Registration is now open for the 'Wing Pole" wing eating contest at Cheerleaders in Philadelphia on February 7. Entry is restricted to local amateurs. The prizes have yet to be determined, last year's competition awarded $3000 to the winner.


  1. Anon said

    November 24, 2024 @ 10:52 am

    Who will Frankie Farts recruit this year?

  2. JacksFanClubPresident said

    November 24, 2024 @ 2:24 pm

    The question is will Legend in his Own Mind Jack Legath show up to compete, win, and then go whine after on facebook with his Mommy after the win gets revoked due to him not being an amateur?

  3. Anon said

    November 24, 2024 @ 5:42 pm

    This is a different wing pole, not the one that has been hosted by Club Rusque the past few years. El Wingador and Cheerleaders are stealing the name and attempting to hold their own contest. It will suck.

  4. Anonymous said

    November 25, 2024 @ 10:11 am

    USMALE will be at one of the WIng Pole’s. Brunelli will be at the Risque one, I’m sure. He’s mopped the floor at that contest the last few years.

  5. Anonymous said

    November 26, 2024 @ 10:04 am


    Not so Jacked will definitely attempt to get there. His specialty is amateur contests and challenges that no one of any skill has won. He travels hours on end to challenges so his ego doesn’t get hurt and gets a record, when there’s plenty of challenges in his area he can do. I saw he recently was humbled again when he couldn’t break Nathan Klein’s record at Red Knapps. Even in the video he talked about how he was disappointed at the end. But hey, he says he’s just doing it for fun so what do I know.

  6. Anonymous said

    November 27, 2024 @ 11:05 am

    It’s locals. The superior frauds from Ohio wouldn’t get in. Frankie Fraud is good at controlling the roster.

  7. YouTube Detective said

    November 27, 2024 @ 2:26 pm

    Let’s talk about a few “challenge eaters” who in a saturated and flat market are perpetuating a con. Let’s start with the king of con, Eli Lessig. Eli will coattail any and everyone he can for subs and views. In fact, his “mentor” and the guy he coattailed for months Garbarge Disposal with 5 times the subs at over 100K is now getting crushed by Eli in views. Eli’s views to subs ratio is so far out of whack from the market. Is it his energy and charm? His super unique videos (ya right) that bring such new content? Nope. Anyone ever heard of socialblade? You see, in literally two weeks Eli has gone from about 42K views to a whopping 262K views (weekly data). How is this possible? His charm? Nope. You see you can pay money for views, subs, etc. All one has to do is start comparing this con channel to those well established with many times the subs that are active and better eaters and more interesting videos even in the food challenge arena. Also, watching the current Youtubers eating channels and their sub adds and numbers for even a week and it becomes clear we have a few con artists. And, the ratios. And, compare. BTW The total subs added by Eli from 11/9 to 11/27 is 7300. Just an FYI for those of you still living in the Matrix and are struggling for new subs. LMAO.

  8. Anonymous said

    November 27, 2024 @ 3:58 pm

    You are Jack

  9. LetsRunSomeStats said

    November 28, 2024 @ 1:42 pm

    Let’s talk real data for the con of YouTube. This doesn’t apply just to YouTube, eating channels there, but to social media in general.

    Eli has added 3200 subs from 11/18 to 11/23. Let’s do some comparative analysis to some other active more popular channels especially in overall subs for the same time period. Eli has 26.9K subs. His overall subs have gone up 484% in the last 30 days. Magic! Such a force of energy and uniqueness! No wonder. Cha right.

    Eli Lessig: 26.9K subs, 3200 new subs!
    Katina Eats Kilos: 852K subs, Added 2000 new subs in the same time period. She is up 16.7% for subs the last 30 days. You read that right.
    Randy Santel (the GOAT!): 1.73M subs, NO new subs the last 30 days. Flat.
    Garbage Disposal: 117K, 1000 new subs (this is suspect btw). He was tracked previously of adding subs like clockwork in bunches when he was going for his 100K.
    Molly Schuyler: 287K subs, NO new subs in the same time period.
    Dan Killer Kennedy: 58K subs, 200 new subs in the same time period.
    Scott Eats: 67.6K subs, 300 new subs added in the same time period.

    Oldguyeats which is a small channel after collabing with Eli in July all of a sudden went from a flat 20 to 30 subs to 300 per week. That’s right, that is 10 times the subs. Magic! Everyone who has half a brain on YouTube knows one time collabs don’t really do that much for sub count. So, what happened? Alien intervention? Eli is a voodoo priest and he put a positive hex on Old Man’s channel after he did his own?

