Kevin Carr starts weekly C.E. podcast
Kevin Carr has started a weekly podcast about competitive eating at Neil Miller will be Kevin’s cohost. The following topics are discussed in the premier podcast:
Kevin and Neil discuss the impact of the latest Nathan’s contest and Kobayashi’s reversal of fortune that went without a disqualification. In the second segment, Beautiful Brian Seiken calls in with a report on what was happening at ground zero on Coney Island and a history of reversal controversy.
Elliot said
July 7, 2007 @ 7:06 pm
That was a great show. These men are on the money. I cant wait for the next one.
Mega Munch said
July 7, 2007 @ 10:19 pm
Yeah, this episode sounded really good. Better than I expected. Well done and professional. I like how the podcast counters Kevin’s CE expertise with Neil’s “average guy/no CE knowledge” perspective.
shazam said (Registered June 27, 2007)
July 7, 2007 @ 11:01 pm
I agree. Very informative. Keep it up.
Anonymous said
July 8, 2007 @ 11:22 am
Good job Kevin, that was a great podcast. I just wonder where you and others think the sport of CE will go if Koby never comes back to America, leaving Chestnut as the top dog, and CE once again has one dominant figure winning all the major competitions, with no one out there to really challenge him?
Kevin Carr said
July 8, 2007 @ 3:28 pm
Thanks for the kind words, all. Anonymous has a good question. We’ll probably hit on that for the next show. Although I think there’s a closer gap between Chestnut and the eaters ranked lower than him than the gap between Koby and everyone else over the past 6 years. Bertoletti’s nipping at his heels, and he gets some good challenges from the likes of Simpson, X, Shoudt and even veterans like Sonya and Rich. But yeah, definitely something to discuss.
anonymous said
July 8, 2007 @ 3:57 pm
What about Brian didnt he do a good job anonymous Hmm Hmm Hmm anonymous Hmmm ????
The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)
July 8, 2007 @ 4:51 pm
With the way MLE is now being run more like a wrestling match with the Refs or in CE…. Judges, turning a blind eye to the top ranked rule breakers I would not be surprised if the Sheas are not already looking for replacements to Koby. Remember the 70’s and 80’s when the WWF had the All American Hulk Hogan going up against the likes of the Iron Sheik. at Nathan’s we saw George Shea thrust the American Flag onto Joey and told him to hold it up and wrap himself in the flag.
I see MLE trying to imitate what Vince McMahon did with USA against the World. Right now Joey is USA with some like Pat Bertoltti in the wings to be another great USA eater against anyone from Japan, Iraq, Germany or even places like Canada or Mexico.
I agree with Kevin. Koby has reversed at least 3 times and IFOCE/MLE has turned a blind eye to it each time. I say why not just update the so-called rule book to say anyone who reverses will be DQ’ed unless your name is Koby. And changed or eliminate the phony 5 second dunking rule because this rule is broken by many top ranked eaters as often as Mexican citizens break the law by illegally crossing the border.
Anonymous said
July 8, 2007 @ 10:40 pm
Like usual, BB was insight and provided great commentary and an interesting perspective to Nathan’s and the Koby reversal. Good job on BB’s end as well.
fanatic313 said (Registered June 8, 2007)
July 9, 2007 @ 10:38 pm
Thank you for responding to my post Kevin, however, let me expound a bit further on my question. Nathan’s is the biggest event in CE. It is the event that the public is most exposed to, and the event that draws in the most new fans. The better the quality of competition that there is at Nathan’s, the more interest it will draw, which in turn will give the sport more popularity, and thus a better chance of more competitions being broadcasted, and overall, just better for the growth and development of the sport. Now if next year Koby comes back and at his qualifier he breaks Chestnut’s record, then you are looking at one of the most anticipated Nathan’s ever. But if something happens and Koby decides to withdraw from further American Competitions, then Joey is the lone favorite, with Pat and Tim, a respectable, but distant second and third. And as impressive as Tim and Pat’s numbers where this year, as they begin to close in on 50, they are still far behind Joey and his abilities when it comes to hotdogs. By no means is this meant as a knock on Tim or Pat’s talents as eaters, as what they have done in hotdogs had been done by only two other people ever, but you must wonder if they too are reaching their limits as the totals from their qualifies increased by less than four each, even though they both had almost two months to prepare. With that in mind, if Koby does not show up next year, and Joey supplants Koby as the dominate force at Nathan’s, do you believe Joey has enough buzz or interest about him to keep the sport alive and growing like Koby did, or will Joey dominating Nathan’s for the next x number of years, ultimately hurt the sport more in the long run than it will help it?
