Joey Chestnut wins 2013 World Chili Eating Challenge
update Feb 12 Mystifier Man and Scorp1622 have videos Rake & Herald has a contest report
5:47 The Sun Sentinel has an article.
3:56 The top 4
1) Joey Chestnut 2 gallons
2) Bob Shoudt 1.81 gallons
3) Sonya Thomas 1.125 gallons
4) Jon Bello 0.69 gallon
2:52 Joey Chestnut reportedly won and tied the chili record.
2:37 The contest has started. Bob Shoudt and Sonya Thomas were able to make it to Orlando.
anonymous said
February 9, 2013 @ 2:57 pm
Like reruns of I love lucy.. . He wins all the time.. Why bother showing up?
Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)
February 9, 2013 @ 3:16 pm
Back from our holidays.
Chili results fresh from MLE…
1) Joey Jaws 2 gallons; 2) Notorious BOB 1.81; 3) Sonya the Black Widow 1.125; 4) Jon Bello 0.69; =5) Mike Sylvester 0.5; =5) Matt Schuermann 0.5; =5) Bill Weller 0.5; 8) Tom the Intern 0.28; 9) Matt Raley 0.25; 10) Jenny Bello 0.25.
Understood that 12 would compete; Eater X snowbound (or eggbound?) so is there another result yet to come in? Will find out after trip to fridge to liberate Special Brew cans. Report will have metric conversions and spelling mistakes.
Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)
February 9, 2013 @ 3:38 pm
Two more in fact… 11) Camisha Thomas 0.25; 12) Robert Palmer 0.125.
Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)
February 9, 2013 @ 3:59 pm
R&H working on chili report now. In the meantime, here are two exclusive interviews with
1) Beautiful Brian and
2) the Great Gavonne
anonymous said
February 9, 2013 @ 4:17 pm
R&H are good people but i doubt Seiken would want anything linked from a third party to this site. It just gives the haters a chance to let loose and to add insult to injury by linking the interview above a lowlife criminal such as Joe Rose. Embarrassing and revolting
Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)
February 9, 2013 @ 4:57 pm
Hello 4:17
Well, neither interview are linked other than they happen to be on the R&H, which, as I have stated numerous times in the past, views all gurgitators equally. We make no personal judgement about any eaters and intend to imply none. They are simply two standalone interview/profile pieces and had they been about anybody else I would still have posted them as they concern personalities within the sport.
We take our neutrality more seriously than the Swiss. Neither link was intended to either embarrass or revolt anyone. I apologise unreservedly to you and anyone else if this is what has or will happen. I assure you, this was not the intention.
Anonymous said
February 9, 2013 @ 5:34 pm
No apologies whatsoever are needed from or by Ignatius Rake. Both eaters and personalities have made no secret of their huge hatred for each other and many other people right here on eatfeats. I am sure that both are very happy to have been interviewed and get publicity period. Just another instance of something positive for the two and someone taking it all and making it negative.
seiken fan said
February 9, 2013 @ 7:09 pm
534 the only correlation between Seiken and Gavonne is that Seiken was stalked by this nut that either wants to be him or wants to drag him down to the dirt likes hes been dragged into all his life . Its like linking John Lennon with Mark David Chapman. There is no comparison Because of the murder you cant help but link the both of them in a horribly distorted way. .Lennon was controversial and outspoken unlike his other 3 mates and because of that he attracted a stalker extremists with mental problems who tragically took the mans life. Same situation with Seiken and this guy. Yeah Seiken is no angel and says offensive things but Seiken doesn’t threaten to kill people. Seiken doesnt poke fun at someone deceased parents , Seiken doesnt poke fun at someone handicapped children. Seiken doesnt call a female a whore slut that will sleep with anyone for $10 . Seiken is not a white supremacist. Seiken doesnt glorify Hitler , Seiken doesnt stalk innocent women . Seiken never spent time in the slammer. Shall i continue . I think we heard enough
Anonymous said
February 9, 2013 @ 8:02 pm
BUT Seiken will stalk eatfeats by making stupid childish hateful comments of other eaters. Every day, every hour.