    Why post this? Well, again, to get people to realize they are living in the matrix and to actually poke their head up and use some critical thinking about what is going on. And definitely not get dejected when they see others getting numbers WAY beyond what they are getting and wonder what the heck they need to do! Well, pull our your wallet of course. 😉 This obviously is not unique to eating. There are so many con accounts out there in all topics with bogus numbers.

  10. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 1, 2024 @ 5:20 am

    So let’s continue this. Time period 11-27 to Dec 1.

    Eli Lessig: 1200 subs! Magic!
    Clark: zero
    Randy Santel: Zero
    Molly: Zero
    Magic Mitch: Zero
    Jeff Esper: Zero
    Dan Kennedy: Zero

    Magic! Eli is a dominating force now! Crushing everyone in views, comments, and subs with currently his massive 30K sub base, Take a look at the subs to comments and subs to likes ratios of a typical video of long established eaters. And, compare them.

    For all the smaller long time channels looking to be famous and rich eating, don’t fret when you struggle to gain traction. The con is real and the subs count on even some of the other long established channels are not fully real.

  11. MoreStatsReality said

    December 1, 2024 @ 5:52 am

    All you have to do is run a Google search and you can see TONS of companies in the business of video promotion you can pay for. MAGIC!

  12. Anonymous said

    December 2, 2024 @ 10:29 am

    Who the fuck is this “Jeff” Esper guy you speak of?

    Show some GD respect to the top dawgz….

  13. Anonymous said

    December 2, 2024 @ 4:24 pm

    Who cares Jack. Toot your own horn

  14. Anonymous said

    December 3, 2024 @ 12:05 pm

    1029 take a chill pill. Can’t help it your name is spelled weird

  15. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 5, 2024 @ 5:29 am

    Let’s do another data point for all the delusional out there.

    Molly’s latest video: 17K video views in 2 days. Again, she has a 287K sub base.

    Eli Lessig: 28.6K subs (he’s adding daily in droves – see above for subs count compare). He gets 17K views in ONE day. Magic!
    He’s cracked the YouTube algorithm code! Legend! Check out that ratio of views to sub count again and compare EVERYONE in the eating market on YouTube.

    Don’t quit your day jobs people. Everything is not what it appears to be on Social Media. Fame! Fortune! I’m going to be the next Randy or Beard! Uhhhhh no delusionals.

  16. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 10, 2024 @ 7:17 am

    MAGIC! Eli gains 400 new subs in 24hrs. He’s going to be famous! Wait, that’s right, he’s a perpetual fraud for subs and views.

  17. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 11, 2024 @ 5:24 pm

    Eli in May 2024 subs: 420 June: 500
    November: 8300
    It is December 11, 2024 so far new subs: 3200

    MAGIC! Viral! The New Beard! 😉

  18. Anonymous said

    December 11, 2024 @ 6:26 pm

    Speaking of Eli, what’s going on with his teeth? For a guy who keeps all the challenges down his teeth sure don’t look like it.

  19. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 12, 2024 @ 4:48 am

    Dan Killer Kennedy: 57.7K sub base, video published 10 hrs ago at this time of posting:
    4221 views, 575 thumbs up, 61 comments

    Eli Lessig: 31K sub base, video published 12hrs ago at the time of this posting (1000’s of new subs added weekly now and growing!), 19,397 views, 529 comments, 1.8K thumbs up.

    VIRAL! The new beard!

  20. Anonymous said

    December 12, 2024 @ 9:11 am

    Jack recently defeated the brand new “South Side 4.5” gyro challenge in 66 minutes. He’s now in the ranks of the elite, as only the very best have been the SS4.5 challenge!

  21. Anonymous said

    December 13, 2024 @ 12:51 am

    Eli brings his kids to pukefest

  22. Anonymous said

    December 14, 2024 @ 1:17 pm

    Geoff sure is sensative

  23. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 16, 2024 @ 7:01 am

    Eli has added 4600 new subs already in December! We still have half of a month to go! Amazing! The next beard! What’s the matter with the rest of you YouTubers?! Slackers and slugs I guess? He just passed 30K now. Did everyone see his 30K subs video? Wait, he didn’t do one. I wonder why?

    Now, he isn’t the first one to have fake subs, obviously. But in his case, it is so blatant and easy to spot. Does anyone wonder how James warped to over 100K instantly all of a sudden? Overnight basically adding 5 figures to subs. Hmmmmm.

    The question is, if someone uses an inaccurate true sub count on their channel on their resume to promote themselves with restaurants, does that perpetuate fraud? If someone uses a resume to get a job with faked experience, accomplishments, etc. I am pretty sure they would get fired as a result if found out.

