2008 NO – the Dr. is in (Coney Island)
New Orleans qualifier results from Dr. Bigtime comment & IFOCE.com report:
1. Juris “Dr. Bigtime” Shibayama – 28
2. Peter Parker – 17
3. Damon Serignet – 16
Dunno after that.
- competitive eating
database &
New Orleans qualifier results from Dr. Bigtime comment & IFOCE.com report:
1. Juris “Dr. Bigtime” Shibayama – 28
2. Peter Parker – 17
3. Damon Serignet – 16
Dunno after that.
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Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 12:54 pm
Upset stomach.
Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 12:55 pm
Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 12:55 pm
Dr. Bigtime said
June 7, 2008 @ 1:46 pm
1. Dr. Bigtime – 28
2. Damon Serignet – 16
Dunno after that.
fanatic313 said (Registered June 8, 2007)
June 7, 2008 @ 2:08 pm
Congrats on the win.
Dr. Bigtime said
June 7, 2008 @ 2:41 pm
My bad. 2nd was actually Peter Parker with 17, then Damon.
To all anonymous haters and Pat Philbin:
Thank you for helping me to become the eater that I am now, and will be. Instead of whining and crying, and saying I deserve this or that, I worked my tail off, and now I’m qualified for the finals in Coney on July 4. Now I’m knocking on the door of the top 10, and I WILL be there. There are 2 types of people in this world: those that WATCH things happen and those that MAKE things happen. So you guys keep hiding behind your keyboards, hating on everyone, wasting your life away, while those of us who actually want to accomplish something in life will go out there and make it happen.
To quote the great philosopher, Kid Rock:
“They say I’m cocky, and I say, “What?” It ain’t braggin’ if you do it, and you BACK IT UP!” (Clean version)
Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 2:42 pm
Congrats Dr. Big Time. Kick the girls’ asses on the fourth.
Gravy said
June 7, 2008 @ 2:48 pm
Great job Juris…that’s a mighty fine number.
The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)
June 7, 2008 @ 2:51 pm
Ifoce has the results http://www.ifoce.com/news.php?action=detail&sn=603 In 2nd was Peter Parker with 17, and in third was Damon Serignet with 16. Great job Dr. Bigtime, i thought you’d eat about 23-24. Vicious.
Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 3:11 pm
Im a Dr Big Time fan!
Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 3:12 pm
Im a Dr Big Time fan I say!
U.S. MALE said
June 7, 2008 @ 4:20 pm
Awesome job Juris. Way to shut those haters & non-believers up. Oil those guns up for the Coney crowd.
We love Patty said
June 7, 2008 @ 5:04 pm
Pat Philbin has every right to hate you. Is there are problem with that? Showing off your muscles when others might not be blessed with such beauty. Juris are you a real spine surgeon or a no fault insurance doc posing as one?
The socializer said
June 7, 2008 @ 5:07 pm
The ones that hide behind the keyboard have no friends no social life, look like shit and smell like shit are you listening luther?
Anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 7:17 pm
The Doctor will kick Sonya’s ass on July 4th.!!! She will be begging for mercy.
June 7, 2008 @ 7:57 pm
nice work Doctor!
Truth Be Told said
June 7, 2008 @ 8:33 pm
Juris did an excellent job today. However, he doesn’t always succeed in fan appeal. Hubris is a sure sign of failure.
Badlands Booker said
June 7, 2008 @ 9:11 pm
Wow! Totally amazing Dr. Bigtime! Congrats on that huge number. Go on and do the tre at Coney homie!
nic"theincrediblebulk"fry said
June 7, 2008 @ 9:23 pm
Good job dr. bigtime
Pat From Moonachie said
June 7, 2008 @ 9:37 pm
Hey Doc,
First off, congratulations on your win ..good job, you EARNED it, I have no problem with people who EARN things
Secondly, I bet you’d “Whine and Cry and say you deserved This and That” if they decided to let Peter Parker into the Coney Island finals instead of you because he has a cool Spiderman name, he wouldn’t have EARNED it..maybe? ..ya think??
Thirdly, I don’t hate anyone and i’ve never been anonymous but if me expressing my opinion about something that really didn’t concern you (or as you call it “Whining & Crying”) makes me “Negative” or a “Hater” and that motivated you …God Bless!
..and since you felt the need to address me..
