Palm Beach eating challenges
(All Palm Beach eating challenges and contests in database)
W. Palm Beach Sweet Corn Contest April 29, Bway at Beach April 21
The April calendar for the South Florida Fairgrounds in West Palm Beach says the IFOCE corn eating contest will return on April 29.
In Yesteryear Village. The 7th Annual Sweet Corn Fiesta features plenty of fun for the family: Food and live music, International Federation of Competitive Eaters Competition (as seen on ESPN), the Amateur Sweet Corn Eating Contest, the old fashion bathing suit contest, and a corn shuckin’ contest. All rides, games and activities are FREE. has listed the Broadway at the Beach contest that will take place in Myrtle Beach, SC on April 21.
Sweet corn contest slideshow
from – The Palm Beach Bost has a multimedia presentation of the sweet corn contest won by Joe LaRue in April. supersizedmeals has taken video captures of the slideshow.
Sweet corn updated results & articles
Updated results for the sweet corn contest at the Sweet Corn Festival in Palm Beach, FL
1. 34 ears “Jammin” Joe LaRue in 12 minutes
2. 30 ears by Jason Smith
3. 28 ears by Bryan “the Lion” Miller
The Sun Sentinel and the Palm Beach Post have articles about the contest.
Sweet corn results
from & Brian Seiken
1. 34 ears “Jammin” Joe LaRue in 12 minutes (breaks Cookie Jarvis’ 2004 record by .5 ear)
2. 30 ears Jay Smith
3. 28 ears Larry McNeil
West Palm Beach sweet corn eating contest information
TCPalm has details about Sunday’s sweet corn eating competition in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Two new late April contests
Two contests in late April have been added to the IFOCE schedule, the asparagus contest in Stockton, California and the Sweet Corn Contest in Palm Beach, Florida.