and other new URLs
Juris “Dr. Big Time” Shibayama has started a personal website at with a page devoted to competitive eating.
There have been a lot of recent changes for Japanese websites. Sakura Takahashi has moved to Tomoko Miyake, Saori Nakayama and Kana Kanisawa have all moved their blogs to new URLS (See sidebar for links)
Rhonda Evans said
January 3, 2008 @ 9:17 am
Great Web site Doc!
Badlands Booker said
January 3, 2008 @ 11:54 pm
Awesome Website Dr. Bigtime. Can’t wait to meet you. See you at a contest soon.
Dr. Bigtime said
January 6, 2008 @ 2:41 pm
Thanks for the positive comments. Reminder that my Wing Bowl stunt is this Tuesday, Jan 8 at 8 AM. 12 Krispy Kremes in 90 seconds.
PS Badlands, am I really referenced in a song on H&F 4?
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
January 8, 2008 @ 7:04 pm
hey doc,nice site,real nice bike,and your daughter is such a cutie patootie,i like her CE impression,it looks like she is chipmunking,lol…have a nice day
Anonymous said
January 8, 2008 @ 9:09 pm
SyKoBOZO, didn’t you eat 9 kolaches at the Kolache Factory World Kolache Eating Championship? Why didn’t you come to the grits eating contest like you said you were?
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
January 9, 2008 @ 12:58 am
i was going to but,had a death in the family so i couldnt go,i was planning on doing grits and then the next day driving to dallas for the cornydog contest,where i placed 3rd….and at kolaches it was my first contest ever,i tied a couple of guys who had been doing this 2 years plus and it was in front of around 25,000 people,was also on tv,and did 2 radio shows,so i was pretty stoked
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
January 9, 2008 @ 1:14 am
this year i will eat 9.5,you gotta better yourself every year,actually Joey,Pat,Sonya,Humble Bob,Hall,Jason Erb,US Male,Brad (old school),Timm,and others have all been very helpful and have let me know when i was training wrong,and things to try for training properly,so im really looking foward to my 4th contest whatever it may be,so far its a blast going to the contests…Horray for table-enders!(ok now im not really at the end,im like 3rd from the end,lol) Have A Nice Day