Beautiful Brian – Sonya wins NC ribs, Eater X 2nd
from bulletin
Harrah’s casino, Cherokee, NC
7/8 Results updated from
1. Sonya Thomas, 5.45 lb
2. Tim “Eater X” Janus, 4.3 lb
3. Dale Boone, 3.9
Rich LeFevre DQ
Hopefully this will shut Luther up for a while.
It will be interesting to see what extracurricular activities Dale Boone was involved in. Brian Seiken claims Boone and Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough almost came to blows in Memphis.
beautifulbrian said
July 8, 2006 @ 1:02 pm
Sorry about the mistake on Sonya’s totals it was 5.4 lbs she ate. Mr Jarvis called in with Sonya finishing with 4.5
Todd Smith said
July 8, 2006 @ 2:23 pm
Well I competed at Memphis and never saw Dale or Bubba almost come to blows. Some razzing went on but nothing like coming to blows. People should get stories straight before posting them
beautifulbrian said
July 8, 2006 @ 3:49 pm
Well Golleeey Todd . What people? no big deal to say my name. “Brian should get his stories straight” Well guess what Todd ask Bubba and maybe he will tell you the same story cause thats who i got it from
Mr Wright said
July 8, 2006 @ 4:08 pm
According to Boone was ahead midway through the rib contest. Big Deal . Its the winner that counts. That update could have come from only one person and we know who that is. In the past Ed Jarvis was his main source for IFOCE updates and beautifulbrian would throw him a bone every now and then. Very considerate of Boone to mention that Lefevre was sick before the contest.We guess he was in a good mood . If Boone was out of the money he wouldnt have been that considerate to mention Lefevre health PERIOD!
Bubba said
July 8, 2006 @ 4:15 pm
Actually Todd we were done with all that before you got there. In NC Dale was nice he acted like the Dale I used to know before he went to India. He shook peoples hands acted cool then took care of business at the table.
SuperPaul said (Registered January 26, 2006)
July 8, 2006 @ 8:57 pm
Everybody behaved themselves in Cherokee Casino, here’s more of the finishes:
1. Sonya
2. Tim
3. Dale
4. Someone in first competition
5. Bubba 2lb and change
6. Larry McNeil a smidge over 2 lbs
7. SuperPaul – I was at 1.83 lbs.
8. some new dude at 1.79 lbs
It was the best tasting food I’ve had in competition….we had a newer announcer that needed some seasoning!!
Mr Advice said
July 8, 2006 @ 10:01 pm
Superpaul dont you have anything better to do on a saturday night then let everyone know they they behaved themself in harrahs . On a saturday night at 8:57 pm you should be at a disco picking up chicks
Mr Negativity said
July 8, 2006 @ 10:18 pm
Boone must have took his medication or went cold turkey with the alcohol. Dont expect the same courtesy next time around from him
SuperPaul said (Registered January 26, 2006)
July 9, 2006 @ 7:42 am
I never liked disco music and My wife wouldn’t care for me picking up chicks too much!!
Todd Smith said
July 9, 2006 @ 7:28 pm
Sorry Bubba, I guess I need to get my stories straight. But I had a great time at NC, but I personally thought those ribs were nasty nasty nasty.
Bubba said
July 9, 2006 @ 9:02 pm
People don’t let Bonecrusher Barlow fool you he had women draped all over him. Paul should be “Paul Pimping Barlow” he was running some hoes.
Rhonda Evans said
July 10, 2006 @ 10:17 am
My God Bubba I hope Super Paul’s wife has a great sense of humor if she reads this!
SuperPaul said (Registered January 26, 2006)
July 10, 2006 @ 3:20 pm
Thanks to Bubba, I am now grounded for six months
Rhonda Evans said
July 10, 2006 @ 4:01 pm
If we relied on the IFOCE to post results we’d think the contest never happened. Thank God for sites like BB, Speedeat, urbanhonking, and yes, of course, Trencherwomen!
I sort of feel that had there been another winner the news would have been posted at light speed, even if it meant the IFOCE’s Webmaster had to get out of bed at midnight.
Bubba said
July 10, 2006 @ 5:18 pm
Everybody knows I’m retarded and not to be taken seriously.