  24. Anonymous said

    December 16, 2024 @ 7:16 am

    1:17 That wasn’t Jeff. He doesn’t care. Um, make that Geoff.

  25. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 20, 2024 @ 5:07 am

    Some new stats for all the YouTube delusionals about the saturated market and also show the fraud and con being propagated with a few YouTubers by purchasing promotion view fake subs/views/ etc. Pat Deep Dish’s latest video…the dude who won Nathans….34 views in 9 hours.

    An update on the biggest con….Eli is now basically getting 1 for 1 (even though he’s adding fake subs 100’s per day to get his sub count way higher) on subs versus views. He gets about 30K per video or higher with a current sub count that is now 32.8K. He’s now added 5600 new subs in December as an update too. We have 11 days left in December! What’s a matter with all the rest of you! You aren’t keeping up! He’s gone viral baby. Must be his high energy and unique concepts in his video!?

  26. Anonymous said

    December 20, 2024 @ 10:55 am

    5:07 am– you’re clearly an obsessed fan of CE, but likely not a very successful eater in your own regard. You also don’t understand how YouTube algorithm works. Nobody watches Pat’s videos because very few people KNOW he won Nathan’s, compared to Joey, and his videos are not high quality or well-edited. Nothing against him, but people on YouTube don’t care about personal accolades or titles if your videos don’t provide them any enjoyment.

    How do you even monitor and keep track of gains in sub counts? you have some excel sheet you update daily?? Just get a life–this shit ain’t that important.

  27. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 20, 2024 @ 1:58 pm

    10:55am. The Pat example was not about the algorithm which I am very aware of that it exists. Pat is one of the best in the world; in reality, he’s wasting his time on YouTube. You must be an older person to ask the last question. Here, let me educate you….open a browser. Go to and put in “how to track social media analytics” Ah heck. Here: Just go to

  28. LetsRunSomeStats said

    December 31, 2024 @ 5:23 am

    Update: As of December 30, Eli has added 7900 subs in just December. The new beard! His sub-count to views is still whacked and won’t be in the real range until he gets way more subs. This is the ratio of subs to actual views. His is consistently almost 1 to 1 or higher. Again for all the woeful delusionals out there keep your head up. It’s not real. But, alas, again he’s not the first YouTube channel to do this. It happens all over. There are YouTube and IG accounts that are actually real and popular with views because they call out the fakes and frauds in all topics/fields. I mean use common sense people. He brings nothing new with his videos and in fact, he’s drier than an Arizona dessert and is frankly not that good of an eater. And, now he’s trying to copy what Beard is doing formula-wise.

    Let’s do some channel compares once again.

    Molly Schuyler – 288K subs. Added 1000 subs in December.
    Dan Kennedy – 58K subs. Added 200 subs in December.
    Josh The Goat – 3.7K subs. Added 40 subs in December.
    Geoff Esper – 64K subs. Added 100 subs in December.
    Max vs food – 24.8K subs. Added 600 subs in December.
    Brandon Clark – 199K subs. Added 2000 subs in December.
    Scott Eats – 69K subs. Added 1300 subs in December.

    Eli – 35.2K subs (and rising like a rocket!). Added 7900 subs in December.

    Lets look at views on the last 4 videos with comparing some long-established channels who are active in posting videos. At least 1 day posted.

    Geoff Esper – 10K, 10K, 15k, 6.7K
    Dan Kennedy – 19K, 11k, 12k, 9.9K
    Molly Schuyler – 21k, 21k, 28k, 21k
    Scott Eats – 18k, 6.6K, 26k, 11k

    Eli Lessig – 24k, 31k, 31k, 30K

    Compare the subs above to the views obtained on the videos. Keep in mind Eli’s sub count also went up 7900 in one month to get him to his current 35k he continues to add 200 and 300 subs PER day EVERY day.

    I will add a quote to finalize this:
    “Fake it till you make it” works until it doesn’t. Truth always comes knocking. Consider all these posts just that.

    Happy New Year!

  29. LetsRunSomeStats said

    January 4, 2025 @ 5:04 pm

    Some more data for the delusional out there and also exposing the frauds and con men with their buying promotion and views and subs….Pat Bertoletti. One of the best eaters in the world obviously and frankly of all time right? His channel on YouTube is DOA. He’s added 40 subs in the last month. His last “eating video” had 347 views. Why? Because the market is saturated on a niche topic where there is only room for a few who are already there and dominating. At least he has integrity with his channel and isn’t a fraud and phony. You also can’t suddenly go viral and have wacky views and subs (and the ratios) with a channel that brings NOTHING new to an already saturated market unless you are a fraud or con man especially if the channel sucks.

