Pat wins Axia 3 turkey eating contest, Sonya DQed results:
Patrick Bertoletti: 4.8 lbs
Tim Janus: 3.8 lbs
Arturo Rios: 2.8 lbs
Crazy Legs Conti: 2.38 lbs
Justin Mih: 2.375 lbs
Eric “Steak Bellie” Livingston: 1.80 lbs
Brian Subich: 1.42 lbs
Sonya Thomas DQ – first DQ of 3.5 year IFOCE career
Does anyone have prize money breakdown?
ABC news article / photo gallery
AP article article
The video shows it is rather clear cut that Sonya merited disqualifying. She is taking the DQ with equanimity on her website.
Brian Seiken will also have video he recorded later today. He spoke to Sonya after the contest and said she told him she got turkey caught in her adam’s apple.