I certainly don’t hate you but your whole “Look at me, i’m a WINNER!” schtick kinda makes you seem like a bit of a douche ..sort of like Donald Trump ..”Successful, yet still a Douche” 😉
anonymous said
June 7, 2008 @ 11:23 pm
Go get em Pat Great comeback. He’s a jerk. He won no need for him to rub it in
Anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 7:29 am
Congratulations Doc and I didn’t know “Spiderman” was competing 🙂
Kyle_____Joe said
June 8, 2008 @ 8:28 am
Way to go Dr. you deserve to go even if you have a head bigger than all of coney is. you may not ever make the top 10 but your ego is #1
Dr. Bigtime said
June 8, 2008 @ 8:36 am
Thank you for acknowledging that I have earned my spot in the finals. I do appreciate that.
I guess I was irked by the fact that people didn’t think I deserved the Spike thing, and you were one of the most vocal about that. You were right, though. By that point, I had not done anything in CE. I KNEW I had what it takes to be a top 10 eater, I just didn’t have the time to get there. But you were right in pointing out that I had not yet accomplished anything yet. So I apologize for lumping you in with the anonymous hater. I hope you can accept my apology, and we can just eat, now.
As for the theatrics and braggadocio, that will NOT stop. I have never been one to blend in. If people want to think I’m a douche, go ahead and let them think that. Pretty much everything I state is fact. I AM all of the things I say I am: spine surgeon, bodybuilder, soon-to-be top 10 competitive eater. Love me or hate me, I generate a reaction from people. It’s like from that Howard Stern movie: the average Howard Stern lover listens 2 hrs per day, the average Howard Stern hater listens 8 hours per day.
As for the girls, let me make the top 10 first…then I’ll start climbing my way up. IT IS SO ON!!!!
The anonymous haters can still eat my shorts (sucks not using profanity).
beautifulbrian said
June 8, 2008 @ 2:35 pm
Great job Dr B and congrag to Sonya . It proves that bodybuilding and aerobics play a big factor in competitive eating
mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)
June 8, 2008 @ 5:01 pm
Good job. As has been said, you earned this one. Keep working hard and get 30+ on the 4th.
Pat From Moonachie said
June 8, 2008 @ 6:59 pm
Doc, to quote the great philosopher, Badlands Booker:
“It’s All Good!”
Anonymous said
June 8, 2008 @ 7:37 pm
It’s bragging. Just because you did it, doesn’t make it not so.
beautifulbrian said
June 8, 2008 @ 10:46 pm
Dr Bigtime some of these anonymous haters that you are referring to are basically people that are jealous of your physique and they realize they cant be you. Its as simple as that. Many of them have neglected to take care of their body over the years and because of that they payed the price looking like shit. I am guilty of the same but because i used to be very well conditioned it would not take me as much time as others to get back into a mere shade of my former self. To this day i dont believe that drinking gallons of water or losing weight is a contributing factor in making someone a great competitive eater. Training with the contest food does help but it’s all about stamina and conditioning your body to go 12 rounds like a boxer . The better the shape the better the eater .
Hater said
June 9, 2008 @ 5:39 am
you guys talk too much
Rhonda Evans said
June 9, 2008 @ 7:46 am
I had no doubt that you would do well Doc! You are certainly capable of moving into the top Top 10 soon.
This is especially true in Hall’s unofficial poll, since the despised Sonya and the disrespected Koby will likely be knocked out of the top 10 by year’s end, and that will open up things for you. (I’m being facetious about that latter part … but only a little).
Rhonda Evans said
June 9, 2008 @ 7:57 am
Brian you are right about the correlation between being in shape and one’s CE ability. (You are also right about the jealousy by other eaters towards the Doc.)
The Doc probably practices on a very limited basis, because he has little time, but by staying in shape and taking care of his health he is able to improve his maximum.
Sonya probably stays in shape, but I don’t think she has too much time to work out, based on her work schedule, though I don’t know that for sure. I think she has more natural eating ability than any eater out there. I believe her drive to win is not exceeded by anyone.
Joey and Pat aren’t in bad shape, but they practice, practice, practice, and their dedication to CE is beyond words. They deserve to be where they are.
Koby is another one in terrific shape. He is the most complete eater out there–great shape, lots of natural talent, and I think he probably practices now more than ever. He does have incentive like never before.
Hungry & Focused Apparel said
June 9, 2008 @ 10:19 am
Focused Mind
That’s All You Need.
nic "the incredible bulk" fry said
June 9, 2008 @ 11:52 am
i have about 1 of those things maybe i should work on that
June 9, 2008 @ 1:20 pm
Focused mind
Hangman’s official CE championship belt (much more meaningful then that yellow mustard belt)
A video camera
Table spies
Lies, lies, lies