  30. LetsRunSomeStats said

    January 10, 2025 @ 5:16 am

    Let’s add in a little more reality. Freak Eating has been around a long time. About 12 years. He actually is very active on social media posting. His latest video has a whopping 444 views in 2 days. Yeah it’s a dessert challenge and for you brainiacs out there they never do as well for some reason. But, even his last videos in the last year are getting less than 2k views. His channel has 116K views. Go back on his channel and see his views compared to now. You delusionals should check out Magic Mitch who has also been around a while and what his current status is. Do you really think someone like Old Guy Eats with his meteoric sub growth lately and the fact he has as much presence as a wet noodle and is cringe too (the stupid fist thing is cringe) is somehow beating these guys in new subs because he is spectacular or has some unlock cheat code? Think again. Freakeating has added no subs the last month even with his active social media posting outside of Youtube. Mitch has added 100 in the last month with nearly 31K subs. While Old Guy has added 300 new subs the last month. New subs daily. Magic!

  31. LetsRunSomeStats said

    January 13, 2025 @ 6:58 am

    WOW! Check this out stat junkies…Old Guy Eats is the new star with his awesome eating performances and camera presence. He is a marketing genius apparently too!

    All videos were published about the same time except Freak, about 1 days worth.

    Will Morse – 386 views
    Heavy D – 290 views
    Josh the Goat – 191 views
    Freak Eating – 589 views
    Magic Mitch (who also has 31K subs and has been around a long time) – 805 views

    And…drum roll….Old Guy Eats – 1500 views. And, he magically unlocked over 1200 overnight! Amazing performance!

  32. Anonymous said

    January 13, 2025 @ 4:52 pm

    I wonder how many views Nathan gets

  33. LetsRunSomeStats said

    January 14, 2025 @ 7:28 am

    Nathan? Nathan Klein? He’s not a member of the delusional crew. Speaking of the delusional crew I haven’t covered everyone obviously either. Franco Feasts is just another example. I guess none of this crew have any concept of “Markets” and what is going on with YouTube in general these days. And, what they actually bring to their channel that’s different in the market. Then answer is NOTHING. The kings and queens of the market are never mentioned either. That would be Beard (clearly), Randy, Joel, Katina, and Raina (although she is falling off it appears as time passes). Can you say “cornered the market?” It’s quite hilarious watching the UK guys or anyone trying to get traction who is from the UK with Beard dominating. People don’t seem to grasp why people watch him. It’s not about the food. He’s weird-looking because he’s so young and has a big beard. A character so to speak. He’s very funny and in reality, is a comedian too which is foundational. The fame and fortune people are seeking is futile at this point. Geoff Esper has pointed out in his lives many times for example about the reality of “making any sort of significant money” and he’s one of the top eaters in the world right now.

  34. Anonymous said

    January 14, 2025 @ 2:48 pm

    Not all eaters choose to have a YouTube channel as is obvious. Contest rankings and You Tube channels are apples and orange.

  35. LetsRunSomeStats said

    February 1, 2025 @ 5:41 am

    An update on the biggest con going on with eaters….

    Eli Lessig has continued his hot streak with adding 200 to 300 new subs DAILY EVERY DAY in January! He added basically 9000 new subs in January. On 1/26, 1/27, and 1/28 he added 600, 600, and 700 rather than the consistent daily add of 200 and or 300 new subs. MAGIC! What’s the matter with everyone else with channels ya BUMS! 😉

    In one year now he’s gone from 6170 subs to 35,300 subs. VIRAL baby. The next Beard! He’s gonna be rich and famous! Again, what the hell is the matter with all of you others who have YouTube channels. You guys just aren’t as charismatic as Eli and don’t have such a strong presence on camera?

    Inquiring minds want to know….so if you have a fake sub count and then promote your sub count on your eating resume to say restaurants does that constitute fraud? What what happen if you submit a resume to a company for a job with fake qualifications? What if you got the job and they found out you had lies on your resume about your experience or qualifications? Would they fire you?

  36. Anonymous said

    February 1, 2025 @ 6:48 am

    Is Eli Lessig The New GOAT???….his recent collab with maybe the former GOAT Randy Santel with only 44,800 subs has 100K views. Randy has 1.75M subs and is at 109K views. Basically the same! With a fraction of the subs! Is Eli going to overtake Randy as the GOAT of food challenges down the road? Only time will tell people! Sure seems like it. Eli needs to start doing this full time so he can fulfill his destiny as the GOAT of food challenges. Sorry Randy but these numbers are worldly right now and he’s just getting started!

