip in your life & you had to stomp your feet & hold your breathe to get that.

    The other comments could be from those you mentioned, but the anony eater, unless there is more than one is NOT Subich.

    Capt. Butthead is Ted Wilson. He has won WCS twice I think. When preparing to eat, he comes off as a prick. Apparently, when not compEATing, he’s not a prick, as he has the best crowd supporting him at the finals & even at qualifiers.

    You can listen on the internet, just as you can for many, many other stations.

  9. it is said

    January 23, 2008 @ 4:22 pm

    bb isnt ur pickle thing a bit of a long overdue broken record too?????????????????????????????

  10. FYI said

    January 23, 2008 @ 4:35 pm

    Wimpy – ’03
    Capt. Butthead – ’04
    Broken Wing – ’05
    Lord of the Wings – ’06
    Lord of the Wings – ’07
    ? – 08

  11. the boy king said

    January 23, 2008 @ 4:45 pm

    I qualified last night. (attempt #2) I’ve gotta get a better scheduler.

    See you @ the finals.

    Joe, wish you were here!

  12. Carey said

    January 23, 2008 @ 9:19 pm

    Great job Derek. Don’t forget your UEPa hat.

  13. beautifulbrian said

    January 24, 2008 @ 2:30 am

    Joe it appears you enjoy taking shots at me without conclusive evidence. I am not anonymous or any of the alias you accuse me of being. Without question you are one terrible gambler. Why i bother defending myself against an idiot like you is beyond me but id rather say something than let everyone think you might be correct. Didnt you accuse me at one time or another of being Luther and OJ Rifkin immediately came to my defense on that issue ? As far as pickle titles. I hardly ever bring it up . I could care less and would love to be known as a title holder of something other than pickles because the damn thing is played out and out and out. You seem to have an obsession with it and not i. Just for the record since you brought it up for the zillionth time, in 2002 when the Carnegie contest ended i was more than happy to conceed the victory to Ed Jarvis if it went into a tie breaker because i had no intention of going into OT . To set the record straight Arnie Chapman is the greatest pickle eating champ in the entire world.

  14. Gentleman Joe said

    January 25, 2008 @ 8:44 pm

    Congrats to 2 time winner Pete “Broken Wing” Maurizio w/ 110 wings He won a trip to Mexico.

    Bob “Lord of the Wings” Kuhn’s, last years winner came in 2nd. He won a Pooltable.

    & prior winner Ted “Capt. Butthead” Wilson came in 3rd. He won a trip to Barbados from 1/31 to 2/4.

    The only non-local competitor was knocked out in the 1st round.

  15. Cpt Butthead said

    January 27, 2008 @ 11:47 pm

    Wings were reheated & like rawhide.
    Also big & meaty.
    Pete & Bob really did well to get over 100.

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