Amy K. Nelson of SBNation has a video interview with Takeru Kobayashi and his translator / manager Maggie James about the MLE contract he rejected, which he claims would have included both the 2010 and 2011 Nathan's contests and gave him a base pay of $40,000.


  1. anonymous said

    July 3, 2012 @ 4:14 pm

    Boo friggidy hoo – wish somebody offered me a contract that guaranteed me $20000 a year. I’m tired of him – ship him back to Japan as soon as that bogus “unique skill” specialty visa expires.

  2. Anonymous said

    July 3, 2012 @ 4:29 pm

    He clearly is still under some spell from his Maggie. Really? The same contract most eaters sign but they do not make $20,000 a year. Her head is not screwed on straight nor is his. Complete folly, surely everyone can see the illogic of what she is saying. Well, I hope they can. I am really really disappointed, I thought it was something really sinister.

  3. Anonymous said

    July 4, 2012 @ 1:38 am

    Oh who gives a shit already? “hi I’m Kobi. I can’t do anything, but what my manager/translator/significant other tells me to do. However, I will do ANYTHING for money – even if it means food whoring and STILL bitching about Nathan’s and the MLE.” get over it and yourself already! we’re all tired of hearing it.

  4. takeru said

    July 4, 2012 @ 7:29 am

    hello my name is Kobayashi i am not gay i am japanese

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