  37. Anonymous said

    February 1, 2025 @ 9:58 am

    Eli leaves his wife to do other stuff

  38. Anonymous said

    February 1, 2025 @ 3:17 pm

    9:58 – What does other stuff mean? lol

  39. LetsRunSomeStats said

    February 5, 2025 @ 4:51 am

    Eli Lessig’s Final Count New Subs for January: 9300 new subs in one month! What’s the matter with the rest of you slugs!? He’s already added 1700 new subs in just 5 days in February! He’s goin viral baby! He’s got such energy and presence in his videos. Maybe it’s because he’s now trying to copy exactly what Beard is doing in his videos? Have a blessed week everyone.

  40. LetsRunSomeStats said

    February 5, 2025 @ 11:48 am

    I’m gay and obsessed with Eli. I turn off the lights and light candles when I watch his videos. ??????????

  41. TheRealLetsRunSomeStats said

    February 5, 2025 @ 3:25 pm

    11:48 – Too funny brah. The receipts will continue. Fraud, deception, lying…all not very blessed activities.

  42. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2025 @ 3:28 pm

    The people who believe the numbers he is getting are real probably need to have a frontal lobotomy.

  43. LetsRunSomeStats said

    February 11, 2025 @ 11:12 am

    For all the continued delusionals out there including those who think Eli’s channel growth is legit…more receipts and facts.

    Let’s use Heavy D and his recent experience with collaborating with Beard. With legit data, he got a spike in subs/views. But, as pointed out before, collabs don’t do that much longer term unless you literally latch onto a big timer repeatedly over months. Case in point Heavy Ds latest video at 568 views.

    Let’s look at an actual legit curve of stats for Heavy D.

    You can see exactly the time frame when his collaboration hit with Beard in January and the fall off afterward. Now, let’s even talk about Heavy D himself and his channel versus other “paid-for” growth channels that are doing the big CON.

    Heavy D is one heck of an eater and is an actual pro. So, there’s that to start with. He’s a very unique dude presence-wise and actually has a presence on camera (IMO). He brings a lot of unique insight into how he is attacking the challenges in a no-nonsense way. His style is unique and isn’t trying to copy people like Beard (unlike another fraud youtuber). No, this is not Heavy D posting this!

    His latest experience and the above again show how the market is going (Note Randy Santel’s latest comment on eating).

    Another example of a delusional is this dude ShastaFood. He’s been on the tube since April 2022 and has bought up to 27K subs. See the graph below link for the spike and then back to normal after. He didn’t pay enough for the new subs/views and hence the traffic tanked right after.

    That’s all for today’s lesson kiddos!

  44. LetsRunSomeStats said

    February 24, 2025 @ 7:11 am

    Eli Lessig hits 50K subs: Let’s do an update since Eli in a saturated and dead market climbed like a rocket to 50k subs….

    In January 2024, Eli’s channel was normal and gained 320 subs that month. This continued until July 2024 when all of a sudden it started its rocket path like a miracle occurred in the dead and saturated eating YouTube market. He started getting 100, 200, and 300 new subs PER DAY all of a sudden. This has continued to Feb 24, 2025 and will likely continue until he hits 100K and then he might slow it down I suspect. Every day. Randomly gets 100, 200, and or 300 new subs EVERY DAY.

    Yesterday, I saw he had 49, 900 subs. I was like….he will get it tomorrow. How could I have known this? Well, I am not a nitwit like so many out there who think his numbers are legit. These people obviously couldn’t make it through freshman Algebra or have any sort of critical thinking ability and believe all they see and read.

    I have to yet again ask this question: Is it fraud if someone lies on their resume to get a job or income? Do they lack integrity and ethics? Would you want to be all buddy buddy with someone who is doing this? Does that reflect on your integrity or ethics? Or, does it just show you are are nitwit like I have stated above? Or dumber than a box of rocks?

  45. Anonymous said

    February 24, 2025 @ 11:02 am

    Eli is living rent free in this guy’s head!

  46. Anonymous said

    February 25, 2025 @ 5:08 am

    7:11 – Some of us do see the frauds, con men, and grifters in eating. And, the morons who believe they are legit. I will be curious if Eli has some special 50K video or makes it a thing. I bet not because it literally will be adding more fraud on top of fraud on record if he does.

    According to most Christian denominations, yes, lying is considered a sin, as it directly violates the Ten Commandments which state “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

    Have a blessed week everyone!

  47. Anonymous said

    February 25, 2025 @ 9:49 am

    Really? Lying is a sin?

    We’re talking about people engaging in gluttony to the ultimate degree here…
    If you think lying is the only sin committed by food challengers / comp eaters, you need to get real

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