Iello Games has a picture of cards used in Tem-Purr-A, a game about competitive eating cats. ![TemPurrACards](
Tem-Purr-A, a card game about competitive eating cats, is available for pre-order and will be released on March 17. The game's motto is "It's more than a meowthful!". (Overview video | game rulebook)
ICv2 reports that Tem-purr-a, a board game about competitive eating cats, will be released in February. The objective is "to eat as much food as they can without getting indigestion, while pushing dishes onto their neighbors in order to make them over-indulge."
Kickstarter is accepting pledges for Halfling Feast, a competitive eating card game set in a Lord of the Rings type universe. The project currently has reached $4,496 of its $5,313 goal. People who pledge $379 or more will have a halfling character in the game created based on their likeness (or someone else they select.) Pledging will close on October 19.
ilonggo Tech Blog has a review of the new competitive eating game Warriors of Nom Nom for iPhone/iPad and Android devices.
Halfling Feast, a competitive eating card game set in a Lord of the Rings type universe will debut at the UK Games Expo. A previous competitive eating card game, Guts of Glory, was set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. (via Gamestable_Dan) has a review of "Guts of Glory", a competitive eating board game set in a post-apocalyptic world. (direct video link)
The Critical Boardgamer has a review of the competitive eating board game "Guts of Glory", which was officially released in December 2013.
Kickstarter funding for the competive eating card game Guts of Glory closes today. The project has exceeded is goal of $25,000 by more than $15,000.
Guts of Glory a board game described as "a mouth-cramming, deck-spewing, competitive card game for 2-4 players set in the post-apocalypse" has started a page which seeks to raise $25,000 by September 28. ($3,434 has been raised today). A beta version of the game's rulebook and a print & play edition are available on the page. update Aug 30 Kotaku has a positive review of the game.