The Boston Globe has an interview with Geoff Esper about his victory in the pepperoni rolls eating contest in Three Rivers Festival in Fairmont, WV last week. He says he will compete in the Boston Nathan's qualifier on June 18.


  1. anonymous said

    June 3, 2017 @ 2:07 pm

    The comments from the article are brutal:

    Burncoatgirl06/03/17 07:55 AM
    This guy is a teacher? Where? What school system employs a “role model” who obviously has mental health issues? Somebody, please dig into Mr. Esper’s teaching credentials.

    BornSerious06/03/17 12:15 AM
    It’s not much different than other forms of body abuse. These stories always remind me of the woman who drank too much water in a radio station’s water-chugging contest a few years ago; she died, leaving grieving children and a husband. Tragic.

    “Today the images and stories coming out of Ethiopia and its neighbours in east Africa are similarly heartbreaking. In 2017, 16 million people are on the brink of starvation and desperately in need of food, water and medical treatment.”

    Marshgirl06/02/17 10:06 PM
    With all the hungry people in the world this is obscene.

    greyman06/02/17 06:29 PM
    This stuff is direspectful of the hungry.

    Lizziesmom06/02/17 04:38 PM
    And to think I’ve been wasting my time watching the NBA finals.

    ArmySteve06/02/17 04:57 PM
    That’s disgusting

    SouthCoast3406/02/17 05:41 PM
    It is also gross that this is “news.”

    Just_Jake06/03/17 01:27 PM
    You all don’t understand the second act. That food doesn’t stay down for long. They go woof woof asap. It would be truly an eating contest if they monitored these lunatics for 24 hours after the event to make sure they don’t barf it up.

    johncharles91306/03/17 07:52 AM
    Professional MORON!

    10-10-D06/03/17 06:20 AM
    New England claims another G.O.A.T.

  2. Anonymous said

    June 3, 2017 @ 3:52 pm

    So what. How are these comments any different from other stories about competitive eating? There will always be the naysayers who hate to see food get wasted or blame our sport for the country’s obesity problem.

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