2019 Carnaval Miami croqueta eating contest
1st | 185 | Joey “Jaws” Chestnut | |
2nd | 140 | Darron Breeden | |
3rd | 108 | Matt “Hungry” Hazzard | |
4th | 101 | Adam “Beard Meats Food” Moran | |
5th | 85 | George Chiger | |
6th | 64 | Eric “Badlands” Booker | |
6th | 64 | Darrien “Cheesecurd” Thomas | |
8th | 28 | Katie Prettyman | |
9th | 27 | Jocelyn Walker | |
10th | 20 | Tracie Dickerson |
Amateur contest results from Michael Jenkins (5 minutes)
1) Joel Hansen 87
2) Michael Jenkins 46
3) Jay Figueroa 33
Katie Prettyman’s live stream
Anonymous said
March 10, 2019 @ 9:35 pm
Beard Can’t beat a girl so he has to jump the pond to be number one in the UK at something. He can hide things in his beard here.
Non-US Perks said
March 11, 2019 @ 3:32 pm
So MLE wont pay gas money/travel expenses to someone that lives in the US but will pay Beard to fly here plus hotel stay for a week? What do MLE members think of this situation and he can’t even get top 3 in any of their events?
Anonymous said
March 11, 2019 @ 8:36 pm
Who says MLE paid for Beard to go?
Aninja1 said
March 12, 2019 @ 12:50 am
Where’s Esper at the event?
Anonymous said
March 12, 2019 @ 5:30 am
Esper had the flu.