Philly Voice has an article about people making videos of themselves attempting to eat more than 10,000 calories in 24 hours. Autumn Henderson-Brazie's attempt to consume 20K calories is mentioned (she did almost 16K, which is the most I have seen for a female). In a recent video Erik "The Electric" Lamkin attempted to eat 48,000 calories over 48 hours.
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Anonymous said
August 20, 2015 @ 12:27 am
Calories are a really dumb bar by which to measure competitive eating prowess. Ex. An avocado is roughly the same size as an apple, but the avocado has WAY more calories. Mass is also a stupid measure. Ex. If you can afford it, eat gold. It’s very dense. Volume is the best measure.
Anonymous said
August 20, 2015 @ 8:50 am
Ive done over 100,000 in 5 days, could of made it 1 day if i wanted to. Calories are irrelevant tho
anonymous said
August 20, 2015 @ 12:34 pm
How many calories in a roach?
Anonymous said
August 20, 2015 @ 3:50 pm
Blizzz said (Registered July 16, 2008)
August 21, 2015 @ 3:34 pm
Oleg Zhornitskiy did 24,717 in 8 minutes with 1 gallon of mayo. That’s pretty good.
Oscar The Grouch said
August 22, 2015 @ 11:28 am
L.A. Beast consumed 24,000 calories of straight up olive oil in 4 minutes
Anonymous said
August 23, 2015 @ 12:41 am
And none of those are “cheat days”
anonymous said
August 23, 2015 @ 1:49 am
12:27 (first poster) is dead on correct.