Molly Schuyler competed against Vernon J in a cannoli eating contest on today's Omaha Morning Blend (video).
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confused said
June 4, 2013 @ 4:12 pm
Why would Molly call Nathan’s hot dogs “cold and gross”?
I’m assuming she already told ML she would be doing this contest before she signs????
Nice that she was repping Badlands though with the shirt.
Rookie Stupidity said
June 4, 2013 @ 4:58 pm
The new kids on the block are just learning how competitive eating really works. Miki Sudo and her following of dumbasses coming on here constantly and continually kissing her ass makes Miki Sudo look desperate for attention. Molly Schuyler doesn’t get that Nathan’s is paying her way, and it’s not too bright to dis sponsors’ publically. You get can away with that behavior as an indy, but for someone trying to make it in the professional world competitive eating those kind of antics won’t last long. Hopefully, they’ll learn, and will be totally embarrassed about they and their behavior when they reflect back to days they were just coming up. I don’t know the details, maybe the MLE okayed it, but it’s also not too bright doing non sanctioned events, if in fact that what Molly did with the Cannoli. After the Stephanie Torres incident, MLE won’t hesitate to sue for breach of contract and you’ll find yourself getting blackballed by sponsors.
Ummm... said
June 4, 2013 @ 5:27 pm
Yeah, interesting choice of words. She’s new, they’ll work on it.
Molly S said
June 4, 2013 @ 7:58 pm
I am not embarrassed or sorry for what I said. Hot dogs that sit outside for well over half an hour are not delicious to eat. They were cold. I don’t know of too many people who like to eat a large amount of food that is below room temp.. especially meats. Hot dogs should be warm and juicy. Nathans has an amazing product. It should be served the same way.
For Real said
June 4, 2013 @ 9:34 pm
Nice explanation after the fact Molly. Unfortunately you made it sound like Nathan’s dogs suck. That’s what will be remembered.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
June 4, 2013 @ 10:14 pm
Be glad it wasn’t 50 degrees and rainy like the 2009 Minnesota qualifier
Anonymous said
June 4, 2013 @ 10:26 pm
@forreal if you remember that someone once said hot dogs sucked cause they were cold you are in fact a big loser no life lmao did you also sit around playing xbox all day
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 12:17 am
Get a life. First of all, Molly can say whatever she wants. Maybe she wants to remain indy and doesn’t care to lie or play polite.
Next, can you take half a breath without making things about Miki? She always thanks sponsors and mentions them in a favorable light, and you’d be hard pressed to find one article (tv appearance, radio interview, etc.) in which she does anything but that.
The cannolis looked delicious. That’s where the focus should be.
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 5:04 am
@Rookiestupidity : Miki and Molly are clamoring for attention? In case you didn’t notice, you’re talking about them more than anyone else.
Wow! said
June 5, 2013 @ 7:41 am
Terrible choice of words, Molly. And that fact that you don’t see the error in your ways is even more disturbing. Not a good way to present yourself to MLE, sponsors and other eaters.
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 9:10 am
Who is anybody to really judge? Does anyone know IF she has even signed with MLE yet? Look at Miki’s situation, maybe Molly had a prior obligation that was promised. On top of that she didn’t win anything. Her wording may have been a little askew but I think she was being honest. I wouldn’t want to eat cold hot dogs. Gross.
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 10:25 am
Still very immature of her and anyone who thinks that what eaters say doesn’t matter. Whatever they eat in a contest, it is always related to a sponsor. There is a sponsor for everything, EVERYTHING. Want to compete? Do not make excuses, you look like a jerk, and never diss the product unless you really do not care if you ever eat again. MLE, ALLPro, Indy, Boonie, doesn’t matter.
Rookie Stupidity said
June 5, 2013 @ 10:41 am
Molly, Nathan’s money that will be paying for you to go New York is also cold and hard. If I were Nathan’s I wouldn’t subject you to have to accept their money and allow you to sit at home, watch ESPN on the fourth, and eat all the warm hot dogs to your hearts content. You need to learn that this isn’t your local pizza shop. This is Nathan’s, ESPN, top media throughout the world, big time dollars, and they don’t need some no name eater, they are paying for, to dis their product. Fine go out and tell all your friends that Nathan’s suck, but if you had any sense you would keep it to yourself in public forums. Frankly, it’s disappointing you don’t see that. If you did sign a contract with IFOCE, they are quickly learning that you can’t be trusted with any media or product loyalty sense and you’ll never see a contest over the next three years. Fine, then go out and do some indie events, but since Stephanie Torres, MLE will sue you for all they can.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 5, 2013 @ 10:55 am
Molly said nothing that isn’t true. She appears to be her own woman.