Anonymous said
February 9, 2013 @ 9:04 pm
Yes 8:02, Seiken is the most transparent BS blabber of all time. He will never ever go away or understand how crazy his thinking really is. East BS and die, as he likes to say.
anonymous said
February 9, 2013 @ 9:59 pm
I can reassure you that the real Brian Seiken does not make stupid childish hateful comments every day every hour.
More of the Same said
February 9, 2013 @ 10:17 pm
Every eatfeats thread is a potential Seiken hijack target. U can tell how sick he is by the fact that he feels that his behavior is justified. He does not care that his behaior is childish or how small a human being it makes him appear. I have never, in my entire life, seen any one person go through as much trouble to cause trouble and dissention among people as him. Yet, he is so sociopathic that he actually takes pride in defacating on people in public. He is one sorry individual.
brian seiken fan said
February 9, 2013 @ 11:43 pm
More of the same LMFAO
More of the Same said
February 10, 2013 @ 5:39 am
That’s my point, Seiken. Nothing more to say. You, very succinctly said it all in only five letters.
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 7:50 am
A journalist is someone with integrity. Even a gossip columnist is not hateful. A hate monger is a hate monger. Eaters and fans come from all walks of life, all different, each with their own personality and talents. Seiken is the rotten pickle in the whole bunch and contaminates almost everything here. This has been his mission since eatfeats began, to get rid of it thinking that eatfeats took over from him. There are many different websites and blogs about competitive eating. BS has never written anything about competitive eating anywhere but on his own site. If his biggest claim to fame is that he is better than Joe Gavonne, what can be said? It’s a very strange world he hallucinates in.
anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 8:10 am
oink oink oink oink oink oink Its good to be sick
anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 8:15 am
539 1143 was not Seiken you fool
not seiken but a fan said
February 10, 2013 @ 10:32 am
No 750 you are wrong . Watch what you say in print. Being compared to Gavonne and being better are two different things. It is you and the other haters on this blog that linked the both of them together.and not Seiken .. Seiken was stalked just like Jill Stoler. How many others has Gavonne stalked before and after he was sent to prison? By claiming Seiken said his biggest claim to fame is being better than Gavonne well that’s an outright lie. He never said that and you know it. By stating that you are better than a psycho criminal in certainly no notch in anyone belt. Seiken doesn’t want to mentioned in the same breath as that animal . There is a huge difference between an opinionated writer and a convicted criminal that threatens the lives of others
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 10:58 am
If Seiken gave a homeless man a couple of bucks for a meal, he would glorify himself on his site for being such a good Samaritan, and because of that “heroic” act, in Seiken’s mind the man now owes him. If Seiken wasn’t repaid, based on his own self-imposed expectations, he would slander the guy in public/on his site. That’s the “beauty” of Seiken, not a “pretty” picture.
anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 10:58 am
7:50am why do you keep repeating yourself over and over again. Nobody cares what you say about Seiken. Its been a consistent redundant pattern and you just don’t seem to get it. . If OJ is entertained by his nonsense then nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Are these threads so important to you that a little levity from Seiken or anyone else is such a major distraction? You must lead a very shallow life if competitive eating is that important to you.. Maybe its more about your personal hate towards him than it is about him hijacking threads
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 12:56 pm
7:50 a.m. you really have the man reeling.
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 1:10 pm
Perhaps someday Seiken will write a memoir about his experiences with eatfeats, in crayon!
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 2:07 pm
Levity from Seiken? Now that is hilarious.
anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 2:17 pm
Reeling? Hes laughing his ass off. Ha ha ha ha ba ha ba . Keep it coming
anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 2:22 pm
Like all bully cowards , notice how brave dumbo Goldstein becomes when the heat is off him . Wingbowl hecklers dissapeared until next year when he cheats his another victory. The coast is clear now coward. Say what you want about Seiken
Escort said
February 10, 2013 @ 4:41 pm
Then, 2:17, may we all, including his “fan club”, make Seiken laugh all the way to Kingsboro Psychiatric Center. May his white-coated escorts be laughing too.
