Link Buffet: December 6, 2008
- Time lapse videos of the challenges attempted on Man vs. Food December 3 and post-challenge press conferences are available on
- Steakbellie is looking for freelance web / graphics work. Good luck with the job search SB
- Does “Furious” Pete have a new best friend in chemical form?
- Latke eating contest at Zan’s Deli returns December 21
- Josh & Lynette complete the Fenton’s banana split challenge Part I, Part II
- Pictures from Gal Sone’s 23rd birthday party Thursday
Badlands Booker said (Registered October 9, 2008)
December 6, 2008 @ 11:41 am
Happy Birthday Lil.Bran aka OK Hip Hop!
beautifulbrian said (Registered November 22, 2005)
December 6, 2008 @ 3:13 pm
I would like to proudly announce the upcoming release of Beautifulbrian’s Xmas CD digitally remastered for your listening pleasure. The instrumentals will be remixed with brand new crisper sounding vocals. It will be available for your listening pleasure before the holidays. For those of you that own the original CD which was released last Xmas, toss it in the trash can because it when you compare both , you will come to the conclusion that the old one sounds like shit. . The CD will be produced by Badlands Booker whom i consider the Phil Spector of competitive eating hip hop. You can read more about it on myspace blog
Pathetic eater said
December 6, 2008 @ 4:36 pm
Pete this stuff is amazing. I could not eat more than 8 hot dogs and buns until this amazing supplement came along. I tried it for a week and my totals skyrocketed from a putrid total of 8 to 16. I hope stinky miernicki is reading this. This will easily propel him to the top of the rankings in competitive eating. I cant wait to try a white castle run . Boy oh boy i can now compete with the likes of Pat Bertoletti and Joey Chestnut. Who knows this might have been their best kept secret all along. All you shitty eaters out there that have given up hope , try this stuff right away. To steal a line from a righteous brothers song, RPN gut health youre my reason for laughing for crying for living and for dying
Furious Pete said
December 6, 2008 @ 5:11 pm
Amazing Pathetic Eater…too bad this product just helps with overall body digestion and protein uptake within the body…not with letting you eat faster. Not related to CE really, just a review on a free product I got…but encorporated it into my eating.
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
December 7, 2008 @ 7:38 am
HAHA – nice bust Pete, shit anything that helps digestion better sounds like a good product for us, hey are you doing wings in Whitby (are they having it this year) – H.A.N.D. 🙂
Furious Pete said
December 7, 2008 @ 9:25 am
I WANT to do wings…but they aren’t having the event this year for some reason. 🙁
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
December 7, 2008 @ 2:24 pm
Thanks for spreading the word on your site!