Lots and lots of people read Eatfeats who don’t post here, and this includes representatives from all the sponsors.
Off the record, if you say it on Eatfeats, you’re unofficially, “On the Record.”
confused said
June 5, 2013 @ 12:06 pm
Agree with RS quote ” Fine go out and tell all your friends that Nathan’s suck, but if you had any sense you would keep it to yourself in public forums.”
Just doesn’t make sense she would diss the product on a TV show. If you didn’t like it, then just smile and don’t say anything.
However, I really can never see an MLE contract hold up in court. Neither would I see the Shea’s investing a few thousand dollars in lawyer fees to take it to court. An MLE contract is more of a promise then it is legally binding in real life.
Rookie Stupidity said
June 5, 2013 @ 12:32 pm
Rhonda: What Molly said may in fact be true. But, if you want to keep your job, the people that pay you, you don’t go around telling the media what a shitty product your company produces. Work within the company to improve the product. You have a little discretion and keep it to yourself and go complain to the hubby or shoot the shit with your bar buddies. For Molly not to get that shows either tremendous hubris or lack of intelligence. And, quite frankly, MLE and their sponsors doesn’t need it. Molly has to understand now, as a professional it’s not about her, she’s now a vehicle used to advertise a product when she does interviews. All any sport really is is a way to get people watch the commercials. Hey I know, we’re talking the Omaha Morning Blend for gosh sakes. But, if she can’t handle that, it gives me no confidence she can sit down in New York with ESPN or the Associated Press and not put her foot in her mouth at the expense of the sponsor.
Who cares said
June 5, 2013 @ 2:19 pm
Molly never asked to be liked or admired, just as Boone never asked to be liked or respected. It’s just their good ‘ol “tell it like it is” personality. You get what you see, and ya see what ya get with these two. They’re their own people, and they don’t care to present an image or represent companies. Can’t fault them for not wanting to be cookie cutter professionals or role models. It’s about winning and doing the rest by their own rules.
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 3:01 pm
@rookie: MLE didn’t pay her shit! She went to Saint Paul on her own dime to compete and have fun. She didn’t sign with MLE so she doesn’t have to indorse any product if she doesn’t want to. Heck, she might not want to go to Coney Island. She might have just went to compete and hang out with her friends. Don’t just assume shit you don’t know nothing of.
Rookie Stupidity said
June 5, 2013 @ 3:02 pm
Oh great, use Dale Boone as Molly’s model of a competitive eater. Any advice to her is useless then, because if Who Cares actually says Molly doesn’t care about respected she’ll never be successful at anything — just like Dale Boone. “Ya get what you see, and ya see what ya get with these two.” So Dale Boone’s a loser, and Molly wants to be a loser too? Eating like Dale Boone? Seriously, does she even know Boone. Boone is such a whore, he’d tell people fried dog crap on a bun was the best product ever for five bucks and cup of coffee. So if Molly follows Boone’s model next year she’ll be eating against starving people in Bendoverstan, India, or the Three Toed Banjo Festival in Deliverance, West Virginia. Good luck with that.
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 4:38 pm
Nice to see some real comments on here for a change. Smart and informative.
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 6:32 pm
I heard Molly, Miki and many other female eaters have told Boone “to put it where the sun don’t shine” HA He really is a whore. If he doesn’t get his way or what he wants he turns into a mean old man. OLD man!
Anonymous said
June 5, 2013 @ 10:56 pm
@rookie stupidity your such a dumb ass your always assuming this and that about molly. So because she claimed hot dogs are cold she cant complain! I hope theres a dick in your food and you eat it but dont complain about it LMFAO. MLE didn’t pay for Molly to go compete and she didn’t sign a contract. People can choose to do what they want. Also to compare Molly to Boone you must be crazy!!!! Boone is a self absorbed prick who only cares about himself and doesn’t have the eating skills to prove it. Meanwhile Molly just likes to have fun doesn’t disrespect anyone and has eating talents far better than most eaters. I hope there is something nasty in your food next time and you better not complain about it smh….
anonymous said
June 10, 2013 @ 9:22 am
The latest word is that Molly is not competing at Nathans and did not sign with MLE. Thanks to this thread although i think her mind was made up before hand. Molly even said she has a family and a mortgage to take care of and a Nathans hot dog contest is not a priority for her right now. Please leave her alone and let her compete in $100 local pizza contests like Chilita
Anonymous said
June 11, 2013 @ 9:10 pm
BB @9:22 = you are an asshole… stop interfering with people with people lives and being a low down jerk. F off.