Cookie Jarvis wins San Gennaro Cannoli contest


Cookie Jarvis wins the cannoli eating contest Friday in Little Italy, NYC sponsored by the Festival of San Genarro. This is Jarvis’ third win in less than a month. Full results:

  1. 26 Ed “Cookie” Jarvis
  2. 22 Tim “Eater X” Janus
  3. 21 “Crazy Legs” Conti
  4. 18 Big Brian Subich
  5. 11-12 Tim Holden

Eric “Badlands” Booker was present but did not defend his title. There is a rumor that George Shea tried to discourage Jarvis from competing due to his weight. If this is true, it contradicts the assertion by AICE that IFOCE is unconcerned about the health of its heavier eaters.

Comments (7)


  1. Mr. Negativity said

    September 18, 2005 @ 8:53 am

    some wiseass named two inch Rod thinks that people can donate in other ways to Katrina besides monetary donations. Well guess what fool, sending money is the only way to help these people.Ill bet he didnt give a dime but he enjoys hearing himself try to avoid the issue with his holier than thou attitude.

  2. Wankyo said

    September 18, 2005 @ 11:44 am

    Hey mr. negative I am a fan of competitive eating and everytime I see one of your posts it disturbs me because you do not know what you are talking about. You know some people open up their homes to the homeless. Some people are in the guard and help in that way. Some people donate meals. Some people have medical skills etc etc.. My advice for you is that less is more because the more you speak the more idiotic you sound. Oh and one more thing change your name to mr. i need help. I hope you attend a competitive eating event one day so i can meet you. All i’ll have to do is hear your words and i will know it is you

  3. Mr. Negativity said

    September 18, 2005 @ 3:44 pm

    I think that you are more of an idiot than anyone. Did you give any money No. so Shutup. And what may i ask are your intentions if you meet me?

  4. The Truth said

    September 18, 2005 @ 10:21 pm

    They are P.R company. Most of what they do is spin. They don’t mean anything they say or do, whether its fake interest in health, or donating to keep negativity off them. They don’t give a sh*t about anyone or anything but them & theres.

    In most cases, donating ones time is much more valuable than $$$. Unfortunately, times like these are probably one of the exceptions.

    I also extend a get well soon to the lovely madam of ettiquette, Carlene LeFevre.

    Betting Mr. Negativity is Seiken; Cheap seats attacks Cookie so bad, he’ll have another tantrum.

  5. Eat till ya drop said

    September 18, 2005 @ 11:48 pm

    I will bet the truth and nothing but the truth is Joe Menchetti

  6. Rod said

    September 19, 2005 @ 9:36 am

    I would never think that Mr. Negativity would be “The Beautiful” one. I visit Brian’s site quite a bit and he seems fairly intelligent, witty, and entertaining.

  7. beautifulbrian said

    September 19, 2005 @ 10:41 am

    I frequent this site quite a bit and i have seen Mr. Negativity comments. Rest assure Mr Neg and i are not one and the same person. Some of my comments on bits and pieces might sound similar and i believe i made reference to Katrina donations on this site but this person is not in my league or is attempting to become a copycat. I would never lower myself to betlittling people on other websites as well as trying to gain attention considering i have a high profile site of my own. Thanks for looking out Rod. I think the person that started the rumor could be homegrown product of AICE

  8. ?anl?urfa Psikolog said (Comment pending approval)

    June 27, 2022 @ 8:34 am

    Congratulations for writing this article.

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