Ian Hickman wins California fried zucchini contest

Ian Hickman won the Farmer Boy’s Fried Zucchini contest held in Riverside, California on Saturday, his second consecutive victory. After taking Joe Menchetti’s current hiatus from AICE events into account, there does not appear to be any active eater on who can impede Hickman’s rise to the top of that organization.

Comments (7)


  1. Way Too Sympathetic Wally said

    January 18, 2006 @ 10:24 am

    Like a third-grader on the special ed. playground!

    Congrats on nothing.

    (Hopefully he’s fooled himself into believing he’s done something big.)

  2. eatahotdogdude said

    January 18, 2006 @ 3:27 pm

    Wally Wally, chill. This Hickman kid might be good. Give him his due respect. Of course if he has any self respect he should jump to the bigs and get paid for his succeses instead of cowtowwing to mr. green jeans in some fleabag hotel!! Like Pat from Chicago and some of the other younger dudes who are taking checks out of this game and don’t seem to be too unhappy or agrivated.

    Go panthers!!! LOL! Still in it to win it.

  3. INVADER said

    January 18, 2006 @ 10:16 pm

    Thanks ‘eatahotdogdude.’ I actually appreciate your comment in response to Wally’s. Well, some of it of course. I’ll say Arnie and the AICE has given me an opportunity to participate in a sport that I really enjoy and have fun with. These past few months have been nothing but a blast for me regardless of titles or prize pack.. I think being able to just see how much food I can handle in a few minutes tops all of that! The whole experience has been great. Now I don’t care whether you eat in the IFOCE or the AICE, I respect those that have achieved or even attempted competitive eating events most could only dream of. As for Wally, I don’t know who you are so I’ll refrain from anything direct. However, it does feel good to say I spent this past weekend in Cali havin’ a good ol’ time while you were doing, um, not that.

  4. Way Too Sympathetic Wally said

    January 18, 2006 @ 10:22 pm

    eatahotdogdude must be hickman’s mom. Thanks for the total crap you wrote.

  5. Way Too Sympathetic Wally said

    January 18, 2006 @ 11:21 pm

    “While you were doing, um, not that.”

    I thought you said you’d refrain from anything direct because you don’t know who I am. You’re direct in telling me what I wasn’t doing when you have no knowledge of what I was doing.

    I was in “Cali” and having a great time. I live in “Cali,” only we don’t call it “Cali” because it sounds gay to say, “Cali.”

  6. Mr Negativity said

    January 19, 2006 @ 1:28 am

    INVADER is AICE’s version of Eater X although if they ever went head to head Eater X would chop him up into zucchini

  7. eatahotdogdude said

    January 19, 2006 @ 11:32 am

    i wasn’t looking to start a battle with negativity and wally wallbanger. i am sure a weekend in cali or california or whatever is the axcepted term is better then sitting in my apartment in the dead of winter but i can’t think that hickman had much luck with the california chicks if he was on the road with green jeans and the other travelling dingleberries unless putting roofies in the iced tea of blanche from the golden girls is his idea of a good time and i doubt that and i wouldnt bet he couldnt be eater x you cause never know till it happesn.

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