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 4:52 pm
Psychen grew up being such a staunch fan of “Mad” magazine, that he took the descriptor to heart and lives the role each day.
Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)
February 10, 2013 @ 8:09 pm
Chili report:
Anonymous said
February 10, 2013 @ 8:32 pm
Perhaps Brian Seiken is ahead of us all. He is the Howard Stern of Competitive Eating. As Ignatius Rake points out, he may stir controversy, and he damned sure does, and he loves it, but he does get attention. Is the price worth it?
I get it said
February 10, 2013 @ 10:15 pm
3:59 Ignausea Rake
R&H I normally enjoy the insight and depth of your articles about competive eating… but you failed miserably to capture the essence of BB. A bigger “puff” piece would be difficult to imagine. Nice try to normalize this buffoon and further give to him, in his mind, A That’a Boy. Is the R&H being intentionally naive in this interview and therefore risking its rather recent popularity and credibility or is R&H who appear to be on top of CE oblivious to Seikens lies, exagerations, witch hunts and general insanity. Thanks R&H for not a single question that would be of any interest. Props though for the Gavonne interview… in depth honest… warts and all.
i dont get it said
February 11, 2013 @ 9:37 am
Rake ignore this piece of filth who goes by the moniker I get it. Just another victim of the absolute truth on bits and pieces. Seiken called the backstabber out for what she is worth and this is the end result of pure hate. “Nice try to normalize the buffoon” “R& H being naive in the interview” “seiken lies” blah blah blah . Just a bitter miserable no lifer with hateful intentions. What does it tell you about someone that give props for an interview with a “jew hater” that makes terror threats on the net. . Pretty sad state of affairs
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 9:52 am
I would put money down that i get it is Rhonda Evans but then again why hide under your own moniker with another one ?
Anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 10:25 am
Read between the lines everyone. I am betting that it was Seiken himself who kept pestering R and H about his interview and to have it published. R and H, being the fine people they are, had no idea of the inner sand box filth and by total chance put up the two interviews together. That made Seiken crazy but he was already there anyway. He shoots himself in the foot time and time again, never ever satisfied. He could have ignored the juxtaposition and publicized his interview on his own site. His thinking is just beyond cuckoo unless he actually enjoys living in a chaotic state and seeing himself as a victim. Boggles the imagination.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
February 11, 2013 @ 11:25 am
9:52, apparently you DON’T get it. It is not me. Over and out.
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 11:27 am
Ok Rhonda never lies process of elimination. Who else types with such eloquence and flawless punctuation? . Either Janus or the Belmont lady
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 11:30 am
1025 you would make one lousy gambler. Seiken never pestered R& H for an interview They approached him. If you dont believe me ask them yourself .You have their email. Also Seiken never linked the interview to eatfeats. R&H did. Scroll back in comments if you need more proof you ill informed hating jackass
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 12:19 pm
Gavonne actually incriminates himself in the interview. He got involved in CE because he liked a girl. You mean you stalked a girl and got locked up for it. What do you expect from a moron deadbeat from Brooklyn NY. Most of them that were born and bred in that borough are deadbeat losers And if that wasnt enough you stalked others that you thought might have had a physical relationship with her like Menchetti but that never happened.
Anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 1:47 pm
We know Seiken did not link the two, R and H did. Funny though how flipping flipped Seiken continues to be. FYI Seiken, I am not any of your usual suspects. Some of us hide in plain sight. Your blood pressure should be checked, frequently.
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 3:00 pm
last check 120 over 80
Anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 3:18 pm
It’s not Janus or Rona either.
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 5:04 pm
If 1015 was an outsider. A bomb or someone Seiken never met , I am sure he could care less but the stalker is someone he knows very welll or someone he came in contact within the sport
anonymous said
February 11, 2013 @ 5:37 pm
Well is anyone going to stir up trouble? Getting boring without some
A-Bomb said (Registered May 7, 2009)
February 11, 2013 @ 8:52 pm
oink oink oink…