SuperPaul said
July 9, 2007 @ 11:53 pm
Man, that’s a long answer…has Beautiful Brian been giving you lessons?
Kevin Carr said
July 10, 2007 @ 2:05 am
Fanatic313, you do bring up some good questions. However, arguably Koby has dominated the sport – probably more so than Joey does now – since he came on the scene. And it was only this year and last year that there was any real chance of anyone else winning.
I think that competition from other eaters like Pat, Tim, Sonya and Bob will keep things alive, but you’ll never meet the excitement of this year’s contest. It wasn’t just the record (because Joey already broke that in his qualifier), but the idea of an American winning the belt again.
Ultimately, there’s gonna be a slump in the general public next year even if Koby returns, and I think if it becomes the Joey and Koby show for the next 5 years, that’s just as uninteresting in the general sense than either one always winning it. I think what happens in Krystals will give us a preview on what will happen. If Koby loses and he can’t meet the Nathans numbers next year, he might not be back. If Koby wins Krystals and/or is able to do close to 70 dogs next year, it could be a huge contest.
While Joey is the greatest American eater right now, he’s not ubiquitously winning everything. He’s lost occassionally in different disciplines. I think this makes things more interesting for CE in the coming year.
What’s nice about Joey being on top right now versus Koby is that Joey does a bunch of different contests throughout the year. Koby has done 2 or 3 American contests each year, and I wouldn’t expect him to ever do any more if for any other reason that he lives in Japan and only comes over here for the big stuff. I like the idea of seeing a current champ like Joey doing a bunch of different contests each year. After all, as good as Koby is, I’d love to see him eat in other disciplines that aren’t sandwich foods, like going up against Pat in pie. Yes, he’d have a good shot of winning that, but I think Pat and others could give him a run for his money.
I know SuperPaul… a roundabout and long answer. Listen to next Sunday’s EatCast show. We’ll definintely talk about this…
carey poehlmann said
July 10, 2007 @ 8:06 am
Hangman, could you imagine if we saw an eater distract the judges so that another eater can put his hotdogs on someone elses plate next year?
Fanatic, last year Joey improved by two HDBs in two months between the qualifier and the 4th, with a total that only beat Bertoletti’s total this year by what, two and half a dogs? I know Joey’s improvements are much better this year, seven over the whole year, and six on top of that in the big show, but I wouldn’t be surprised if next year Pat wasn’t a fear in Joey’s eyes. ( you can do it Philbin 🙂 )
Rhonda Evans said
July 10, 2007 @ 10:10 am
Kevin, if you think that Pat or anyone else could come even close to Koby in nonsandwich foods you are in for an awakening. I am talking salad, soup, seafood, fries, chicken, turkey, pasta, ribs, wings, baked beans, pickles, asparagus, cabbage, chili, ice cream, shrimp, corn, tamales, watermelon, whatever. It doesn’t matter.
Joey, Pat, and all the other eaters had better be damned glad that Koby is not based here in the US. For if he were he’d win every contest he attended, and it would be a lot more than two or three per year.
Though I don’t actually believe it, I have heard that with the death of Koby’s mother, Koby is contemplating such a move, since he now has less ties in Japan. Frankly, I would salivate to see it!
Kevin Carr said
July 10, 2007 @ 11:18 am
Wow, dial down the hostility, Rhonda. I don’t doubt Koby would dominate, but I’d be curious to see what the field would be like if he competed in more diverse contests here. That’s all I’m saying.
Rhonda Evans said
July 10, 2007 @ 11:43 am
I know you’re a good guy Kevin, and I my intention was not to come across as hostile, but perhaps I did. I was just trying to be “supportive” of Koby, because I get tired of people forming opinions based on a single performance, versus careful examination of the big picture.
carey poehlmann said
July 10, 2007 @ 12:56 pm
well that explains alot of what we are seeing here. Rhonda, Kobay is a big boy. He can defend himself if he needed to, which I think he doesn’t. I also don’t think that the very intriguing questions being posed by ones like Kevin and Fanatic could even be taken as an afront to Kobay’s greatness. I think if one grain of salt isn’t enough, then when reading everything being said try taking the ideas with a valium instead.
Rhonda Evans said
July 10, 2007 @ 1:39 pm
Carey, you’re way above my head. Land that space craft and talk to me.
carey poehlmann said
July 10, 2007 @ 4:30 pm
basically, I said that I think you may be misinterpreting everyone’s pondering as slander or insult to Kobay. I was wondering why all the arguing all of a sudden, that’s all. Geez, you are sounding alot like me lately.